Valentine's 15.

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(Mentions of abuse, death and molestation.)

I don't even know why I am warning anymore... The story is tagged MATURE... And if I read the terms correctly... It sums up everything.

Anyways... Reader's discreet adviced.

Long chapter ahead...


Kongpob was feeling like his whole world was spinning. Though he sat surprisingly upright and took notes on cellular structures and the deep roots of DNA. Ignoring his shaky fingers. Or the worried glances, his friends were giving him.

It was 26th of July. And his birthday was in two days. But that wasn't the reason of his jitters. The reason was the memories of Nathan. Memories of the drama that ensued last year November. Why?

Because, Nathan was out of prison. With just a strong restraining order and warning. Because, since it wasn't a rape... His actions were considered as misdemeanor. And he was out now.

What more... He will be joining the same University. And they will surely run into each other. See each other. And Kongpob would be lying if he said, that he wasn't revolted with the thought. That he wasn't scared.

Because he knew... Nathan if given the chance, will finish what he started.

Kongpob closed his eyes, drawing in shaky breathes. Trying hard to control his jelly muscles and feeling he might soon faint.

Why was this happening now? Why now? Even Rebecca's hearing will be in few days. Why is everything hitting him on the face, all at once?

He just wanted to enjoy his first birthday with his boyfriend. Go somewhere, spend lone time with Arthit. But why was this happening now?

During the last few months, Kongpob came to know about few things about Nathan. And was shaken to the core, thinking he was ready to marry this guy.

Nathan did heavy drugs. And he had connections with people, who are living nightmares. And now that he was finally out. Kongpob was scared, Nathan would use his connections to hurt Kong. And Arthit.

"Kongpob..." Aim snapped.

Kong blinked and looked around, coming to his senses. His friends and classmates were looking at him with wide eyes.

Kong blinked furiously, trying to get his disoriented mind in place. And his eyes fell on his note book. He was drawing constant circles on the page. So hard that he cut through pages.

"Are you okay, Mr Sutthiluk?"

Their professor's voice caught his attention. He faced the frowning man. Kongpob gulped lumps. And hastily collected his things. Stuffing them in the backpack. He waited for nothing or no one. He just rushed out of the class. He needed this space to think straight again.

He wanted to be home. He's been edgy from the moment Dean called him and informed about everything. Marilyn knew too. But, she didn't give her natural reactions. She has just nodded and asked Dean to inform Arthit.

Kongpob would've been hurt. Looking at the little to no reaction from his otherwise hyper expressive sister. But knowing Marilyn wasn't herself anymore, he just let Marilyn be. Who simply walked away, leaving Kong back in the corridor.

Bright was gone last month. And Marilyn wasn't herself anymore. She simply shut herself in a shell. Away from everything. Distancing herself. Drowning herself in studies and part time jobs. Becoming so busy, that she was barely recognisable.

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