Chapter 7: Getting To Know You

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•Ken's point of view•

I kinda don't trust Marcus... But I've missed him.... He was the closest thing I had to a dad. He hurt my mom too many times tho and I don't really don't like that...

That's Montae's dad but I kinda feel like he's mine too...

Montae though....

That's my little thugger. I feel like it's my job as a sister to be there for him. My mom taught us this....

When we finally made it to his house we got out and Marcus grabbed our bags.

It was a pretty big house, there were cars there so im guessing that some of his friends were there.

When we walked into the house Marcus said "wassup yall... This is my oldest son Montae and his sister Kenley"

They all turned to us and said hey or wassup, Montae nodded his head and I waved.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Dad can w----"

"Hey JJ" I said while waving

"Um hi" JJ said while sizing Montae and I up.

I just laughed it off cause i don't think he wants these problems.

"Babbbyyyyy" I heard someone saying while coming from the kitchen.

"Denise what the hell are you doing here?? Leave" Marcus said to her

She stopped and looked at me and montae and said "these are her kids..... You're back with her aren't you"

I just looked her up and down.

she walked up to me and pushed my forehead and shoved Montae a little.

"Don't touch me" i said to her.

She pushed my shoulder and tried to walk pass me.

I grabbed her hair and pulled her back to me.

My mom taught me not to take anybody's mess and I feel like she's messing with us....

She turned and began to uncontrollably swing as I ducked and dodged.

"I'll call mom" Montae said while laughing.

I now had the lady in a chokehold gasping for air.

"Hit her Ken" I heard Montae say.

"Nahh..... I'm gonna let mom do it..... Cause I think I remember this lady" I said while breaking her down to her knees.

I looked over to the stairs and JJ and Marion were laughing and Marcus was just standing there.

"Ma..... Ken about to fight...... Yes ma'am...... I don't know..... Ok" he said as he hung up.

"She'll be here in 5 minutes" Montae said while taking off his jacket.


We heard a knock on the door, Montae went to it and opened it cause he knew it was mom.

I still had her in a headlock on the floor.

"Let her go ken" she said to me

I let her go and she jumped up and tried to come at me.

"I been waiting on this" I heard my mom say.

I looked at her and she was taking off her shoes.


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