Valentine's 4.

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Kong was fidgeting on his seat. He was sitting between Arthit and Dean, as he kept staring at Nathan's family who were sitting on the opposite.

Arthit was holding his hand, putting them entwined over Arthit's thigh. And Kong can feel it in his bones, how angry Arthit was. It kept radiating through him, shuddering Kong.

And Kong did not know what to do, as he kept wondering what made him sit here and face the situation he was in.

He wanted to refuse going out with Nathan. But he can't do that because of Roger. On the other hand... He didn't want to face Arthit's rage. He has never seen Arthit so mad before. Ever.

But he loved Roger so much that Kong did not want to disappoint him. He looked sideways at the pale sideface, staring blankly ahead at Nathan. Making Kong feel elated and equally scared, watching the jealous side of Arthit.

Kong would be lying if he said, he didn't feel a little disappointed with Arthit always being so indifferent about Nathan, never putting much care about him. But, this side was making Kong's toes curl and he pushed closer unconsciously.

"P'Arthit..." Kong whispered.

Arthit gazed his way and Kong dropped his gaze, looking at the burn in those hazel eyes and the way Arthit was gritting his teeth. Kong tightened the grip on their entwined fingers, assuringly.

"You have to trust me Arthit, Please... I was ready to leave everything for you. So, right now, I can't do without your trust." Kong murmured, staring blankly at their hands.

He waited with batted breathes looking down. Feeling the hazel stare on his face. Wincing, at the way Arthit's fingers were digging on his hands. And after what seemed like eternity, Arthit's grip loosened. And he pulled his hand away.

Kong closed his eyes, feeling like Arthit took his breathe away with the distance. But then, Arthit put his arm around Kong's waist, pulling him closer. And Kong sighed, slumping against Arthit.

"I trust you Liebchan..." Arthit kissed Kong's temple. "I always do."

Kong could feel Nathan stare on himself. He has all but refused to even look at Nathan after that day. And he ignored Nathan with his all.

He can never forgive him, for what he did to Arthit. Never. And for the first time, he was mad at Dean.

Kong didn't know, if he was ever going to forgive Nathan. He can't do that. He can't face Nathan at any cost. He was still hurt, he was still angry, he was still very much confronted with whatever Nathan has done to Arthit.  And him. Kong can never forgive him for that.

But looking at Roger, his heart melted. he did not care much about Carla. But he did care about Roger. Because, that man was practically besides him all the time. Supporting him instead of his own son.

And Kong has no heart of hurting that man, whatsoever. So, he finally faced Nathan, meeting his blue eyes and decided to speak up.

"Nathan, I can never forgive you for what you have done to P'Arthit." Kong spoke.

Nathan tilted his head and blinked again. Kong never once mentioned, about what Nathan has done to him. It was always Arthit. Arthit. Arthit. Nathan gritted his teeth, but felt a strange power over Kong.

Nathan knew, whatever he'd do to Kong, will remain a secret between him and Kong. Nathan wasn't blind, he can see the way Kong behaved in front of that bastard.

Kong was always afraid of Arthit's reaction. And though jealous, Nathan knew and can see the love, the respect... And complete submission, Kong had towards Arthit.

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