Me and mine

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•Jayy's point of view•

I sat up and looked next to me....

I gotta make this right.

I started to ease out of the bed.

As soon as my feet touched the floor my phone started ringing.

I picked it up.

"Hello" I said groggily.

"It's almost one in the afternoon.... get the fuck up, get here now... we got a slight situation" Tayy said and hung up.

I felt a hand run down my back and already knew she was awake.

"Where you going baby" she said as I stood up.

"Trap... you know I can't miss any of this shit" I said as I walked towards the bathroom.

After I took my shower and brushed my teeth I wrapped the towel around my waist.

"I wanna give Montae back to her" Kd said as I walked back into the room.

She was sitting up with her back against the headboard.

"I just gotta figure out the best way to do it..." I said to her as I grabbed an outfit from my bag.

"Just drop him off at her house" she said.

"Kd... just chill out man" I said as I began to put my clothes on.

I grabbed my keys and my phone.

"Call me and lemme know what's going on" she said.

I left the room and walked down the stairs.

It's been a minute since I've been back in this cabin.

I used to bring Tayy here... this was our favorite family spot. It's in our name. But it seem like she forgot about this place years ago.

Jj and Montae came running through.

"YOU'RE IT!!!" Jj yelled.

"You didn't touch me nigga" Montae said

"I did!!" Jj yelled.

"You grabbed my shirt Dude" Montae said.

"aye... go ride a four wheeler or something" I said while getting aggravated with the yelling.

"Ok" they both said while running off.

If only they knew....


I was pulling up to the trap.

I hopped out and went straight in to the meeting room.

Marcus, Tayy and Mondo were sitting there.

Ken was sitting on the big table in Indian style with a iPad and beats on eating a bowl of grapes.

Tayy looked up and just stared at me... she had a look in her eyes, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

I walked over and sat down.

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