Valentine's 12

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"I heard you are in a relationship?"

Kong looked at the girl in front of him, in a peach floor length dress, with open brunette hairs. Giving that sickeningly sweet smile. Kong knew what she was doing. Like a lots of them were doing. Looking down at Arthit and enjoying the hushed discussion of the drama that unfolded between the Garners and Sutthiluks.

So, Kong just gave a polite smile, nodding. He wasn't entertaining this. Never will. Especially to people who wanted a piece of him. Like this girl, Kong didn't even recall the name of.

"What was his name again?" The girl smiled, which never reached her eyes.

"Arthit." Kong smiled back. Sipping his champagne.

"Oh." The girl drank from her glass. Her smile falling for a moment, only for it to come back again. "What does he do?"

Kong pretended he didn't hear. They knew what Arthit did. All of them knew and now, they just wanted to have some fun. And Kong wasn't having it.

"My dad, expanded his shipping venture and dare I say, we profited millions."

"Really?" Kong was extremely gloated. "Wow. Congratulations."

The girl blinked and gave a tight smile. Guess Kong wasn't able to hide his sarcasm, like he guessed he did. Oh well!

"Marie... There you are."

Kong watched a stout middle aged man approach them. What was his name again? Kong was sure Dean introduced him to the man at some point.

But Kongpob was disoriented, given the topic of all the discussions wasn't present yet. Kong downed the drink in his hand att one go and grabs another from a passing waiter.

"Oh... You are with Kongpob." The man smiled and Kong recognised the glint in those small dark eyes.

"Hello young man. I see you've met my daughter."

Kong smiled again. He can see his father and brother approaching from the corner of his eyes. Grateful and mad at the same time.

Kongpob was just restless, because he was picked up by Dean in the morning and Arthit wasn't here yet. He had to be in college from some important presentation. Even Bright was here with Marilyn, while he gets to tolerate the sharks.

"Looks like you met my daughter." That man wrapped his arm around Marie. "She just came back completing her course on fashion designing from Paris."

"You don't say..." Kong smiled, in mock indignation. "Wow... Good for you, Carie."

"Marie." The girl corrected with a tight smile.

"Right..." Kong clicked his tongue. "Laurie... Sorry, my bad."

Marie's father was talking to his father and brother, not noticing the ordeal going between Kong and Marie.

"Its only few years, your younger one will have a family of his own." The man laughed. "A baby completes your family."

Kong felt his eyes twitch, as he gulped another glass of champagne at one go. Stuffing his free hand in his pocket. Taking another glass.

Dean and Kerkklai looked at him alarmed. Knowing things can go wrong at any moment now. And their Christmas party will be ruined.

"You are right..." Marie chuckled. "But Daddy, please stop. Kongpob is committed to a man."

"Bullshit." The man scoffed. "Passing flings, floating feelings, until reality slaps. This is just a phase, Kerkklai. It will pass."

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