My love for him

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•Marcus's point of view•

We pulled in the driveway of my house and turned the car off and I looked over at Tayy.

It's been quiet the whole way here.

She opened her door and hopped out and stood next to the car.

I got out and began walking into the house. I didn't know if she was following or not so I opened the door and entered, not even bothering to close the door.

I sat in the love seat and turned it around to face the door.

A minute or so passed and tay came walking into the door and she closed it.

She stood against the door and looked at me.

I began to let my eyes roam over her body.

She was dressed so simple... a black crop top and some grey mike sweats.

I wanted them off of her tho...

"Take off you pants..." I said low and slow.

I grabbed the blunt I had tucked behind my ear and began digging in my pocket for a lighter.

"What??" She said.

"Pants.... off... now..." I said while licking my lips.

It's been a lil minute a nigga anticipating looking at her say my name.

"I'm no---" I cut her off.

"Am I gonna have to come over there and take em off??" I asked then hit the blunt.

She shook her head.

"Take em off them.... let daddy see" I said as I leaned back and watched her take off her shoes and pants.

"Shirt next baby" I said as I kicked my shoes off.

She took off her shirt and let it fall on top of her pants.

"Here" I said while holding the blunt out to her.

She walked over and stood in front of me and grabbed it.

As she put it to her lips I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her to me.

I laid my head against her stomach.

She tapped on my shoulder and held the blunt out to me.

I leaned back off of her and pulled my shirt off. Then I slipped my pants off and sat them on the couch next to us.

I sat back down in only my polo boxers and my socks. I still had on my solo gold chain and watch.

I grabbed the blunt from her and said "can you take this off for me" and held up my wrist.

She rolled her eyes a little and unclipped the watch.

I pulled her to me and sat her on my lap straddling me.

We sat just like that and finished the blunt.

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