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Changbin unlocked the door's of his house and went inside quickly taking off his shoes. It was already dark outside, so the only light that was shining from the windows came from streetlights and big white moon outside. He put his key's inside his pocket and took of the jacket he was wearing.

Changbin sighed and went to his bedroom not even bothered to turn on the lights on his way. The room wasn't mesy at all, just some clothes laying on top of his work desk's chair, half finished soju bottle next to his work papers, not like he was drinking a lot...just to get his mind away from things. Other than that some books on his nightstand and bed. Changbin went into his closet and took of his jacket and shirt putting it aside to wash it tomorrow and before leaving to bathroom he took clean clothes to change in later on.

After shower Changbin put on his sleeping clothes, went Inside bed and put away his books so they are not bothering his sleep.

Many things went through his mind again. Changbin sometimes had sleeping problems, he was lucky to fall asleep quickly, but today wasn't like those lucky nights. His thoughts went far far in the past. Just like in pictures he saw his family. There was his father who just came home from work, his mother who stood by the kitchens table cutting potatoes for dinner. Changbin felt like he was in that moment, he almost could smell the fresh air coming from his father's jacket while hugging him tightly. The happiness and laughing sounds rang through his head, but if u would look from the side. Changbin now had little smile on his face, but not so far after a single tear formed in his eye and slowly went down on his cheek.

He quickly opened his eyes and groaned.

"What's wrong with me?"

He was so over those memories, it's been years and now he's much older. Changbin doesn't need anyone, at least he thinks like that, but his heart feel so empty all the time and the moments when he's alone are the worst. Changbin is strong. He says that to himself everyday.

~Next day~


"Felix~" Jisung's voice came outside of Felix bedroom. He was already up, just still laying on the bed with phone in his hands. Felix was waiting for Changbin's reply or any messages. He was wondering about him now. Does Changbin want to meet up somewhere, does he even like Felix, is Felix being too annoying? He shut his eyes and soon heard doors opening and something heavy jumping on top of him.

"yahh!" Felix screamed of pain. "What's up with u this morning?" He rolled over so Jisung is next to him. Jisung just smiled and sat on Felix bed. "We're going out, we need food" Felix just nodded and get up. "Which store this time?" He already knew what will gonna happen. "The one on TMT Street, now come down soon oky?" "yea".

Felix sighed when Jisung left his room. Another peaceful day ruined by those criminals who he calls brothers. He loves all of them, and look up to them, but Felix doesn't really like their habit of stealing. Sure he have done it many times by himself and somehow always gets out of trouble. He's just doing what they say. And yet again, let's go stealing.

Felix went downstairs where all his family members were waiting for him. They all smiled and Yoongi hugged Felix quickly while putting black cap on his head. "Ready?" Felix noded.

"Oky, so as many of u know...today we are targeting the small shop on TMT Street. We are attending at 12:00PM, not many costumers are around and it's perfect time for us to make a move, because police is getting ready for their lunch break. Those idiots will not be able to get us, because just like every other time we gonna act fast, understand?" Mark put on his face mask and everyone respond with "yes".


"So Changbin" Changbin recognised the voice and slowly looked up to see Namjoon. "Did u found the boy?" Changbin didn't respond and looked down again. "How much longer Changbin, you have many other cases what are as much important. You come here and do nothing" "Nothing?" Changbin stood up. Namjoon just smiled awkwardly. "I mean...u only focus on that case, take time to look into others as well, u are the best in our team for a reason, don't lose it" Changbin chuckled at Namjoon's coment. "I don't care if I'm the best in this team, I'm just doing my job" Namjoon nodded and sat on the corner of Changbins work desk. "Sure" "And im not working only on this case" "Yea, what else are u up to?" "When the guy will be behind bars u will know" Changbin get closer and gritted his teeth.

"Lunch break!" Someone informed. Changbin put on fake smile and left the police station. He never eat with others, Changbin use his lunch break to go look around the streets and maybe catch some criminals. Sometimes he goes somewhere and take lunch. This day Changbin felt like eating so he decided to go inside one of the shops and get something.

After 2 minutes he came across a small shop. He parked his car and went inside. There was around 5 people walking around and choosing some random groceries. He went to drinks and took coke. While waiting for his hot-dog, Changbin saw someone more like group of people enter the shop. They all were wearing masks. Changbin went in the corner of the shop and put on his hood so his face can't be recognised. He was staring at the boys, one of them went past him. Changbin knew he have seen those eye's somewhere, the guy looked so familiar. "Minho hyung" One of the boys (Jisung) called the boy. Changbin stayed calm. Now he knows where he saw those eye's. It's Lee Minho, the missing boy.

The boy's started to steal some things while Yoongi talked with seller, something about the virus going around. Changbin just stood there.

Jisung accidentally dropped his bag and some stuff fall on the ground, that get sellers attention "hey! Stop there, all of u...i will call the police" The seller held the gun out, Changbin could tell that is wasn't loaded. He smirked at how scared the poor guy was. The boy's stood in place and didn't move.

"Shit, he have a gun" Mark informed. Felix held into his upper arm, because oh boy he was scared.

Suddenly loud noise came from Changbin's police radio mic.

"burglary at TMT streets shop, big group of guy's, none of them armed..."

Changbin turned off the radio mic quickly. Good that he was out of sight.

"There's a cop somewhere in here! Run everyone" Yoongi shouted and run out of the shop. Changbin came out of the corner and took a glance of Minho one more time, but noticed boy next to him. "Felix, come on!" Mark grabbed Felix hand and they all run out of the shop. Changbin's eye's glared at Felix back, the boy turned around and looked inside Changbin's eye's, but quickly went out of the shop with others. The seller was telling something to Changbin but the boy wasn't listening.

"How could u let them go? You are police officer for god's sake!" Changbin wasn't wearing the uniform, he never did, but the seller noticed the radio mic in his hand. Changbin just went out of the shop and tried to follow the boys with his car, but they were already gone.

"i found you Lee Minho...so you also know Felix... intresting" Changbin went back to the police station not even bothered of telling anyone what he saw. He pretended like he wasn't around the TMT street.

Changbin was thinking about one person.

Does Felix recognised me, does he knew i was there, does he think i was the cop.


Im back to continue this story.

Hope you liked this chapter.

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