Chapter 49 - Certain Warmth

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'Elizabeth.' [Y/n] poked her head around the kitchen door. 'What kind of soup is it supposed to be?'

Elizabeth looked at Hawk. Hawk looked at Elizabeth.

'Um,' said Elizabeth, stirring the soup. 'Parsnip.'

[Y/n] gave her a little smile and disappeared again.

'You put one parsnip in it,' said Hawk as he licked up a spilt drop. 'Maybe you should just call it "Disaster Soup" and be done with it.'

Elizabeth gasped. 'Hawk!'

The sounds of customers started to fill the kitchen so Elizabeth washed her hands and headed up to the bar. [Y/n] was already in full work-mode, taking orders and pouring drinks. Elizabeth hurried over to the nearest table to take their order. As she walked, she caught a glance of the specials board. Right at the top was "Sort-Of Parsnip Soup".

Time passed. Customers came and went. As they left, they looked considerably happier. Elizabeth smiled to herself and served a tray of food. It felt good to be finally helping someone.

'Don't forget about your pie in the oven, Elizabeth,' [Y/n] said as she poured wine into a glass. 'It should be done by now.'

'Right!' Elizabeth whipped around to the kitchen before skidding to a stop. 'I'll just serve those drinks and then—'

[Y/n] shook her head. 'I've got this. You save your pie.'

'If it can be saved,' Hawk muttered as he walked by.

Elizabeth laughed nervously and hurried to the kitchen. Just as [Y/n] predicted, the pie was finished cooking. It smelt pretty good this time. The pastry was golden. Elizabeth set it on a plate and beamed. Perhaps this pie would taste good. Her excitement rising, Elizabeth ran out of the kitchen.

'I've got a hot Apple-ish Pie for our guests at table number three,' she said. 'Thank you so much for waiting.'

And then her foot hit the floor weird and her perfect pie was flying. It landed with a splat right on the customers' heads. Elizabeth stared at the filling dripping slowly down their noses and the pastry crumbs in their hair.

'It's okay,' said the first customer, wiping their face with a handkerchief. 'These things happen.'

'We're fine, so just do your best,' said the other.

Elizabeth got to her feet and brushed off her knees. 'Right! Thank you so much!'

'You all right, Elizabeth?' [Y/n] appeared with a couple of napkins. 'Looks like only the pie got hurt.'

'I'm fine.' Elizabeth laughed lightly, feeling her heart rise when [Y/n] smiled back. 'I'll get started on another pie right away.'

Well, that was the plan at least. Because just as Elizabeth was turning around, Hawk said something that made her stop.

'You finally woke up, huh?' Hawk was looking towards the base of the stairs.

The man standing on the stairs grimaced. It was Golgius, looking much better after his sleep. Elizabeth beamed at the Holy Knight.

'It looks like you're feeling a lot better.' She waved to him.

'It does,' said Hawk.

Golgius hesitated a moment longer before walking down the last of the stairs. As he did, the last of the customers left, some supported on their friends' shoulders and calling thanks.

'Thank you,' [Y/n] called from the doorway. 'Come again soon.' She shut the door with a snap.

'Um.' Golgius stepped up behind Elizabeth. He smiled at her. 'Thank you so much for helping me. I'm really grateful. This may seem abrupt, but I should get going—' He was interrupted by his own stomach rumbling.

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