Chapter 16: Ok

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•Tayy's point of view•

"From that point on I was so infatuated with you... You didn't even know my name but you made it your business to stop and comfort me while I was having a hard time.... And that made me fall for you instantly...." He said.

"Ok..... So evidently you been watching me.... Kinda sounds like a stalker to me... And it's clear as fuck that you knew way before exactly who I was, what was up with me and Marcus.... You're his mothafuckin cousin...."

"Ok..... What does that mean?? I knew you before he did" he said.

"No nigga, you knew of me then, you didn't know me, the hell.... I comforted you on a day you needed comfort.... Ok, there was no connection there, and the little bit of a connection I thought we had ain't shit because you're a fucking liar" I said.

"Don't.... Talk to me like that..." He said.

"Who the hell are you talking to??" I asked him.

"You, you're being hostile for no reason" he said while stepping closer.

"Get off my porch" I said.

"No, we're about to work something out." He said while blankly looking at me.

"You..... Are..... Fucking delusional you psycho son-of-a-whole-bitch" I said while closing the door.

"Tayy, don't do that....." he said loud enough for me to hear, but not yelling.

"Do what?? Do you know how crazy this sounds?" I said.

"I just want you..... You want a nigga like Marcus.... A nigga that'll do you wrong and just say sorry and you take him back.... Really? When you can have a nigga like me that really care about yo stupid ass.... Or you can continue on and jump from nigga to nigga and each one of them gonna do you wrong for not loving a person that loves you." He said.

"First off Bitch..... you can't have me....." I said while swinging the door open.

"I'm not up for grabs nigga. That's all of you mfs problem, did it just occur to you that maybe I don't want you because of the situation. How much do you know about me??" I said.

"I know about you, I know about what you do, what nigga doesn't know about you." He said with a smirk.

"What's my favorite color?? Favorite food?? Where's my birthmark??.... Since you so fucking in love. How much shit to you know about me mentally??" I asked??

He didn't say anything.

"Exactly, every one of those questions I just asked you..... I bet any amount of money that Marcus could answer them without hesitating. And that's one of the many reason why I love that nigga" I said.

"So basically after I just laid everything out on the table for you..... Confess all of my love for you..... Just put myself out there to look like a fucking fool?" He asked with all kinds of attitude and carelessness in his voice.

"Honestly I could've let yo ass down harder than that but I had the decency to let you know what the fuck was up...... I could've been the bitch to just lead you the fuck on, wipe your bank account the fuck out, and got you fucked the hell up for even letting me in on the fact that you've been watching me. I'm nowhere near slow mothafucka" I said.

A car began to pull into the driveway.

Alex and I turned our heads towards the car, but no one got out. It was dark outside and I'm wonder who else would be pulling up at my house at this time.

A minute or two later I heard Marcus yell "What the fuck this nigga doing over here at 3 something, damn near four" then the car door slam.



Excuse the errors
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Just a lil taste y'all 😂😂😂 I got bored

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