Valentine's 13.

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MATURE CONTENT AHEAD (you know the drill)... Mention of violence and abuse...


Kong drew in a breath and looked around. He blinked rapidly, stretching his limbs. He must have fallen asleep.

Kong heard the soft creaking and the whispering breeze. He smiled wider, turning on his side and hugging the warm furry blanket to his chest. Staring ahead at the forest that laid outside their boundary fence. Now slowly getting blanketed by a orange hue of the setting sun.

He was lying over their huge double swing bed, on the back porch. Which was now swaying lightly back and forth with the breeze. It was Friday and Kongpob was working on his laptop to finish his assignment. Which he did probably and fell asleep at some point.

With the feel of the comfortable swing mattress and his grey, furry blanket which was cocooning him. The swing bed that rocked itself on its own, like a soothing lullaby. Who wouldn't...

It was extremely dangerous to fall asleep with the whole house being vulnerable for invasion. And him being more vulnerable in the open... But, it was worth it.

Snuggled in the furry blanket, which Arthit got for him. And was engulfed with Arthit's deep essence. Because, it was Kong's favourite snuggle blanket. And he was Arthit's favourite snuggle toy. So they spent a lot of time, naked in that blanket.

And Kong loved snuggling in his soft, furry blanket over their double swing bed. Which again, Arthit got installed for him. Complete with mattress and cushions. Changing the old rickety one that came with the house.

And the old one went to the front porch. Coloured and looking brand new. Hanging opposite to their outdoor, breakfast table on the porch.

So falling asleep snuggled in comfort, with a weather so cool and heralding an upcoming downpour. The wind blowing loud and the clouds that were slowly covering the sky. Was like destiny. And Kong wouldn't have been able to stop it even if he wanted to. No matter how unsafe or vulnerable.

And besides. Kongpob was feeling so much complete. So much loved, that he didn't shy away or deny himself anymore with the thought that always kept ringing in the back of his head. The thought of him being... Kongpob Rojnapat.

And the thought itself gave him a kind of sensual, physical comfort to Kong. His sanity. Making him lower his guard and bask in the comfort and endless love of his lover.

It was the middle of April... Only few months from Phukao Rojnapat's arrival in their lives. Few months from Arthit's father's endless tantrums for the reason that Arthit left him alone. So much drama between the two, that Kongpob felt like the mature one... With three kids now. Instead of two.

Well... Scratch that. The frenemic relationship between Kerkklai and Phukao, made Kong realise he had four kids.

Who would have known, that the world is so small for his father and his boyfriend's father to be old school rivals. Who loved going after each other's throat.

Few months since, Arthit's return was announced, pretty grandly. And Kongpob felt overwhelmed with all the glitz. Wondering how foolish he was to lecture Arthit about a sports car that he can buy everyday and just ditch without even batting an eyelash.

Few months, since Kong realised how much Arthit loved him. His craze for Kongpob. And surprisingly, the status of their social upbringing never mattered. The moment Kong got hold of his initial shock of realising, who actually Arthit was.

It was still his Arthit. Goofy, adorable, extremely sexy, loving, protective... His Arthit... With all his feelings for Kongpob upgraded.

His Arthit, who never minded carrying him in his palm. And kissing his feet every chance he got. Making his submission for Kongpob, his strongest character edge. The way that man trusted Kongpob, was scary sometimes.

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