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"Guys... This is P'Arthit..." Kongpob introduced. Standing besides Arthit. "And this is P'Prem, P'Bright. They are his friends."

Kongpob was still shaken. And his friends nodded at Arthit and the others. Equally shaken.

"Come join us." Tew was the first one to get a hold on himself.

"No. Thank you. I just came here to burrow Kongpob." Arthit smiled at the others.

Aim and the others shared a glance and looked at Kongpob. Who was still very disoriented about the whole surprise visit.

"Shall we?" Arthit turned his gaze towards Kongpob.

Kong met the hazel eyes. Then looked around. His friends were grinning at him. Bright was already straddling behind Marilyn. Hugging around her. And she was blushing, with a smile. Working on her laptop.

While to everyone's surprise. Prem took a seat besides Wad.

Kong was surprised. But, he didn't say anything. Because, he already had other pressing matters at hand.

He looked at Arthit again. Who was glowing under the late afternoon sun. Smiling softly at Kongpob. Making Kong look away. And give a soft nod in reply.

Kong started collecting his things. And Arthit faced his friends this time.

"Hey guys..." Arthit pulled out something from his pocket. And placed it over the table. "Here... Special passes. From the Engineering fair."

Oak was the first one to snatch the cards. Making the others groan in embarrassment. And hang their heads.

"But there's one pass missing." Oak frowned through his glasses.

Receiving smacks from Tew and Aim.

"You thank him." Aim hissed. "Sorry, P'Arthit... He is still growing up, in the head department."

Arthit chuckled. Shaking his head. "It's okay... And Oak, right?"

Oak nodded with a pout. Caressing over the back of his head.

"You are right." Arthit nodded.

Oak held his chin high. And gave the others a 'I told you so' look. Making them roll their eyes.

"Coz... Everything is free for your friend here." Arthit grinned, gesturing towards Kong.

Kong almost dropped his laptop. Missing his breathes. And the others grinned.

"But... How's that fair for us?" Tew cocked a brow.

"It's completely fair... You are getting fifty percent off." Arthit shrugged. "And I am getting an assurance that you'll get him there."

"It's a bribe?" Tew frowned.

"It's completely a bribe." Arthit nodded blankly.

"We don't sell off, for fair passes, P'Arthit. Sorry." Tew shook his head. Feigning professional gesture.

"Well... Engineering have the unbreakable record of the best attractions... And if you don't sell off... You'll miss it."

"Miss it. How?" Oak tilted his head.

"Guys... I am right here." Kong tried to get their attention.

Which obviously went to deaf ears. Making Kong's jaws drop.

Wad and Prem chuckled. Sitting close to each other.

"Well... You won't be allowed in... And you are sure to be charged double, even if you do." Arthit smirked.

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