Valentine's 17.

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A/n: So recently I came to know, that I only write smut and not stories to gain readers. I was hurt... A lot.

So, here you go readers who only find smut in my stories... This chapter and the upcoming few more chapters are going to be EXTREMELY MATURE...

Because, why not live the name I earned for myself...

This is all the warning you are getting... Read with caution. Or don't, if you don't want to. (Am just done with everything... Sorry...).


And like the name, it'll be a little distraction from the drama that'll soon unfold.

Oh! And I had help... So, thank you Genie...



1. The Black Sweater.

Kong blinked his eyes open. He was lying on the colder side of the bed again. On his tummy, hugging the pillow and sniffling in the essence of grease and spices. He closed his eyes, drawing in a breath and grunted as he flipped on his back.

Putting his head back and closing his eyes just for another minute. Like he'd been doing from the time he woke up in the morning, freshened up and tucked himself back inside the bed. After feeding Buggy and Kong.

It was almost ten in the morning. And his stomach was grumbling in protest. Kong groaned, quickly pulling himself up and resting against the headrest of the bed.

He sighed loudly. Again and again. He looked over to the other side of the bed and caressed over the pillow. It was empty and cold without his Arthit. The whole house was. Kong brought his knees to his chest and hugged them. Resting his head over his arms, continuing to stare at the empty side of the bed.

He perked up his head, hearing the small taps on the floor, approaching the open door of their bedroom. He smiled looking at the cute furball, who walked in, staring at Kong as he approached the bed, walking around to the side where Kong was resting. And tried to jump on the bed. To be close to Kong.

"You can do it," Kong smiled, encouraging Buggy. Opening his arms.

While Buggy whined. Being too small to reach the bed and not feeling it in him to put any effort into anything.

Because with Arthit around, why would he do anything? Arthit carried him around in his palm. Buggy stared at Kong. Almost glaring in puppy language.

Kong gaped, raising his brow. "You little-"

He broke into a smile next, with the thought of somebody. Knowing it wasn't Buggy's fault. For being such a spoilt brat. Someone who spoilt the both of them to no coming back. Someone who was so gentle and yet so dominating.

Kong's thought broke, with Buggy whining louder. Kong sighed, picking him up and placing him on his lap.

"You are spoiled. More than me." He mumbled. Nudging his nose in Buggy's neck.

Kong closed his eyes yawning, resting his head on Buggy. Dozing off again. He slowly stretched and fell sideways. Ignoring Buggy's whines. Snuggling over the comforter and hugging Buggy to his chest.

"Just a minute..." He mumbled.

The minute became two, then five, then ten. And Buggy has had enough. So he wiggled his way out. Jumping on the bed in a tantrum. Climbing on Kong and licking his neck and ear, trying to wake Kong up.

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