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I don't not own Genshin Impact, nor their characters

I own the plot and my characters

This is a self insert storyline


It was always bright during the Wind festival in Mondstadt. The air was crisp and warm as crowds wandered about, kids laughing and playing, adults smiling and chatting about latest news and gossip, sipping their wine or other preferred drinks. It was calming. A chuckle was lightly heard as a Mother flustered over her daughter's pink hair. Brushing it into gentle curls, "When is the dance again?" She asked for the tenth time tonight. A small smile, "Mother, it's at the lake, remember?" A small voice said softly, as the person tied a black ribbon around their slim throat, before standing up. Their dance dress was simple rich purple and blue, hints of gold weaved throughout as the symbol for Mondstadt was stitched boldly on the back of the dress. The shoes were simple slippers as they dusted the invisible dirt off.

The Mother smiled warmly, "You'll do great Viox." She said as she hugged Viox, kissing her cheek. Viox smiled, "I hope to make our troop happy tonight with the dance. I'm sure our ice maker is getting the stage set up. Make sure to pull Papa from the store!" She said as she started to leave, "Wait Viox!" She heard her Mother call as she darted out of the house and down to the main gate of Mondstadt. A smile was darted at the Knights, who were guarding the festival for the night, in case something happened. As Viox walked over to the lake's shore line as one of the ice makers was freezing the flooring. "Hey Mister Hana!" She called out as he turned and skated over to Viox, "Miss Viox, how does the ice look for your dance tonight? Want to test it?" He asked. "I'd love to!" She replied as he helped the other onto the ice, Viox let out a small breath of relief as it didn't crack under their combined weight.

Mr. Hana walked them to the center of the ice. Viox smiled as she spun on her toes, "I'll do a practice run with the dance, do you mind holding my bag?" She asked to take off the small handbag. "Sure!" He said as he took into tow.

Viox carefully moved about the ice, her dance was elegant as she spun carefully, enjoying the wind in her long locks, a smile made its way on her pale face as she dipped. She didn't need music til later, the bards of her troop would play as she would dance to their song. She twirled as her feet made themselves at home with the thick ice floor. The sounds of waves hitting the ice and the shore made her smile. She felt at peace. Until the sound of a sharp whistle hit her ears, barely having a moment to side step as an ice spear lodged itself into the ice floor. Her cheek stung as she looked up. A silly looking thing danced about as he grumbled about missing, his funny mask looked like a bird as his clothing looked like feathers. Viox heard growls and jumbled words, as she saw human-like monsters rush onto the platform. The ice began to crack, as her eyes widened. She let out an ear splitting scream as her body went into the water. Her body was freezing as she went under, the monsters had cracked the ice. Sharp cold water hit her warm body as she gasped, her lungs taking in the salt water of the lake, she struggled as she closed her mouth before a large chunk hit her side, causing her to gasp and choke on the water once more.

Moments before...

"Ugh...why do we have to attend the festival?" Kaeya complained heavily to his adopted brother, technically Kaeya was the one that was adopted into the family, but he never acted like it.

"Because Kaeya, we are knights in training, therefore we must because we are accustomed to large crowds and scouting." Diluc, the red haired sibling said in a cool tone. As the siblings walked around the gates of Mondstadt.

Kaeya sighed as they walked, his eyes wandered over to a dancer in the middle of the lake, "I wonder what they're dancing for?" He asked out of curiosity as Diluc rolled his eyes, "It's for the Jade Troop performance, their lead dancer is doing a solo tonight in celebration for her coming of age." He informed the bluenette. Kaeya chuckled a little, "I knew that." He said as Diluc blinked. "Do you want to stay and watch? It is rare to enjoy such beauty that bards do." He said leaning against a tree close to the shoreline, watching the graceful moments of the dancer. Kaeya smiled a little as he watched.

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