Chapter 2 - The Sword of the Holy Knight

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Meliodas kept the ring on (as he did when the bar wasn't open) and went to find Elizabeth. She was looking out the window, evidently deep in thought. Time to get her out of those ruined clothes. Perhaps he should have done that first. Oh well.

'Hey, Elizabeth?' he called, drawing her attention.

'Uh yes?'

'Could you come downstairs for a minute?'

'Of course.'

Meliodas smiled and left the room. The first days usually felt weird and it was even weirder without [Y/n]. If only she hadn't had to leave. He shook his head. No point dwelling on the past. [Y/n] was on her way.

I've got to take my ring off. Her voice was suddenly in his head, slightly more serious than usual.

Be careful. Meliodas felt his ring go cold and tried not to worry. Focus on Elizabeth for now, he told himself.

So Meliodas busied himself finding some clothes for Elizabeth. He found what he liked to call the "tavern's uniform". Everyone else hated it. [Y/n] refused to wear it. But it was all that he had so it would have to do.

Elizabeth didn't complain. Until it was on, that is.

'So what's this new outfit for?' she said, not meeting his eye.

'It was supposed to be the tavern's uniform and, well, it's all there is,' said Meliodas. Hawk rolled his eyes.

'While I'm waiting on tables, you want me to keep track of rumours and collect information about the possible whereabouts of the Seven Deadly Sins, right?' Elizabeth confirmed.

'Some intel on the Holy Knights would be okay too.'

'Excuse me, Sir Meliodas,' said Elizabeth, drawing his attention, 'there's something I've been wanting to ask you.'


'The Seven Deadly Sins...are you really that wicked? Are you all terrible criminals like the rest of the world says? And if you are, what awful crime did you commit?'

'My crime, huh?' Meliodas pretended to think. Well, he did have a lot to choose from. 'Well...'

'Seems to me they just don't understand what kind of person you are. After all you made the effort to save me even though you had no idea who I was,' Elizabeth said.

'The truth is,' said Meliodas, 'ten years ago I travelled through Liones stealing every pair of pants I could get my hands on.'

Elizabeth blushed. 'You've got to be kidding!'

'That's right. Okay,' Meliodas said, pretending to act bashful, 'what I actually did was stalk a thousand pretty girls with perfect boobs and groped them all.'

'Groping?' Elizabeth drew her hands to her mouth. 'That's just a joke right?'

'It is.' Meliodas waved his left hand towards her. 'Married, remember?'

'Please stop messing around,' Elizabeth cried. 'Or is the truth you committed a crime so terrible you can't put it into words?'

Not to you. But he couldn't say that. So Meliodas just titled his head and said, 'Maybe.'

Just then Hawk's mum stopped causing the floor of the tavern to tilt without warning. Elizabeth screamed and started to fall, but Meliodas was there to stop her hitting the floor. Hawk's mum snorted and Meliodas looked out the window.

'Hey, we're here,' he said. 'This is our next wellspring of information: Vanya Village.'

Meliodas led Elizabeth outside and helped her down the rope ladder. He smiled at Elizabeth's awe as she watched Hawk's mum become the Boar Hat. Then all three of them walked to wear the most houses were. On the way, Meliodas slipped the ring off his finger and carefully threaded it back on the thin chain. With it once again tucked safely under his shirt, he focused on the task at hand.

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