🚔서른 하나

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"Sungie, I'm home!" Minhos voice was heard from downstairs. Han turned towards doors of Felix room. Felix smiled and patted Jisung's back. "Go, go" Han gave felix biggest smile and run out of Felix room. Minho took of his shoes and put his jacket away. He could hear Jisung running downstairs and before he could even look up, he was crushed in breath taking hug from younger. Minho wrapped his hands around Jisung's slim waist and buried his nose in Han's hair. "Minho hyung!" Jisung held his arms around Minho with face in elders neck. "I'm here baby" Minho lightly held and brushed Hans cheek with his hand, making smaller boy lean into his touch. "I missed you hyung" Jisung pouted, making his lips look like fish. Minho nodded and leaned down to kiss those pouty lips. "I'm sorry, hyung had to work extra hours today, leaving his baby at home. Did you and Lix had great time while I was gone?" Jisung opened his eyes after kiss Minho hyung just gave him and bite into his lip, because of the question. Felix wasn't home. Jisung was home alone most of the day, playing games and writing lyrics in Chans studio, where Chan actually made copy of the key, so younger could enter the room whenever he wants.

"Aa...yea, we had so much fun!" Jisung smiled with his teeth showing and held into Minhos hand, dragging him towards kitchen. Minho didn't realize that Jisung wasn't telling him the truth, what made Jisung fell relieved. Minho can't know that Seo Changbin is here in Japan, was in their house 20 minutes ago + Is Felix boyfriend. The youngest member of family is dating someone like Changbin. No... Jisung made his mind clear. Changbin is not that bad, he shouldn't say it like that. Tho even this whole thing going on makes Jisung still feel weird and little bit unsure. "Im not hungry Sungie" Minho took his phone out to quickly check something. Jisung sat on one of the seats and looked at Minho. "You are always hungry after work, I will make you something" Han was about to stand up, but Minho stopped him. "Huh?" Minho sighed. "Sungie I said I'm not hungry. I just received a message from Mark. Please call Felix downstairs and then come to living room" Minhos voice was serious, but not scary. Han knew that something wasn't alright, because Mark hyung with Chan left yesterday without telling anything. News from Mark could be something important.

Han nodded and run upstairs.


Binie hyung❤️

Did you get to hotel safe?

I did

I miss you already :(


You left so quickly, I didn't even show
you my room

I had to leave, before others come home.

I know

Don't worry baby, I'll see your room
very soon.

My bed is really big, so you will have lots
of place to sit there.

Good to know ;)

What is that wink sir?

Sir? I like that ;)

You did it again!

Did what?

Binie! Stop teasing me *pouts*

I'd love to tease you now.

Are you talking dirty to me?

~Criminal~ Changlixحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن