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The bright morning light shining through thin window curtains made contact with Felix sleepy eye's. The boy groaned and pressed his eyelids together trying to block the brightness. His breathing was calm and small smile appeared on his lips when he felt someone holding his shoulder and trying to wake him up. "Binie" Felix smiled and took the hand and snuggled with it without opening eye's.

"Changbin left" Felix eye's opened as soon as he heard Hyunjin's voice ring through his ears. He quickly moved away and sat up while gripping the fabric of the sheets and blanket. Hyunjin staid there, still confused, but with little smirk on his lips. "So Binie..." Hyunjin teased, but get lightly pushed by Felix who just stood up to push Hyunjin out of his way. The boy looked like lost Kitten spacing around the room looking for something. "Felix?" Hyunjin went closer to the boy. "His clothes, they are gone" Felix muttered and went for his phone, hoping to find some kind of message from Changbin. Reason he left or where he might be.

"Of course they are gone...was he supposed to walk naked around the house?" Hyunjin chuckled. "He's still here? You said he left!" Felix whined and stormed out of the room leaving Hyunjin stand there alone. "They both are so kinky" Hyunjin laughed at the memory of Felix shirt what said Daddy's Kitten"


"Changbin hyung is so strong...look Minho hyung, look at those arms!" Jisung was amazed while sitting next to Changbin in the living room. Both boys were watching something on Changbins phone, while Minho was making hot chocolate for his squirrel boy. "Can I also have arms like yours one day Changbin hyung?" Jisungs hands reached up to touch them. He was so amazed, what made Minho role his eye's, but smile at his boyfriends behaviour. Changbin nodded and patted Jisungs hair. "Of course you can, you need to work out every day and eat lots of food to gain weig-" " Oky that's enough you both" Minho came and put mug of hot chocolate on the coffee table right infront of them. "Don't tell my baby how to build muscles, he looks perfect the way he is" Minho smiled and took Jisung in his arms. Jisung pouted and rolled up his sleeves to reveal his arms. "Look hyungs, I have been working out as well" The boy flexed his arm making others chuckle in the room.

"Yea, by making mess everywere you go" Chan came in the room with his headphones around the neck. "You guys are bullies, only Changbin hyung understands me" Han said what made Changbin smile. Jisung haven't changed.

"Oh and Hyunjin just went upstairs to wake up Felix, his been sleeping so much, what did you do to him Changbin?" Chan joked making Changbin turn towards him. "Nothing, we did nothing" He answer quickly and Chan nodded. Changbin sighed and put his phone on the coffee table. He didn't want to wake up Felix before, because he was sleeping like a little Kitten in the blanket. However on his way back to Felix room from the toilet he run into Jisung. The boy seems to have got liking on him for some reason, so Changbin just let Felix get some more sleep and went down with Jisung.

Felix went downstairs and as soon as he saw Changbin sitting there, in the living room, he sighed in relief. "I thought you left" Felix pouted and went closer to sit down next to Changbin. Changbin put his hand on Felix thigh and leaned in to kiss the younger, but stopped halfway leaving Felix sitting there, eye's closed, lips in form of fish. Changbin cleared his throat and looked around. Everyone was looking at both. Felix opened his eyes and pulled Changbins arm towards him, making Changbin slightly lean against younger, hand still holding Felix naked thigh, because boy was only wearing the shirt Changbin bought for him, completely forgotten about what's written on it.

"This is weird" Hyunjin said standing next to Chan. "Look at them both" Chan nodded at tallers coment. Changbin didn't felt bad at this state, he felt like he was treated like newcomer in this house who so suddenly was glued next to their little brother, from their point of view they could see that younger obviously liked Changbin more than just a fried and do everything to make him stay close. Fact that everyone was still staring at the couple almost felt overwhelming for two. "Isn't this cute tho? Felix found his lover" Han said and leaned against Minho who was playing with youngers hair. "Changbinie found me. He came all the way from South Korea to meet me" Changbin held Felix hand and smiled.

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