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Viox felt the heat of the morning sunlight, hit her face as she blinked her eyes open. Her head was pounding as she sat up slowly. Her body felt like it had gotten hit by a truck. She sighed as she noticed that her face wasn't swollen to the point of no return, she could actually open her left eye, unlike yesterday. She looked around as some wind blew and played with her clothes and hair. She took note that she was on top of a very green and incredibly grassy hillside. She looked around more as she spotted Fruitia and her Treasure Hoarders talking. She couldn't hear them over the winds that blew all around. Viox had a gut feeling it was about her though. 
“Ah, she's awake.” Fruitia called out as she walked over to Viox, “Good morning...well your last morning ever now that i think about it.” Fruitia chuckled as she tugged Viox up by her arms. Viox’s hand were tied behind her back with what Viox could feel was a led rope so they could hold her over the edge. “Sad that you don't get to spend it with Kaeya. Instead you’ll be dropping off a 600 foot cliff to your death on the beach below.” she smirked as Viox frowned, “He’ll save me.” she said stubbornly as Fruitia rolled her eyes, “I'm sure he will, after all it's not like I threw them off trail and ran them around in circles for the past few hours.” Fruitia as as Viox swallowed thickly, she really didn't want to die like this. She was scared as Fruitia dragged her to the edge of the cliff side.
 As Viox stood on the edge of Starsnatch Cliff. The breeze whipped at her hair and clothes harsher than when she was away from it. Her heart thumped in her chest as she looked at the steep fall. "What a shame those Knights haven't found you yet." Fruitia's voice called, "Even after all the notes passed between us. A real shame.” She mused as she watched Viox. 
Viox turned at looked at her, her eyes were wide with pure fear. Her arms still tightly bound behind her back, she felt a small tug from the led rope that Fruitia now held in her hand. "Come now Viox, isn't it just a lovely day for a trip?" Fruitia asked. "If you mean trip, you mean shoving me to my doom." Viox snapped as Fruitia chuckled, "Now now Viox, I have more humanity than that. You'll be jumping off by yourself." She smirked, "But maybe it'll take a little pushing as well." As Viox growled. "This won't get you anywhere Fruitia." Viox said as Fruitia glared. "You just don't get it do you?" The other snapped as Viox was pulled from the edge and onto more sturdy ground. Her body tensed a little as she fell down to the thick grass. Landing onto her knees, Viox looked up at Fruitia. "You are the reason he fails to see me, to see what I'm doing for him and I. You had to come into his life and take his attention that I've worked so hard to get over all these years. It took him 4 years to even say my name and greet me!" Fruitia spat as she grabbed Viox by the collar of her shirt. "I've loved Kaeya before you! I rightfully deserve him! His love for you should be mine!" She hissed tossing Viox to the ground, "I sent him everything he would want! Love, approval, information! I became a skilled researcher for him to pick up on information that he never dreamed of thinking about!" She shouted, glaring at Viox. "BUT YOU!" she ripped Viox off the ground and dragged the other to the edge of the cliff once more, "You ruined my hard work! And now, now youll officially die." She smirked as she slowly pushed Viox off the edge. Viox felt one of her feet slip downwards as she struggled to stay on the cliff, Fruitia pushed her more as she felt her other foot reach the tip. "Now, Kaeya will mourn for you, he will, but sadly, I'll be there to comfort him and love him, more than you ever did." Fruitia hissed in Viox's ear before shoving the other fully off the cliff. 


Viox's ears rang as the wind flew passed. She couldn't think, couldn't breathe, what did she do to deserve this? Why was it that Fruitia just wouldn't leave her alone? Leave Kaeya alone? The air ripped at her skin as it felt like thousands of little needles digging into her skin. Viox looked up at the cliff tip as it slowly got smaller. She didn't want to die, not like this. She wante to pass away from old age, with Kaeya by her side. She felt tears gathering in her eyes as she remembered all the times she spent with Kaeya. 


“Look Kaeya! I taught Amoura a new trick!” Viox called out happily as she was still recovering from the burn marks on her back and arm. Kaeya peeked out from the kitchen as he was making the two of them dinner when Amoura came over to him, sitting on his back legs fully and putting his front paws together in a praying like stance as the dog waved his legs up and down. Kaeya rose a brow, “Viox what is my dog doing?” he asked as Viox grinned, “I taught him how to beg!” she said as Kaeya smiled at her warmly, “You sure are full of surprises aren’t you.” he said as Viox grinned more. 


“Viox?” Kaeya asked as Viox pulled him through the crowds to a shady spot, it was the Wind Festival and on the 5th day. Kaeya had just toweled off Viox’s hair as she pulled him away from the fountain and into the shade of a large pine tree. “Come, relax with me.” Viox said as she sat down in the grass, pulling Kaeya down with her. Kaeya smiled a little, “Only for a couple minutes alright.” he said as Viox nodded, “Only a couple minutes.” she promised as the two sat next to each other under the shade. 


“I love you…” Kaeya whispered softly in Viox’s ear as she laid next to him on the floor in her bedroom at her parents house. Viox woke up from a nightmare about that day again once more as she went to lay with Kaeya on the floor. “Viox…I love you.” he whispered again. Viox knew he was asleep and she was half awake herself, but she opened the blankets and tucked herself into Kaeya’s warm side, she sighed happily as her eyes fluttered shut, “I love you too Kaeya.” she whispered out as she felt his arm curl up around her form. He seemed to stop talking in his sleep as Viox drifted off. 


Kaeya leaned down as Viox looked up at the taller. A smile formed on his lips as he kissed her gently, “Thank you.” he said as he pulled away. Viox was confused as they had just finished laying with one another. “Whatever do you mean?” she asked as Kaeya shook his head, cupping her chin and kissing her once more, “I’ll explain later.” he said softly as Viox looked at the other with a soft smile. “Alright.” she said gently as Kaeya took a moment to look over her face, rubbing his thumb against her jaw and her lips. Viox took this as a sign that the man was content, as she noticed he was still tired looking. “Why don't we go to bed? I feel like a goodnight’s sleep is what's needed now.” she suggested as Kaeya nodded, “Sounds like a plan.” he whispered as they settled for the night, their naked bodies tangled up in a comfortable position. Kaeya’s hand rested right above Viox’s left breast as they curled up. She smiled at it, his warm palm but cool fingers grazed her skin as she slowly fell asleep.  


Viox blinked as the tears left her eyes. She would never have that again. "Goodbye....Kaeya...Violet....Diluc...Mondstadt." she whispered as she closed her eyes, before her body got slammed into. Feeling her body jerk to the side as it curled up, "Why are you saying goodbye now?" Kaeya’s voice echoed in Viox's ears. She looked over as Kaeya’s eye connected with hers, she saw that he had a wind glider attached onto his back as his arms were closed around her waist as she smiled, "You caught me." She said loudly over the wind. Kaeya smirked, "I'll always catch you." He said as they glided down to the ground, hitting harder than a normal stop as his heels dug into the ground, trying to control their fall as Kaeya tucked Viox’s head into the joint between his neck and shoulder, "No goodbyes just yet.” he said as they stopped. Viox couldn't help the tears that ran down her face as she pulled away to fully see Kaeya’s form, “No goodbyes yet.” she whispered as Kaeya grinned at her.

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