🚔스물 여섯

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"Lix are you oky?" Right after Felix entered the house a wild Jisung was running in his way. Felix tried to take a breath and get over those butterflies in his stomach from recent moment together with Changbin. The time with elder was so precious and he couldn't get Changbin out of his mind. Felix didn't answer and just smiled. Jisung followed Felix to living room where Hyunjin was sitting on the couch while drinking glass of Fanta. Felix gasped and quickly hugged his brother. "Hyunjinie, when did you came back!?" Felix completely was ignoring Jisung who still waiting for the answers. He couldn't let this slide. Felix never disappears for that long.

"Around 5 minutes ago" Hyunjin put down the drink and hugged his little brother while smiling. "You look a lot happier Felix, what happened?" Hyunjin cupped Felix cheeks to make him look all chubby and cute. Jisung sat next to them and smirked. "I think our baby brother have found someone for himself" Felix turned around and glared at Jisung who was acting like nothing just happened. Hyunjin chuckled and sipped his drink like a sassy bitch he is. "Shut up Han!" Felix jumped on top of Jisung and tried to somehow hurt him, but not with a lot of force. Jisung was laughing, because Felix started to tickle him. "H-Heyy, stop it hahah Fe-Felixx!" Felix smirked in victory and let go of the boy who was getting his breath and breathing back to normal. Hyunjin just giggled at both of them. "Who is he talking about Felix?" Now Hyunjin was curious too. Hyunjin has been lately going out with this boy Seungmin who he met at his job. Hyunjin being the model obviously needed someone who would help him with planing and other stuff for photoshoots. Hyunjin is already popular model who works for many famous brands in Tokyo. So basically he fell for his security or what you might call him. Seungmin is that shy type of boy who takes no long for people to like him. Hyunjin likes Seungmin a lot.

"It's nothing important Jinie... please tell me about you and Seungmin, last time you messaged you mentioned that something was wrong with his dog, is he oky?" Felix tried to change the subject and move forwards, but Hyunjin wasn't that easy. "Lix, i called back and told that the dog is pregnant, it's oky" Felix nodded and was about to go upstairs when Jisung grabbed his hand. "You are hiding something from us...Lix, you better tell us before someone else finds out" Felix sighed and slowly turned around. "Why you are doing this to me? Can't i have a secret for myself...why do i need to tell you" Jisung's face dropped and he let go of Felix. "You share everything with me, im not gonna judge or laugh about you...we can speak you know, like always" Hyunjin felt confused. "Are we talking about the guy he is seeing?" Jisung slowly nodded and Felix rolled his eyes. He didn't felt the need of telling both of them about Changbin. They have no idea right? Only Mark knows about him and that Felix liked the boy.

"Right, you won't be laughing, because you all would be mad instead. You would never accept him and us together!" Felix raised his voice even he didn't want to, he felt the need to do it. Jisung should not put his nose in Felix private life. Even if he knows that he is currently seeing someone from the day when Minho and Jisung visited him at Starbucks. Jisung should let Felix tell them instead of forcing the answers out of him.

Jisung was watching how Felix stormed to his bedroom, hitting doors closed after he went inside. Jisung felt bad now. He shouldn't do that, even he get too excited for younger and that he finally found someone special, he shouldn't he so annoying and let Felix be. Hyunjin held Jisung's shoulder slowly stroking it and sighed. "It's oky Ji, Don't feel guilty about anything" Jisung moved closer to Hyunjin and hugged him. "I..I didn't thought he would react like this. I always need to know everything for fuck sake" Jisung cursed towards himself. "Now you know...we should wait until he tell us himself" Jisung nodded and smiled a little. "Please stay longer than last time please. We miss you a lot recently." Hyunjin smiled and held his brother closer. "Will do" Jisung shut his eyes slowly. He couldn't get what Felix told him out of his mind. Why would they all be mad and wouldn't accept his relationship with the other. Who is this guy?

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