Valentine's 8.

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Have you ever felt like being frozen and burned at the same time? That's exactly what Kongpob was feeling at the moment.

They were inside the RV. Spiralling down the road towards home. Their RV was full of luxury. Couches and drink cabinets, tables. Also a partition with a sleeping area. Kong was close to going inside and hiding himself in the sleeping area. But he decided not to, in fear of making things obvious.

He stared ahead and there Arthit was. With his father and the others. His phone in his hand and Kong wanted to throw that phone out. Why?

Because, the damned control of Kong's body was in that thing, Arthit was fiddling with. Kong rested his head back, against the couch and gulped continuous lumps. His body freezing with the chilly wind that sipped in through the sliding glass window, Kong kept a little open.

And his body was burning with the continuous pinching on his painfully sensitive nubs. Sending waves and waves of shudders down him. But that wasn't the thing that was keeping him on toes.

The thing was the low humming that continuously buzzed through his lower half. He felt like Arthit was in him, but not enough. The stretch wasn't full but it was enough to make him sweat and gasp. Gulping down lumps and licking his dry lips.

Kong looked to the front again, and his overdriven body went into a rush, when the hazel eyes locked with his.

Kong bite on his lip and shook his head, pleading silently. Almost tearing up.

Arthit had something dark in those eyes, and Kong shuddered with the intensity.

"Please." Kong mouthed. "Please stop it."

Arthit took a sip of his beer, never leaving their gazes. And Kong shot his eyes wide next. Clenching his jaws to hold back the scream, with the sudden way the thing started punching on his bundle of nerves, relentlessly now.

This was all very new for him. But the way his body melts and trusts, all that Arthit had in store for him was new too. So new.

Kong pushed to the darker corner of the couch, a little away from everyone's attention. Though everyone was busy anyways. Arthit had already told everyone Kong was not feeling well with all that went through. And ofcourse, everyone believed their new trustworthy person.

Kong kicked open his shoes and folded his legs beneath his hips. His feet were prickling and burning just like his body. And hugged around his belly. Panting and biting back moans.

He jolted, opening his eyes when he felt a movement besides him. He didn't look sideways. As he continued staring at the dark side of the sleeping area.


Kong bites his lips and hugs tighter. He doesn't reply, it was still humming inside him. Burning and clenching his lower abdomen. He felt his pants being wet, as he kept feeling the bubble filling. But never being close enough to burst.

"How does it feel, Darling?" He heard a soft whisper against his ear.

Arthit tucked away his sweat slicked hairs behind his ear. The touch inflame his already burning body. And he hugs himself tighter.

"You don't wanna talk to me?" Arthit smirked.

Kong closed his eyes, feeling his lips tremble, as he gulps down lumps and bites back his moans and sobs. Its been almost an hour that he got this things enclosed in himself. And Kong was feeling unexplainable things.

He was exhilarated, but he realised that no matter how much pleasuring it was. How much it burned his skin in explicit rapture, it wasn't enough. It made him realise, it wasn't close to being enough. It wasn't close to being complete. Complete as Arthit.

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