Valentine's 11.

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"P'Arthit... Look..." Kong pointed, somewhere at the dark sky. Shimmering with the milky white river of stars.


"I thought I saw a shooting star." Kong pouted. "It's gone."

Arthit smiled, he wouldn't know what Kong was looking at, because his eyes were set on Kong's mesmerized sideface. Kong just appeared for week long mock tests, studying and working from dusk till dawn. Arthit was busy himself, with matters of his own. His last year and Kong's first year, was taking a toll on them.

So, when it was finally Saturday. Arthit abducted a sleeping Kongpob and Buggy from their own house. Stuffed them in their pick up truck, making sure Kong was well fed in his tank and drove off to a nearby town. Celebrating a little fair of their own.

And now, they were parked over a cliff. With clear view of the town and the velvety starlit sky. A cover laid over the cargo bed of the car, as they laid on it. And another pulled over themselves. Stargazing.

Or Kongpob gazing. Because, that's what Arthit had been doing from the last whole hour. Looking at Kong, glimmering under the shimmers with a soft smile.

Wearing a white jeans, with ice blue knitted sweater and sneakers, laying on his back. His bangs sprawled over the covers, eyes protected by those glasses. Looking like the Angel, that he was. And Arthit wanted to box in all these beautiful sights and lock them deep in his memories.

Kong blinked and looked sideways, when he got no response. And Kong blinked and blushed instantly. Looking at the hazel eyes fixed right into his. Visible with the little luminescence of the headlights.

Arthit's approaches has changed. From careful to possessive, in looks and touches, all of it. And Kong's world has turned upside down. As he clearly became Arthit's world.

He always was, no matter how narcissistic, he sounded. He knew in his gut, that he always was Arthit's world... Only this time, Arthit wasn't hesitating anymore... In showing with all his actions.

"P'Arthit..." Kong whined, pouting.

His lame attempt to hide his melting self from Arthit. Because, he was sure he must be resembling something steamed red.

"Hmm? What?" Arthit gave a sly smile.

"Look at the stars, will you?"

"But I am..."

Kong groaned, looking away and ignoring his thudding heart. Along with the fluttering butterflies. It was cold and the late winter sky was dark and clear, with millions and millions of stars woven into the velvety black robe. It was beautiful.

"That's... Orion, I guess..." Kong pointed somewhere at the sky.

Arthit, held Kong's elbow and turned it a little to the left. "It should be somewhere there."

"That's Pegasus..." Kong pointed to his right.

Arthit smiled, his grip still on Kong's elbow, as he leaned Kong's outstretched arm in a forty five degree angle.

"It should be roughly, somewhere there."

Kong frowned at Arthit's face, with a petulant pout. And pointed straight across his face.

"That's Ursa major..." Kong spoke firmly.

"Ummm..." Arthit chuckled hesitantly. "Sweetheart, I guess it can be seen around spring."

Kong glared at Arthit. Snatching his hand away.

"But. But." Arthit raised his arms alarmed. "You pointed at the right direction... It's there somewhere."

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