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Kongpob thanked himself, for being a sucker for health. Being habituated with running every morning. Or he knew he'd have died of heart seizure. Because, he didn't know he could sprint like a marathon runner.

His chest was burning. And his breathes were like struggles for him. But he didn't stop. He kept sprinting, towards the infirmary.

He needed to get a car. Very soon.

The infirmary was in the fourth floor of their central building. And he couldn't wait for the lift to arrive. So, he took the flight of stairs on foot. Crossing two, sometimes three at a time. Not apologising to anyone that he pushed or brushed past.

He was breathless. Wet in profuse sweat, by the time he reached the floor, of the senior wing. And all the weird glances he got on himself, as he walked towards the room, situated in the end of the hall.

His heart thumping, out of rhythm. Not knowing, what sight he was going to be welcomed with. How much hurt. Or whether he was going to cry like a baby or control himself when he faces what was awaiting.

He stopped at the closed door of the infirmary. Gulping down lumps. Trying to catch his breathes. And calm his raging heart.

He closed his eyes. He was going to be a doctor. And facing with injured loved ones, is something, doctors are bound to face. He can't panic. Not now. But, the idea of facing that person hurt. Was still unsettling.

He slowly pushed the door open. And faced the backs of four maroon jersey clad backs. They haven't noticed Kong coming inside or shutting the door. But Kong recognised them all. And they were busy discussing.

"That son of a bitch. He fucking knew, Arthit can't hit him back inside University campus. Bloody pussy, taking advantage of his power..." Bright hissed.

And Kong frowned. Wondering what happened. He walked closer to the huddled group.

"Calm down Bright." Knott tried to calm Bright.

"Calm down? How can I fucking calm down? Look at him."

Kong heard a disembodied hiss soon. And he recognised the voice. Breaking his stupor. He pushed past the huddled group, his heart skipping beats.

Only to face another back. Wearing a lab coat. Kong recognised the tall man instantly. Phana Kongthanin. But, Kong can pay respect to his senior later.

"Excuse me, P'Phana." Kong mumbled.

Pushing away the surprised man. And his heart stopped. Looking at what Phana was hiding. He sighed in a cold breath. Staring at the hazel eyes. Looking back at him. Wearing his black jeans and black tee. The jacket off... Sitting on the edge of the table.

And he didn't know, who was more surprised. As the wide hazel eyes blinked.

But, Kong was long lost. Looking at the blue, swollen cheekbone. And now blood clotted eyes. The perfect full lips, cut in a corner. Bleeding, because of the piercing that cut into the flesh. Hairs disheveled. With a cut over the bridge of the pointy nose.

This wasn't an accident. Someone beat up Arthit. Pretty bad. And Kongpob wasn't stupid, to not be able to make ends meet.

"Kong..." Arthit looked surprised.

That broke Kong's trance. Making him realise. He was standing, close to Arthit. Making him take in the breathes that he forgot to take. Feeling the warm wetness, covering his cheeks.

"Hey P'Arthit..." Kong smiled. Stepping closer. "I turn my back for once and you get into trouble."

Arthit didn't reply. Staring at Kong. His handsome face, bruised. Making Kong's heart clench so painfully. That it was becoming hard for him to breath. But he smiled wider. Coming between Arthit's parted legs.

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