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"I'm here for u Binie"

I didn't know that hearing these words would make me so happy. The boy finally trust me. I can use him in every way now. Maybe it sounds wrong, but I don't care. I have this job to complete and I'm almost out of the time.

I slowly break the hug and move away from the edge of the building. I could feel Felix shoulders drop and his lips pout. Cute.


I turn towards him and nod. Felix smiles and comes closer to me. "I really did mean it" I nod again and smile for him. I think i smiled more times today than in my whole time of living on this earth. Felix is just that type of person. His personally is different from people i have met. I don't like people, but like i said Felix is different. Does it mean i maybe like him as a person? No.

"Hey!" He says and looks at me with worried eye's. I quickly shake my head and chuckle. "Sorry, i don't feel that well" The way his smile changed into sadness, his eyes lost their shine. Fuck. "I might be sick or something" Lies. Felix comes closer again and softly place his hand on my forehead. My dark red cap is almost covering half of my forehead, so i can feel his soft fingers on top of my eyebrows and eyelashes while trying to avoid his eyes. "Nah, i think you good" He says and stands back a little. That little action was sweet. It's not me who is thinking that right now, not at all. "Maybe just tired" Now i start to sound like a wanna go away and leave him here. Great. I should learn how to speak with people, not avoid them. I got his trust, what's next?

"You should probably go now... I can't keep you here any longer, u might catch the cold" I say that in sweet tone so he would think that i really care. I don't. Maybe a little, i don't want him to get sick and then I'm sick as well.

Felix smiles. "Aw, Changbin cares about me" He says in baby voice. Aish, he's an actual kid. I pat his hair, soft, soft hair and nod. "Maybe a little" Now I can't hold back the smirk. Felix pretends to be hurt and walks away, me walking close behind him.

As we go down stairs i keep looking at Felix and his legs. Not like a creep of course, it's just he's not careful at all. There's a lot of broken glass and objects on the floor. I reach out for his wrist and hold him. "Look where you going" He stops and looks at me. What? Felix stares at me and it looks like he's about to say something. "It's too dark in here" His voice small. It actually is darker than before we came. We're not even in the middle of the building and there's still so many steps. "Changbin?" He keeps talking, but we are not moving. I calmly respond "Yes Felix?" He doesn't respond, but slowly reaches for my hand. I do not stop him. Felix fingers tries to find they way in my hand. His hand is smaller than mine, cute.

Can feel that he's shy and all, so i take his hand firmly. "You can hold my hand freckles, i don't mind" Finally we start moving again and without saying anything more we come out of the big building. Once we stand outside, the street lights are shining above us, they were off before we went up. I look at Felix and his cheeks are pink. Is he cold? Without thinking i take my free hand and reach it up to his left cheek. Felix stutterers without even saying anything and quickly place his free hand on top of mine. Freezing. "Oh my god Felix, your hand is freezing!" I quickly grab it and move his both hands together so i can warm them up with mine ones. I did not even notice how cold it become. Felix wasn't wearing anything warm. Stupid. "I'm fine Changbin hyung" He removes his hands away and puts them in his pockets. I shake my head. "No, it's really cold outside" I reach for his hand again. "So if it is, I'm fine Changbin" Is he tho?

We can't stand here forever so i slowly start moving and not long after Felix follows me. "Changbin" I look at him and nod. "I think i should go now" He says and stops, i do as well. "Go where?" I ask and come closer to him. He smiles a little and shake's his body, to warm up. I should go and hug him now, he's cold, but why am i not moving?

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