Chapter 9: No Grudges

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•Jayy's point of view•

Marion called my phone and asked if JJ could spend the night with them at Tayys house.

I said yes. Only because this will give me and Kd a chance to talk to tayy.

They are pulling into the driveway now. They all hopped out and began to make their way over to me and KD sitting on the porch. Tayy got up to the stairs and just stopped, like she was hesitating.

"Yall can come in....." Kd said.

"Nahh im good right here" Tayy said

"Umm...... Uncle Jayy can JJ come spend the night with us at Tayy's house???" Montae asked me.

"JJ!!" Kd yelled.

"Ma'am?" JJ said while running out of the house.

"You wanna come spend the night with me, montae and Ken?" Marion asked

"Can I ma?" JJ asked Kd.

"I don't care" she said.

"Go pack" i said to him.

"Come on yall.." JJ said.

"Can I go ma...." Montae said while patting Tayys leg.

"Go ahead" she said to him.

They all took off running into the house with JJ.

"Tayy...." Kd said.

"What" she replied.

"So you really holding this long ass grudge cause we didn't tell you he was cheating??" I asked.

It got quiet and she cocked her head to the side and began to speak.

"Are you dumb or just fucking retarded. What if yo bitch was cheating on you and I knew, but I didn't say shit?? You really loved her but I was just gonna sit back and let her do YOU wrong..... Both of yall grimy as fuck, honestly. Lucky I didn't drop my foot down your mothafuckin throat..." She said to me.

"You better watch your fuckin mouth, you at too old for an ass whoopin" I said to her while walking down the stairs up to her.

"I wanna see you try, it ain't no bitch in me... Cause I'm bout mine, whoop who??? Me??? I'm 20-fucking-3. We're not little anymore" she said.

"So you can't find it in the icebox you call a heart to forgive us??" I asked

"I been did that, I just have no sympathy for either one of you..... Only reason I'm here is because my children asked, and JJ hasn't done anything to me, so I'm not gonna punish him and keep him away from his cousins, just like im not gonna keep Marcus punk ass away from montae, but that is not a free pass for yall, we still stand in the same place.... Trust that when I walked out of that house that day.... You lost a good bit of your sister, and you miss Thang..... You lost the only real friend you ever had." She said.

I didn't have anything to say, but KD did.

"You have a lot of nerve talking to him like that, he took you in, he took care of you...... He gav-----"

"Blah blah blah..... Shut the fuck up..... I say what the hell I wanna say cause I can back my shit up Mrs. GuiltTrip...... You don't know shit,. He ain't a fucking God like you think he is, I wouldn't be surprised if he's fucking around on yo stupid ass, but if I knew I wouldn't say shit cause I'd want you to feel what u felt. yea he took me in. We were kids and at the time we were each other's world. Jayy had my back and I always had his, like family is supposed to be. but all of the shit he's put me through over these few years, like shit that could've been avoided..... He's not my fucking father either, so I don't have to bow down to him, like yo stupid ass does." Tayy said, which shut both of us up....

I know she doesn't mean this..... She's just hurt, it'll pass.... I'll give her space.

The kids came out of the house laughing and Ken said "ma we're ready"

Tayy mean mugged me one more time and look at the kids and smiled and said "ok babies.... Come on"

With that they went over to the car got in and left.


•KD's point of view•

As Tayy and the kids pulled out of the driveway I looked over at jayy....... And I can't believe what I was seeing, he was crying.

"Jayy......" I said to him.

He just turned and walked into the house, and I followed.

"Jayy..... Talk to me......."

"She hates me....... The look she gave me.... She don't want shit to do with me Kd. That's like my first child. She's just----" he couldn't finish his sentence before he began break down..... He was truly hurting, and I understand why, kinda. But I mean come on. He can't beat himself up over her, she strayed away....


Excuse the errors
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How does everyone feel about Tayys words??

Do you think that she meant them?

Can you understand where she's coming from??

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