Valentine's 6.

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Kongpob was getting restless, hearing the uniform clads going on and on about the same incident. Asking the same question, just with different perspective.

"Did you let him in?"

"So he had the key with himself?"

"He touched you without your consent?"

"So your friends accidentally made those videos?"

"He assaulted you before too?"

"He assaulted your lover as well?"

"Why didn't you complain?"

"So he is your ex?"

Kong looked around all the men that were showering him with those questions. While he sat in a couch facing them. Comfortably tucked in the arms of his lover. The rest of the family scattered and sitting around the bright and big living room.

Carla was outside standing by the patrol car. Inside which Nathan was sitting quite and his head hung. While, Roger was standing by a window, in the farthest corner looking out. His back to everyone else.

Kong wanted nothing else, apart from getting somewhere quite and drown himself in the comforting warmth of Arthit. He wanted nothing more than Arthit's touch on his skin.

"So your lover manhandled this guy? And your family supported your lover... Did you peop..."

"ITS MR ROJNAPAT FOR YOU." Kong snapped, glaring at the man who was interrogating. "STOP OBJECTIFYING HIM AND GET SOME BASIC MANNERS."

The officer gaped at Kong. While the others straightened their backs. Looking at Kong loosing his cool one more time. And they realised one thing.

If they wanted to be on their son's good side.... Respect the man sitting next to him. And they already messed up big time. In just one day.

"We are doing the routine interrogation, son." The chubby uniformed man tried to answer.

"No... You are just wasting time. With questions, like I am the culprit here." Kong hissed. "I showed you video of being beaten up naked. I gave my statement. And what else do you want?"


"I am not your son." Kong glared. "And what else do you want me to tell you? That I am sorry? Do you want me to cry?"

The officer kept looking and wondering what else he could say.

"Or better... Let's do one thing. Arrest me... Coz it's all my fault. And let him go. Coz that'll be easier for you, no more work, no more trials just an easy case scenario."

The officer gaped and felt his jaws drop.

"And proof that I invited him to come and rape me and stopped him last minute. Ending to get beaten up." Kong snarled, feeling angry tears spilling.

"It was so rude of me... That I provoked him, only to keep him hanging. So why don't you just cut the chase and arrest me already." Kong trembled, feeling light. "Its all my fault. Everything is..."

"Ssshhh." Kong felt a hand covering up his eyes. And turning his face around. "Ssshhh baby. Its not good for your health."

Kong drew in shaky breathes, inhaling the smell of spices and grease. Slowly turning towards the source of warmth and somehow getting himself over Arthit's lap. Sitting sideways.

He didn't care about anything else. And Arthit didn't mind, cradling him possesively.

Kong hides his face in the crook of Arthit's neck and sniffles with silent sobs. Trembling all over.

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