Chapter 56 - The Ten Commandments vs The Archangels

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Meliodas held his sword so tightly his fingers started to cramp. The Forest flashed by, just a blur of green. Gloxinia was somewhere nearby and Drole was close behind, his resounding footfalls echoing through the trees. Elizabeth was nowhere to be seen. All Meliodas could do was hope she had made it back to the Light of Grace and found Rou and Gerheade.

As for [Y/n], she had only been visible occasionally, speaking to the hoard of Demons. But between one patch of trees and the next, she had disappeared. Meliodas pushed himself faster. There was no way [Y/n] would just fall out of the sky, she was much too good at flying. No, someone must have made her fall.

And that meant they were going to pay.

No sooner had the thought crossed his mind that a light started to grow. It shone through the branches, much brighter and colder than sunlight. Meliodas stopped running and stared. The light burned his eyes and lungs. It bleached all the colour from the Forest. And up in the sky, only just visible through the leaves, the Demons trapped in its brilliance dissolved into nothing.

Meliodas watched blankly until the light faded. Then, still blinking afterimages from his eyes, he began to run again.

Elizabeth crouched beside a tree and tried to slow her heartbeats. The light had faded and taken much of the darkness with it. But there was still so much magical power pounding against her skull. Her hands were shaking and her knees didn't want to work. Where was her mother?

Fingers digging into the bark of the tree, Elizabeth stood. Her mother must be around here somewhere, right? She wouldn't just leave. Elizabeth took a shaky step and the world exploded into flames.

The force of the impact threw Elizabeth forward. She skidded along the Forest floor, hands scraping on rocks and twigs. Smoke and sparks and flames. Elizabeth looked around wildly, heart beating way too fast again. There had to be a way out.

From above came the sounds of shouts and blows as the Commandments fought the Archangels, but Elizabeth tried to block them out. The ground shook and she stumbled on. Up ahead was calm. The fire hadn't reached there. Elizabeth sped up a little, slipping on moss.

The calm space was a small clearing. At its centre was a glowing dome. Something about its light calmed Elizabeth and she managed to walk the last few steps quite steadily. Beneath the dome, looking peaceful and uninjured, slept Elizabeth's mother.

Elizabeth gasped and started forward again, but a sound from the battle made her stop. There was a strange chanting and feeling in the air. A dark sacrifice. A hopeful hopelessness. Elizabeth turned away from her mother and looked to the burning sky.

They rose above the trees, wreathed in darkness. They bore resemblance to the Demons from before, but they had been transformed. Elizabeth's heart leapt into her mouth and refused to return to her chest. Her eyes refused to believe what they were seeing. Such creatures couldn't exist. Shouldn't exist. She sank to the floor.

The Forest was screaming. The darkness was writhing. Elizabeth hugged her knees to her chest. She wanted to go home.

'There's [Y/n]!'

Elizabeth raised her head. She knew that voice. Her father burst into the clearing with Drole and Gloxinia in tow. They ran up to her mother, but Drole couldn't breach the barrier. Elizabeth dug her fingernails into her arms. Her father put down his sword, its blade burying into the grass, and took a deep breath.

'Hey, wait,' said Gloxinia. 'I wouldn't do that. You're a Demon, remember?'

That's right, Elizabeth thought, watching blankly. The dark and the light must destroy each other. They can't exist together.

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