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Both arrived at Felix place. The younger was about to open car doors, so he could run and look for his brothers. Maybe they're back home and everything is fine. Felix was hoping. Changbin however as soon as the car stopped, locked all of car doors. He already knew that Felix will try to get out. Felix tried to open doors countless times, but then turned to look at Changbin. The older was staring at the building, looking inside the windows for someone, but noticed that house doors were opened in little gap. "Hyung?" Changbin didn't look at Felix, still staring at the building. "Wait" He answered quickly and unlocked his doors, leaving rest of them locked. "But-" "I said wait Felix, I will go first, you stay here" Felix grabbed Changbin's hand. Changbin's eye's landed on their hand's and then Felix. He smiled a little and held Felix hand. "I'm just gonna check if someone's home Lix" Felix nodded and let go, eye's full of worry. "Just stay here" Changbin said before went out of the car. He moved closer to the building while glancing back at the car where Felix was looking at every move Changbin made. Changbin made sure no one was outside the house before entering house completely.

As soon as he went inside, Changbin bend down a little and took out his gun from jacket's pocket. He slowly moved towards kitchen, the floor cracking a little what made his nose scrunch and eyebrows bend down. Gun close to his chest pointing over his shoulder he leaned against the wall and slowly looked inside kitchen. Changbins shoulders relaxed when he didn't saw anyone there. He turned around where living room was Infront of him. No one. He slowly went closer  towards living room, but something took his attention. Someone was speaking, luckily to him, the sound came from upstairs. Changbin was in the middle of the house, standing frozen in the hallway. The floor was cracking after every step he took closer towards stairs.

"But where is the boy?" Someone said. Changbin couldn't recognise the voice. Lucky for him, the stairs wasn't making any sound, so he slowly took some steps up. "We searched every room in this fucking house" "The boy...ChimChim said he was with someone" Changbin heard something break. Must be glass against wall. "Then why the fuck we're here, where were you sooner?" The man was angry. Changbin already knew that they talk about Felix, but who might be that ChimChim guy?

"Changbin" Changbin froze and held his gun closer, pointing it Infront of him. "What about him? The man's voice was disgusted, like he already knew Changbin, or something about him. Of course, a lot of criminals know him, but Changbin didn't thought that they would found out so quickly. He took last step of stairs making it crack. Changbin cursed inside and hide behind door's. "What was that?" "Don't know, go check" Fuck. Changbin leaned against wall and kneeled down. Good that he was in the shadow. Changbin knew that he couldn't just shoot those two mans and leave. He needs to know where Felix brothers are hiding, but after everything, Changbin is sure that they are kidnapped. But by who?

Footsteps went closer and closer towards him. "There's no one downstairs, aish..." The man lucky didn't look behind doors. Changbin sighed and stood up when heard the man go away. "So, what's about Changbin?" "The boy is with him" There was silence for a while. The man sat down on chair. "Intresting... Changbin is not like someone with heart, why would he be with the boy?" Excuse me? Changbin thought. Maybe he looks dark and dangerous, gets into fights, but Changbin does have heart. It's just that he has no one to share it with. Or does he.

"Have no idea, but we need to find those two soon very soon, or boss will be angry" The other guy nodded. "Why do we need Changbin guy?" "Let's just say that... our boss will be glad to meet him again" The guy chuckled.

Changbin was confused. Who the hell is that person  and why he needs Felix and why would he be glad to see Changbin. Changbin glanced at both of them through the little gap between doors and doorframe. They gonna go soon. He can't just shoot those people. First, he doesn't know if they both aren't armed with guns. Second, he needs them to find other boys.

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