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A week had passed, slowly the fights between Violet and Kaeya came to a stand still. Viox had recovered enough to start up working on the documents for the Winery. Nothing much had changed, but with the Wind festival right around the corner, Viox was ushering work orders for the wines and small food platters for the stands, even though she wasn't in office, she still was highly respected at the Winery. She was in the middle of writing out the next tax statement for the festival as a soft knock echoed at Kaeya's bedroom door. She called for the person to come in, moving slowly to face the doorway as she finished up the last few numbers. "Still working?" Kaeya asked as she looked up a little, "Yes, the Mora counting is a little rough due to the transportation and funds." She set her pen down and looked at the man who leaned against the door. He was looking less tired by the day, she was glad, most of his eye bags were gone, and his eye wasn't as bloodshot. He still looked tired, but she knew that he was worried about the festival and the fact that it was a crowded place. Losing track of someone would be incredibly easy. He had tried multiple times to convince Viox not to go, but Viox had to watch over the stalls. Kaeya sighed through his nose as he flicked his wrist, "I see. How many stalls this year?" He asked, walking over to the bed, sitting down carefully to avoid the hundreds of parchments. Viox picked up a document and skimmed it, "We have one by the main gates, one by the docks, one over by the Knights Headquarters, one by the Cathedral, and one outside the gates by the bridge. So five stalls in total, with about 20 barrels of 6 different kinds of wine. So that's about one hundred barrels of wine for day one. Depending on how well we do the first night, we will set up each stand with a specific wine for the rest of the week. So that's about five hundred barrels? Along with the tavern of course. So six different spots, five stalls, one tavern." She explained as Kaeya nodded, making note of how much walking the two would be doing. "So how many rounds must you make?" He asked as Viox picked up another document, "About ten rounds, I make one during setup, then just rotate till the crowds die down." She said as she signed off on the document in her hand. It had become second nature for her to write, sign, and send off.

"So you get bored during the festival due to working? Don't you have time to squeeze in a small...dance per-chance?" Kaeya asked, looking at Viox. The woman paused, "I'm sure I can squeeze one in." She flushed lightly, since Kaeya was the one mainly taking care of her, she became easily flustered by the man. He was blunt to say the least, so she wasn't concerned about loose ends nor broken feelings. Though she had to admit, Kaeya was around Violet all day. Viox had become jealous of the other, her twin had begun to relax around Kaeya, which even though Violet had her heart broken by this man, didn't mean Violet couldn't fall for Kaeya again. Viox worried at her bottom lip, her heart squeezed harshly as she felt her jealousy bubble up.

"You alright?" Kaeya's voice broke through Viox's thoughts. She blinked and shook her head, "Yes I'm alright." She replied as she read over another tax document. Kaeya gently lowered the paper, "You don't seem alright." He said as the two made eye contact, Viox shrugged carefully, "I am sick of being in this bed all day." She said, even though it was true, she locked up her jealousy tightly. Kaeya nodded, "I can see why, healing after all...never a fun time, you're tired and sore. Sometimes you get cranky and irritated over the littlest things." He said casually. Viox hummed in agreement as her eyes skimmed over the documents once more, "At least I can keep a little busy with this. Though the person who was working in my place did a decent job, they made some mistakes here and there, but overall not much work for me." She commented as her pen scribbled over a line. Kaeya watched the woman calculate Mora prices with such incredible speed, her grace was unmatched from what he's seen, she would look at the price, figure out the numbers she needed, and then write it down before moving to another document. Kaeya was impressed.

"What do you plan on doing for the Festival?" She asked, setting her pen down and gathering her documents into a neat stack. Kaeya crossed his arms, "I'll be guarding this year, but I am available on the second day of the festival. So I was hoping a lovely, pink haired woman would grace me with a quick dance in the square, next to the water fountain." He winked at her as Viox rolled her eyes, he chuckled, "But other than that, just guard duty, can't really enjoy the festival." He said as Viox placed the documents into a simple large folded paper like booklet. She gently placed it on the bedside table next to her, the reports would go out in the morning. She looked at Kaeya, "No drinking? No eating? Nothing at all?" She asked. Kaeya nodded, "That's why I'm sneaking away for that promised dance."

Viox flushed a little, "I'll make sure to be on time then, at the water fountain." She replied softly, Kaeya's face lit up in a large grin as he stood up and practically bounded from the room, "I have to get a few things ready then, Violet should be coming in a few minutes to check on you back for me." He explained as he darted out, right past Violet, who held a small water bowl and some clean wraps. She looked confused as she set up for Viox's cleaning, "What was that all about?" She asked as Viox blushed, "He asked me to dance with him at the festival next week." She said quietly, as Violet paused, "I'm assuming you agreed?" Violet inquired as Viox nodded. "I see..." Violet said as they quickly went to work on checking up Viox's injuries, working fast but thoroughly, Viox was the first to break the thick silence with a hiss of pain when Violet touched her shoulder. "You've been sleeping heavily on this side." Violet remarked as she gently pressed the cleaning rag to the sore skin. Viox was healing greatly, she would be walking within the next week easily. Viox sighed, "Amorua has been taking up most of the bed at night." She explained as Violet finished up.

"Well that pup is obviously fond of you." Violet commented lightly, "Now my question is why is Kaeya so happy about one dance?" She muttered out as Viox shrugged, "Boredom?" She said as Violet started to wrap her sister up, carefully to make sure the bandages weren't too tight, the wounds needed some air to breath. Viox yawned a little as she settled back into the same plush pillows that she had been relaxing with for the past week. Violet smiled at her twin, "Still exhausted easily?" She teased lightly as Viox chuckled, "I'm still healing! I need my rest!" She teased right back as Violet snorted, "More like pure laziness to me!" She poked Viox's leg, "These suckered clearly work!" As Viox squealed and let out a shriek of laughter as Violet began to unleash ticklish pokes on Viox's legs and feet. "VIO!" Viox chuckled out as the other eased up on her poking, "Can't handle the tickle?" Violet smirked as Viox laughed, "No it's just mean because you know I can't get you back." Viox said as Violet gently hugged her sister, "I love you my sister, please be careful around Kaeya. I don't want to see you hurt." She said gently as Viox hugged Violet back, "I love you as well sister...I promise, I'll be safe." She said, even though her heart had already made up its mind. Her crush on Kaeya was slowly growing into love. She had worried for a moment if it was pure lust, but the more time she spent with the eyepatched man, the more she adored his quirky side. She smiled as the two pulled away from the hug. Waving Violet off as Viox sat in bed, sighing softly. "What am I going to do?" She asked into the empty room, "Violet seems to be on edge about Kaeya, though Kaeya has done nothing wrong, and Kaeya hasn't been sleeping lately...is this my fault?" She asked herself as she ran her fingers against her clean wraps on her left arm.

Viox looked at the white bandages, she felt responsible for the heartache and the pain everyone had been going through because she happened to walk into the tavern for a drink. That's where she met Kaeya. Maybe I can stop seeing him after the festival? She thought as she leaned against the pillows, looking up at the ceiling, her eyes trying hard to stay open as she dozed off slowly. But I lo----- She mumbled softly as she slowly fell asleep. 

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