Chapter 8: Talk To Me

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•Ken's point of view•

I thought that Marion Was gonna try to be rude to Montae and I.

But I was wrong, he's just like another version of Montae. They act just alike, it's like we've known him for forever.

My mom is coming to pick us up in a little while. All we did last night was stay up and eat junk food.

"Umm.... Ken...... Do you think Your mom will let me come over to y'all's house?" Marion asked.

"If we ask she'll say yes, you just have to ask Marcus" I said.

"Montae come ask with me" Marion said to Montae.


They got up and went into the kitchen where Marcus was making us sandwiches.

"Dad.... Can I go over to Montae and Ken's house??"

Marcus stopped and said "I don't care, just ask Tayy and see what's says"

"Yes sir"

Then there was a knock on the door.

Marion went and opened it.

"Hi mrs. Tayy" Marion said to my mom.

"Hey Marion, and you can just call me Tayy"

"You can come in...." He said.

Marcus came out of the kitchen speed walking and just stared at my mom.

"I'd prefer not to baby, thank you anyway" she said while looking at Marcus

"Are yall ready?" She asked me.

"Yes ma'am, ma can Marion come spend the night??" Montae asked.

"Do you wanna spend the night Marion?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am"

"Did you ask you daddy?"

"Yes ma'am, he told me to ask you"

"I don't care, you can if you want to, we can have a game night" mom said.

"I'll go pack me some clothes" Marion said as him and montae took off running up the stairs.

I just went and sat on the couch.

Let's see what Marcus tries... Since we had that little talk yesterday everything has been going smooth with him and I. I have a feeling Montae gonna get attached to him and Marion.... I just might too... It already feels like Marion Is my brother, he's been acting like it.


•Marcus's point of view•

I know Tayy won't try to fight me in front of the kids. So I'm gonna try to talk to her.

"Tayy....." I said

She ignored me.


She still didn't say anything.

I know what'll get her to talk.


"Don't call me that bitch" she said

"Well answer me"

"What do you want?" She asked.

"You..." I said while walking to her.

"If you touch me im fucking you up....." She said while pointing her finger at me.

"You sure?" I said while closing in on her.

"Don't test me.." She said while pushing me away.

It's like she's shrunk, she's so short I began to tower over her.

"Marcus move..... Now" she said


"If you get any closer I swear to---" I cut her off by wrapping my arms around her and picking her up and attaching my lips to hers.

She began to push me and reject the kiss.

"Kiss me back Tayy.... Please....... show me you still have some type of feeling for me" I said against her lips with my eyes closed.

"Put me down...." She said.

"Kiss me back....."

"I can't...... Leave me alone..... Please...." She said

"Dad.... Ohhhhh" Marion said.

"Umm.... Soo uhhh" Montae said.

"Put me down...." Tayy said.

I put her down.

She was wiping her face....

"Ma are you crying??" Montae asked her....

"Come one yall" she said as she walked out of the door with Marion, Montae and Ken following her.

Damn..... She don't even want me touching her.

I heard footsteps running back to the house and Montae came running in.

"I know you still like my mom.... It ain't gonna be that easy" he said and ran back out of the house.


•Tayy's point of view•

I wanted to kiss him back so bad.... But something couldn't make me do it.... He hurt me to the point of no return... I think....

I'm not holding a grudge...... I just don't want anything to do with him right now.... I'm not trying to jump back into something with him.

And it's killing me because that's all I want, and that's what I said I wasn't gonna do when I came back. I wasn't expecting to fall back into him entirely. He's making it so hard...


Short update
Excuse the errors
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