Fix It

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•Tayy's point of view•

When Marcus left out I just sat on the closest couch and held my head down.

If it isn't one thing it's another.

Out of all things she had to do.... She wanted to take my baby.... my first born at that.

I walked over to one of the tables and grabbed a gram and started breaking it down.

I felt my phone begin to vibrate in my pocket, but it only rung like twice so I didn't think it was important.

I began to roll a blunt.

Then my phone started to vibrate again.

"I hope whoever this is is giving me some good information, cause if not, it's not the time." I said.

"Tayy...." she said.

I pulled my phone away from my face and looked at the screen.

I dropped the blunt.

"You got a lot of fuckin nerve.... im gonna find you... and I guarantee you I'm g---" she cut me off.

"Don't make threats while I have what's near and dear to you... who knows I might just have two sons now" she said.

"Bitch you tryna be funny??? In the predicament you're in???" I asked.

"More like the predicament you're in... I'm not hurting, you are" she said.

"Girlllllll, you know how I gets down... I can make it happen, believe that.... it may not be today... tomorrow.... or even next week... but I bet you see me" I said.

"Somebody wants to talk to you" she said.

"Ma... You didn't send me any money for the trip??" Montae said.

"The trip where baby" I asked while trying to not let him hear how much I'm stressing.

"I don't know, T-Kd just said we were going on a trip" he said.

"Mommy loves you baby" I said to him.

"I love you to ma... you ok??" He asked.

"Yea baby, momma's fine. You be good ok, do whatever she says. I'll be to get you ok" I said.

"Ok, where's ken??" He asked.

Then I heard shuffling.

"Time's up" Kd said as I heard her voice over the receiver and then the call went dead.

"THAT FUCKIN BITCH" I yelled as I flung everything from the table in front of me and hit the floor. Jayy came running into the den area where I was.

"What??" He asked while looking at the stuff on the floor.

"I know this hoe is gonna hide good as fuck... Her ass is mine, even if it's the last thing I get..... I SWEAR THAT BITCH IS DEAD" I yelled while having my little breakdown.

"Tayy, chill man, we'll get it under control, but you can't be breaking down like this" Jayy said.

I looked up at him.

"You should've known that hoe was dirty from the rip..... look at how y'all got together.... she ran off with you while I was thinking you were dead for Christ sake.... nothing ran across that pea you got up there??" I said while putting my finger on his forehead.

He didn't say anything.... Great...

Looks like imma have to take my own action, and I guarantee he's not gonna like it. But fuck him.


•Jayy's point of view•

"You should've known that hoe was dirty from the rip..... look at how y'all got together.... she ran off with you while I was thinking you were dead for Christ sake.... nothing ran across that pea you got up there??" Tayy said while putting her finger to my forehead.

I mean... I had my doubts about Kd, but I also wanted to be with her. I also kinda made her choose between me and Tayy.

"I had my intuitions about her, I did... but the way that played out.... it wasn't supposed to go that way" I said.

"What do you mean it wasn't supposed to go that way..." Tayy said while laughing.

"It went the way it went for a reason... it was trifling... both of y'all knew that... she told on herself before the truth had even came out.... the guilt she had in her eyes every time she looked at me... all the missed meetings, the stupid lies, the physical evidence of remorse.. she was supposed to have been my right hand. y'all knew what y'all were getting into... hell, she ran off on me, what made you think she wouldn't do yo monkey ass the same way." Tayy said.

"I had never really thought about it that way, because I had got what I wanted" I said with a shrug, I'm not in the mood for a lecture from her.

"Listen here asshole..." Tayy started to say but she stopped mid-sentence.

"You know what... ion even give a fuck, imma get mine back, then deal wit yo baby momma. With or without permission.... imma handle dat" she said while walking out of the door.

A few minutes later Marcus came walking in.

"What's wrong with Tayy?? She just grabbed ken and hopped in the car... didn't say anything. I know she's mad... but she looks even more pissed than when I left earlier" he said.

"We had a lil talk. And I probably was being an asshole... but she's not the only one hurting right now...." I said.

"But the bitch that's hurting her right now is your wife.... one that you wrongfully got with from the jump..... you gotta fix it man" Marcus said while shaking his head.

"Kd knows Tayy is at her head... Montae is like insurance... to keep her safe... she's not gonna cooperate" I said.

"Make her cooperate then... just make something happen. I'm pissed off too... cause this round body bitch got my son, and I'm honestly retaining the frustration I have against you right now... just make sum happen" he said while walking out.



Excuse the errors
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