Valentine's 23.

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Kongpob drew in a breath and started blinking to adjust to the early morning light, sipping from their balcony glass door. He stretched out without moving his arms or legs, not that he could move them anyways... His whole body was in a deadlock. And he was warm, even though it was middle of December.

Kong smiled, feeling steady breathes against his neck on one side. Heavy arm around his torso and a heavy leg crooked over his outstretched legs.

Kong looked sideways, to find the face that gave meaning to his very life... so close. Lying over Kong's shoulder, warm breaths tickling Kong's face. Kong leaned down a little and placed a chaste kiss on Arthit's lips.

"Good morning, Love..." Kong whispered, staring longingly at the face.

He can't get over it. He also can't get over the fact that, they have a home together. That they were together for more than a year now. That they went through so much, in this little span of time and survived it. That... Arthit loves him so much.

Kongpob felt giddy as always, feeling his throat tighten and chest contract. He blinked away the threatening tears and kissed Arthit's forehead tight.

"I love you so much..." He breathed out.

He sniffed and chuckled through his tears again, when he felt movements on his other side this time. He pried one arm out and looked sideways. To look at the soft lump on his shoulder. And a lighter arm and leg on himself.

Kongpob raised his hand and slowly removed the duvet covering the soft lump and smiled. Hope's sleeping face cutely perched on his shoulder, covered by her messy, sleepy hairs. Kong brushed away her hairs and kissed her head.

Her parents are off to spending their vacations in Switzerland. But Art's place seemed more thrilling for little Hope. She is absolutely obsessed with their new place. So she begged and cried to stay back and have Christmas with Arthit and Kongpob.

Her parents were devastated, given she will barely be home. Doing everything in Arthit's place. But they always caved in to her demands.

Kongpob will be surprised sometimes. Given, Arthit is a man. Both of them were. But apparently, Arthit and Hope's relationship goes way back. From the time Arthit shifted here about five or six years back. Little Hope fell absolutely in love with Arthit... And that remained.

Even Kong can't deny the bond. Especially when he found Arthit doing Hope's hairs in a braid, during one of her hundreds of night stay.

Or when Hope would try her amateur make up skills on Arthit. Who will give in more than willingly. Sitting still. Kongpob has millions of photographs of those moments.

Making him realise, how great of a father Arthit will be. Kongpob would feel an abandonment, but stand strong on his own again. Arthit is fighting tooths and nails for their relationship. And Kongpob didn't want his efforts to be wasted.

They WILL be parents one day and have a team of kids. And Kongpob swore he will keep and make this family happiest, with his all.

So, when Hope's parents gave her permission to stay back with them. She ran away towards their house, without sparing a glance back. Leaving back a slack jawed parents. And equally surprised Arthit and Kongpob. Until they sighed, shaking their heads.

"I'll go check on her..." Arthit had mumbled, kissing Kong's head. "Please get her things..."

Kong remembered blushing, for some unknown reason. Even when he looked at Charlotte, she had a flush. They never said anything and just got to pack Hope's things... That was three days ago. And Hope barely showed any sign of missing their parents.

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