Do We Have A Problem??

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•Tayys point of view•

I was pulling into the parking lot of the mall.

I parked the car, grabbed my phone, tucked my glock and hopped out.

I locked his doors and began to make my way into the mall.

I started looking at things as I was slowly making my way towards the food court. I'm really not even in a hurry.

I spotted KD as soon as I turned to corner to enter the food court.

"Hey" she said as I approached her and a group of girls.

"Wassup" I said.

For some reason I didn't like the way any of them were looking at me. I turned my head to the side.

"Who's this??" One of the girls asked KD while looking me up and down and frowning a little.

"T---" I cut KD off.

"I'm sorry, do we have a problem??" I asked.

"I don't know, do we??" she asked while rolling her neck.

"Keep rolling that bitch, I'll break it for you. You don't know me from a can of fucking paint. KD you better let ya bitch know who I am before I let her know myself" I said.

I hate a disrespectful ass hoe. This girl doesn't even know my name but she trying me. I already see this may not go too well.

The girl that was talking to me was about my complexion. She had freckles and jet black hair. But, she didn't look any older than 17-18.

There was a tall dark-skin skinny girl with some bright ass blue hair sitting right next to KD she had on one of the smallest skirts I've ever seen and a crop too and pumps... I hope she knows it's just the mall, not that serious. She's obviously the thot of the group.

A short white girl with some long ass blonde braids in her hair, which obviously wasn't all hers because it was two different colors. But her appearance screamed "wanna be black"

I see the type of bitches she hangs around.

"Keke chill out, this is jayys sister Tayy" KD said.

A smirk came across the girl's face.

"Bryan's Tayy....." she said.
I started to laugh and looked at KD. She already knows what may go down.

"How's my niece??" She asked.

"My daughter is fine, thanks for asking." I said.

"You took my sister's fucking baby" she said while standing.

"No hoe, I didn't, I got a child that wasn't getting the motherly attention that she deserved. Your sister walked out on her remember" I said to her.

"I've heard all about you, I've just never seen you before" she said.

"You obviously haven't heard enough" I said while laughing.

She didn't say anything.

"KD, Fr??" I asked.

"I didn't think it'd go like this" she said.

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