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"Besides, I don't know why you're so eager to have your walking privileges taken away."


Cedric and I wake up around 10:00 to the sound of a loud crash from downstairs, followed by lots of annoyed complaints.

"The fuck was that?" I groan, sitting up from my laying position.

"Dunno, but I suppose we should go check it out." Cedric says in his raspy morning voice.

I meet his eyes and bring my lips down to his, running my fingers through his messy auburn hair.

"Or we could just stay here for a bit." I whisper, trailing my lips down his neck and earning a sigh from him in return.

"Yeah, I guess there's no rush. People weren't planning on going skiing until 12:30 anyways." He agrees quietly, his hands running through my hair.

I reach over him and grab the remote from his bedside table, flipping on the TV. The first channel that pops up is NBC, playing my favorite show, The Office.

"Okay, we're watching this." I state, setting the remote down.

"I think I've heard of this show, but I heard it was super boring." Cedric groans.

I turn to him with my eyes wide and my jaw to the floor.

"I know you did not just call the best show of all time boring."

He puts his hands up defensively.

"Hey, I'll give it a shot, that's just what I've heard."

I roll my eyes and turn back towards the TV, raising the volume.

We spend the next hour and a half just binging episodes and laughing our asses off the whole time.

It was hard to compose myself enough and not simp for Jim the whole time, but I was able to manage.

"I suppose we should start getting ready now for skiing." I say reluctantly, standing up and heading over to my trunk.

We each get changed into our skiing outfits, grabbing our things from our closet, and heading out the door.

"Okay, that show was actually pretty good." He chuckles as we descend down the stairs.

"Just pretty good? You were in tears from laughter." I scoff, causing him to roll his eyes.

"Fine, it was really good. Definitely one of the funniest shows I've seen."

I give him a triumphant smile as we reach the bottom of the stairs, heading towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen are the twins sobered up, Camillia, Lee, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Blaise, and Draco, all dressed in ski stuff, ready to go.

"There you guys are!" Fred exclaims, him and George making their way over to us.

"Have lots of fun last night? Stay up late?" George smirks.

"I wish." I mumble, causing Cedric and the twins to laugh loudly.

"Where's everyone else? Is this all that's going?" Cedric asks, pointing to the people waiting in the kitchen.

"Yeah, the rest of the folks aren't big skiing fans, so several of them headed downtown for some shopping and whatnot." George shrugs as we make our way over to the people waiting in the kitchen.

"Everyone ready to go?" Hermione asks, standing up and clutching her snowboard in her hand.

Everyone nods in agreement, standing up and heading out the back door towards the ski lift that's part of the house.

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