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Felix and Changbin was standing in silence, the blonde one was crying and holding in Changbin for 5 minutes not breaking his hold, Felix held Changbin with both of his hands around smaller ones waist, being clingy boy he is. Changbin was just standing, after one minute he let go of younger, because he thought that boy might feel uncomfortable around him, but Felix never did let go.

Changbin smiled a little bit and chuckled. "Mind let go of me?" He looked down at Felix who slowly removed his hands away from Changbin's waist and looked up to meet Changbin's eye's. "I'm sorry, i can become clingy sometimes, I'm really really sorry!"

Felix felt awkward after what happened so he backed away from Changbin and bowed. "I will go n-now, thankyou again for saving me" Felix shyly smiled and turned away from Changbin, he felt embarrassed in front of Changbin.

Changbin knew that he can't let go of the boy yet, he need Felix to trust him, so he decided to run after boy who was slowly walking away looking like he want the older one come after him. Felix never have been in that situation he was 10 minutes ago, he still was scared after what happened, even Changbin saved him, he still felt fear. Felix put his small hands inside his black hoodies pockets, when he suddenly heard footsteps running in his way.

He walked faster this time. It was pretty late outside even it's almost summer, this park have a lot of trees in it, so there's a lot of dark shadows. He knew that Changbin probably left long time ago, because he don't care about Felix not even a little bit. Felix start running away not even looking back. "Wait!" Felix heard someone yell from behind, but this someone wasn't random stranger...Felix already recognised Changbin's voice, because after the first time they meet in the grocery store he was amazed by elders voice. Changbin seemed really nice guy, he didn't knew why everyone was talking bad about him, when he was literally his live saver. "Stop running away from me!" Changbin run closer and stood in front of Felix while he was still breathing heavily and trying to get some air in his lungs.

Felix put his hand on Changbin's back. "Are you fine Changbin?" Changbin laughed a little bit and looked up to Felix who looked worried. "I think i need to start attending gym again" Felix giggled at Changbin's coment. "So, why you still here?, i thought that you left already". "I want to ask you something". Felix was unsure, but noded. "Ask already!" He smiled at Changbin making Changbin return the smile. "Your number?" Changbin said while looked down.

"My number, for what?" Felix blushed because of what he was hearing. "So we could meet again of course!" Now Changbin felt awkward, he didn't know what else he should do to get closer. He need to become Felix friend.

"Of course Changbin!" The blonde boy took out his phone and give it to Changbin who took it right away and put his number inside Felix contact's, then passed phone back to Felix. "Dark Changbin?" Felix stared at the contact name what Changbin saved in his phone with big grin on his face, he was about to laugh again.

"Yahh, I'm really dark!" Changbin said with no emotions on his face. He then smiled because he saw that the boy in front of him was smiling. His plan was working pretty great, Felix already was fallin in his trap.

"Sure, you're really dark, I'm so scared of you" Felix teased Changbin while giggling. Changbin thought that the sound of Felix little giggle was adorable. This kid was something else, the first one who actually made Changbin soft. Even if his own act was fake.

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