Chapter 32 - The Ten Commandments on the Move

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'It appears that an Albion has been destroyed,' said Fraudrin, folding his arms. He and the rest of the Ten Commandments were still at the edge of what had once been Danafall, waiting. At his words, Zeldris turned slightly. 'Two of them, actually. In separate locations.'

'Who cares about them anyway?' Melascula's voice drifted down like a poisonous fog. ''Cause to me they're nothing more than ancient toys.'

Galand started to laugh. His armoured body clanked with each cackle of twisted mirth. 'How amusing.'

'What is it you find so funny?'

'Who'd have ever imagined that even now there'd still be people daring to stand against the Demon race?' Galand got to his feet with a grunt. 'Right. Let's go.'

'You're not considering heading out there with your powers still depleted, are you?' asked Melascula, slight exasperation tinging her voice.

'Why not? It'd be a perfect warm up exercise. Or do you actually think they'll defeat me?'

Melascula sighed.

Zeldris stood up. Fraudrin blinked and the prince had appeared in front of Galand.

'Now wait a minute,' said Zeldris. 'Have you forgotten it was this kind of arrogance that lead to our being sealed up in the first place?'

It was impossible to see any emotion on Galand's face, only the wide smile. 'Well memory loss in old men can be rather severe.'

The vines wrapped around Gloxinia stretched, one reaching out to point. 'So, what direction are you going to take?' he asked with almost-genuine interest.

Galand stroked his chin. 'Hm ... let me see ...'

Zeldris sighed and folded his arms. Fraudrin was inclined to do the same.

'I noticed something north-west of here,' said Gloxinia, the vine writhing. 'For a minute there were Power Levels that were doubling the Albion's. The one south of us was strange, because that Albion seemed to self-destruct as if, somehow, its own power slammed right back into itself.'

'Hm. Hey, thanks a lot.' Galand patted Gloxinia on the head before turning to face away from the Ten Commandments. 'I'm ready.'

And with that, Galand disappeared, leaving behind a cloud of dust and a feeling of anticipation hanging in the air.

'The Ten Commandments,' said Arthur, a slight frown on his face. 'Locked away since ancient times. The hand-picked troops of the Demon King himself. They've all been freed from a three-thousand-year-old seal and that's caused these giant monsters to start moving again.' He leant down to stare at Meliodas. 'Is that what you're telling me?'

The remains of the Albion loomed over the city walls like a boiled egg in an egg cup, its top half cracked away not by a spoon but by Meliodas's attack. Citizens of Camelot crowded around, pointing up at it in awe and disbelief.

'Don't blame ya for not believing this at first,' said Meliodas, 'but everything I've said is true.'

'Indeed.' A knight behind Arthur spoke. 'If we hadn't seen that beast with our own eyes, it would have been impossible to believe.'

'To think that ancient Britannia once had monsters like that roaming the continent,' said another. 'It's terrifying.'

Diane frowned. 'If they made those things, then that means the Ten Commandments must be even stronger, right, Captain? And, if that's true, how will any of us stand a chance going up against that kind of power?'

'My goodness,' said Slader from behind you. Gowther was tucked safely in Slader's glove. 'Even the form of Hendrickson we faced seems almost sweet by comparison, right, Gowther?'

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