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Changbin is walking around Seoul's streets with cigarette between his fingers. Dressed in all black avoiding people around him. It's not like he doesn't like people, he just don't like when someone stares at him, because he kinda looks like criminal. There's something about him that makes him look like one, maybe his dark aura, maybe that dark look in his eye's, everything about him. Changbin didn't really mind that, he likes when people are scared of him, even he is the one who always protect people from bad, sometimes he would love to quick everything and do things by himself and don't follow the rules, just like bad ones.

He watch how the colour of sky slowly from light blue becomes pink with orange in it. However it's too early for Changbin's late walk's around city, he decided to step out of his comfort zone and go out. He walks around the same park witch he was in, 5 day's ago. Changbin enjoys this place because it's really beautiful and bring back memories which are really special towards him, memories with his mum and dad. Those day's when he was holding both of their hand's and was jumping around while laughing, time's when he sat on his dad's lap with ice cream in his hands. However it's been long time since both of them are not part of this world anymore, Changbin still remembers everything. Those memories are locked in his heart forever.

He decided to sit on one of the chairs he always sit on. He finished smoking his cigarette and throwed it in bin. Changbin looked around and saw some kids playing with little puppy, this made his heart soft. He likes little kids, they are really cute and always smile's at him when no one ever doe's that.

He looked away in his phone and saw photo of the boy. Changbin accepted his new case some day's ago, but he didn't knew how to continue and how to begin. It's been 5 day's since he meet Felix, and now he's planning how to get closer with the boy. It's not easy for him to get close with someone, but he can do fake being friendly. it's a big possibly to meet him here in the park.




"Jisungie can we take a selfie together?" Said Minho while running towards Jisung who was talking with Felix about one random kdrama they finished watching day's ago. "I'm so sad that Sungmo hyung had to go to prison..." Felix didn't finished his sentence when Minho run into him, making Felix fall on the ground. He looked up to Minho with pout on his lips while rubbing hiss but. "Oky, let's pretend that Felix isn't here!" Felix said while getting up and started walking away from Minho who looked at Felix with big eye's, he was probably sorry towards younger, it was his fault that Felix hurted his but.

Jisung turned Felix around and grabbed his wrist. "Hey Lix, where are you going?" Felix look in Jisung's eye's. "Away, that you two could sped time together, im the 3rd wheeling you both anyways!" Felix pushed Jisung's hand away and turned towards Minho who looked sad. "Have some fun you two, i will walk alone." Jisung took Minho's hand and looked at Felix. "Alright, do what you want, but you have to be home around 10PM or Mark will kill all of us" Felix wasn't listening what Jisung said, he just want to get away from these two love birds and maybe meet someone, but he wasn't gonna tell anyone about that. Felix really wanted to meet Dark boy who saved him some day's ago.

Members was talking about him while Felix wasn't around. Things like "He's to dangerous for our Lix", "We cant let him meet that guy anymore"...In reality Felix was listening their conversation's every time. That actually made him want to meet Changbin again, he was the only one who wasn't scared of him.

And while Felix was walking alone around the dark park he noticed someone siting on the chair. He looked around to check if Minsung was around, but no one actually was around so Felix took deep breath and walked towards dark stranger. He hoped to meet Changbin, but he wasn't sure if the stranger was him, it was really dark in that spot where the guy was sitting.

"Changbin, is that you?" Felix said while whispering, he came closer to check on the human figure, it looks like the guy was sleeping. Felix didn't saw guy's face because of the cap he was wearing. "Is that you Changbin?" Felix said little bit louder this time. He didn't have the time to react when guy's hand had grabbed Felix wrist little to hard. "No, I'm not Changbin or whatever you said". The guy smirked and looked up to see Felix. Felix was scared to death, he want to run away and search for his friends but the guy was holding to hard. "Can you please let go of me?" Felix said with his voice trembling in fear.

The stranger stood up and took Felix waist in his hands. "Already running away pretty boy?" Felix presed his lips together and looked away from the guy so he wouldn't be able to see Felix tears. "My mum is waiting for me, i have to go now!" Felix lied. "I don't see anyone aroud boy, your not going anywhere!" The guy said and held Felix waist closer to his body. "Don't touch me!" Felix cried out. "But i want to have some fun with you pretty boy!" Stranger said with grin and moved closer to Felix neck. He held Felix hair so his head would be still and he wouldn't be able to fight back.

The guy started kissing Felix neck and leaving marks. He continued sucking down where Felix collar bone was making Felix cry even louder. He took his hand and blocked Felix mouth so no one would help him. Then the guy moved his hands under Felix shirt making Felix froze.
"Wow, you are really pretty boy, what's your name?" The guy said while his hand was sliding down Felix abs. "Fuck you!" Was the only thing Felix could respond.

"Alright, if that's what you want!" The guy began to undo Felix pants. The guy held Felix to tight, so Felix wasn't able to run away, he was to week to fight back. Felix knew what will happen next, he felt so weak. It was his own fault that he didn't listen to Mark and other brother's when they told him to not walk around alone. He just cried lauder and was hoping that someone would save him.

That someone actually came before the guy had a chance to rape Felix who was crying on the ground with hands behind his back.

"Let go off him, or i will kill you!" Changbin was standing behind the guy who's hands was resting on Felix waist. "Touch him and I promise, you won't be able to breathe" The guy heard Changbin and was about to look at him, but Changbin already kicked his leg against strangers face making him fly away from Felix. Changbin wasn't going to stop, he continued hitting guy's face making the guy cry in pain, when blood was all around guy's face Changbin stopped. "How does it feel to feel pain huh, why did you hurt the boy?" Changbin wasn't waiting for answer, he just hit him more and more, after a while the guy struggled to stood up and run away leaving Changbin and crying Felix alone.

Felix stood up still shaking and went closer to Changbin who was looking at Felix with sad eye's.
"Hey, are you ok..." Changbin didn't finished when Felix hugged his waist and started crying in his chest. Changbin felt his heart hurting and breaking while he was holding boy's head in his bloody hands. "It's oky, don't cry, im here, i will protect you!"

I still can pretend to care and protect u at the same time. I'm sorry Felix.

sorry for waiting!

vote pls😉💕

word count (1353)

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