Chapter 6: Spending Time

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•Tayy's point of view•

Everything went smoothly, no one got wrong with me after I made everything clear.

The whole time during the meeting all Marcus did was stare, no one spoke unless I told them to speak. I had complete control.

After I was filled in on everything that was going on and everything I needed to know I said "you're all dismissed"

They all began to get up and leave, everyone except Jayy's and Marcus.

"Tayy..... Bab----" Marcus began to say, I put my hand up to stop him.

After a good bit of them left out I saw Montae and Ken coming back into the room.

Montae walked up on Marcus.

Marcus looked down at montae and montae looked up at him.

"What?" Marcus asked montae

Montae began to crack up.

Marcus just don't know.....

"Wassup lil man" Jayy said to montae while walking up and squatting down and putting his hand on Montae's shoulder.

Montae backed away and said "don't touch the Armani its white..."

Ken just laughed and I just looked, I wasn't gonna say anything.

"Yall ready to leave??" I asked Ken and montae.

"Yes ma'am" they said in unison.

I stood up and montae grabbed my hand and began to lead me out of the room.

"So you not gonna say anything to either of us??" Jayy asked me.

I stopped and turned to them and said "nigga am I suppose to?" With a laugh And began to walk away.

When we made it outside to the car montae and Ken got in and Montae began to talk.

"Ma.....Umm don't get mad..... But.... I wanna spend a day with my dad." He said while looking down.

"If that's what you want baby....."

"Foreal??" He asked.

"Yea, I'm not gonna deny you a relationship with your father"

"Soooo do I just go ask him?" Montae asked.

"Yea" i said while turning off the car.

"Im going with him" Ken said.

Wherever montae goes Ken goes. Those two do everything together I swear.

Let's see how this turns out. I hopped out of the car and walked back into the building behind them.

Marcus and jayy were in the lobby getting ready to walk out but Ken and montae stopped Marcus.....

Let's see.......


•Marcus's point of view•

Me and jayy can't believe that was actually tayy.

Then there's no denying or looking over the fact that that was my son, hell him and Marion look just alike, they could pass as twins. Then Kenley has grown up so much, she's so pretty, she's been around Tayy so long she's starting to look like her. Then Tayy....... Mm mm mm..... She's blossomed into a woman, her figure has came in and her body has formed into a masterpiece. She looked good when she left, but now she looks better. Just can't stop thinking about her........

As we were leaving I saw Ken and little montae approaching me looking like little models.

They stopped and Montae began to speak.

"I asked my mom if I could spend a day or night with you......"

"You wanna spend the night with me?" I asked shocked.

"Yes" he said.

"Can I come too" Kenley asked.

"Yea I don't go anywhere without sissy" he said referring to Ken.

"Yea yall can come, you can meet your br----"

"I already met him I think" montae said.

"Ohh...... So when yall wanna come over?"

"Now" montae said.

" yall don't have clothes though..." I said

"But we have money, so we can just go buy some." Ken said while rolling her eyes.

Oh shit...... She doesn't like me anymore.

Tayy came swaying into the lobby with a sexy little walk in the tall ass heels she had on. She was till short though....

"Tayy can they come??" I asked.

"I don't care..... He asked me first" she said while montae and Ken went over and hugged her.

Tayy handed them some cash.

"I got it" I told

"Ok" they said while putting the money Tayy handed them into their pockets.

It got quiet.

"Yall ready to go??" I asked while putting my hands in my pockets.

"Yes" the said in unison.

"Bye ma" Montae said to Tayy as she left out of the building.

"Bye baby! Don't abuse anyone" she said.

Ken and Montae just laughed.

I began to walk out to the car with jayy, Ken and montae following me.

"Ken" jayy said Ken.

"Huh?" She soda.

"You missed uncle Jayy??" He asked while giving her a hug.

"A lil bit" Ken said to him.

I just looked at her. I can't believe I missed out on this much of their lives

We got into the car and began to head to the mall.


After a while at the mall we were on the way back to my house.

Ken and Montae have really good taste.

Montae had to get American eagle boxers and polo and some Jordan stuff, Ken wanted Hollister and Jordan stuff.

I paid for their things and headed to go pick Marion up from my moms. I just hope Marion doesn't flip out about Ken and montae.

He knows he has a brother...... Hell he saw him that day at the mall.

We're gonna find out......


•Jayy's point of view•

I can't believe this shit.......

Tayy is back, but you can sense the carelessness radiating off of her, we really fucked her up.

I wanted to talk to her so bad, but she did a get in get out typa thing. She was there to take back the title of Queen Pin, and with her reputation I don't think anyone was going to object.

KD isn't gonna believe this shit......


Short update
Excuse the errors
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