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"I am so stupid" Changbin hit his head against the steering wheel. Not strong enough to trigger the safety Air bag, but strong enough to make him feel a bit dizzy. He laid against the chair and closed his eye's. What to do next? He had different scenarios going through his mind when suddenly someone lightly knocked on the window.

Changbin slightly flinched and looked at the person outside the car. He sighed when he saw his assistant from the company is already infront of the hotel after the message he sent not long after leaving Felix house.

He pressed the window switch and it slowly went down revealing clearer view outside because Changbin had dark car windows. The man smiled and opened the doors for Changbin. However Changbin didn't move, he just sat there looking forwards, his had moving to start the car. In his mind he wants to go back, he wants to go and hold Felix, give him hugs and kisses. How much he loves the boy.

"Sir?" The man outside the car said again and Changbin only now get out of his thoughts. He cleared his throat and moved outside the car. "I'm sorry about asking, but why so suddenly you wanna leave? Company do so much better with you here and project you are working on is nearly finished, we need to go over small details, but other than that we are ready t-" "From now on you will take over the project we've been working on" Changbin said with no emotions and went towards the registry of the hotel. "B-but sir, Im only your assistant" The man tried to get out of this ofer and make his boss to stay longer. "And that's why I trust you the most in the company. Don't worry Asahi you gonna do great, I believe in you" Changbin smiled a little and patted his shoulder.

Asahi didn't said anything until. "Sir why you paying for the hotel? I would do it if you didn't came so fast" "Im not gonna spend company's money, this one is on me" Changbin paid and saw someone coming towards him with the suitcases. "All your belongings are collected sir" The hotels worker said in Japanese what Changbin understood. "Thank you for having me here" Changbin left the hotel.

"Did you saw the cute boy he had over here few times?" One of the girls came from behind the two man who were looking at their vip costumer leave the hotel. "You scared me Remi!" "No...he came alone and you shouldn't talk about it or ask questions like these" The girl nodded and said sorry.


"D-does this means he broke up with me?" Felix cried in Chans arms. He couldn't believe it. Why would Changbin do that? They love each other too much. Felix loves him. "I don't think he would just do it without a reason Felix" Chan patted Felix back slowly. The boy has benn crying for hour. Felix couldn't move, he didn't drink water that Jisung gave him. "What reason he could have to hurt me like this, to leave a message like that" Chan sighed and held the boy closer. He knew that something didn't add up. Mark has been too quite after Changbin left, he was the last one to speak with him. "I'm sure it's gonna be alright, we gonna find him"

"Minho hyung left not long after Changbin, so Im sure he will find him" Jisung sat infront of Felix and took his hands. "I believe that Changbin hyung will come back, he's a good man" Felix smiled a little and nodded. "I just want to talk with him, but he left his phone here" Felix started to cry again.

"Hanie, take care of Felix for a little bit, I'll go speak with Mark hyung" Jisung nodded and replaced Chans spot. Felix curled up in Jisungs hands. "Hanie?" Felix small voice asked. Han nodded in reply. "Why you like Binie hyung so much?" Felix  wanted to know for a while. Jisung have been always close to Changbin whenever he was here.

Jisung though for a moment. "When he is near me I have this feeling...like I somehow know him, that he should be here with us. I just know he is really good person. I feel this positive feeling when he's around. We don't know each other that well, but he feels like a good friend to me Felix" Felix listened as his eyes slowly started to close, because of the little headache he had by crying so much. "He reminds me of someone...your Changbin hyung"

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