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Viox awoke to the sounds of glass shattering on a wall, "WHERE IS SHE!?" A voice sounded loudly, "And there goes my favorite glass." A voice sighed afterwards. "WHERE IS MY SISTER YOU PLAYBOY RAT TAILED JERK!" The other voice screamed again. Viox snapped awake, that was her sister! Violet Hala. "Look, your sister needs to rest and recover from the events and her injuries, please lower your voice." Kaeya said quietly, "Maybe come back another time? She may be sleeping." He tried soothing Violet, who made a growling type noise. Viox was stunned, if she sat up too much, her back would hurt. Violet piped up again, "I don't care if she's sleeping, she's coming to Dragonspine where her family is and will live and recover with us till her home is repaired from you Knights of Favonius!"

Viox was shocked to say the least, her sister's voice was filled with pure venom and hate. "Violet." Kaeya's cooled tone froze Viox to the spot, "That is enough. Viox needs to recover under the eyes of the Knights due to it was our responsibility she got hurt. She won't leave my home till her injuries are fully healed. That is the Grand Masters' orders." His voice was ice cold as Viox heard Violet let out a snort, "Yeah yeah, you always filled Jeans orders. What's next, you'll tell me you slept with my sister? Or that you actually care about her well being, even though when we were together, you hated every second of it." Viox bit her lip, Violet and somehow made sense with that heartbreak that Violet went through 3 years ago, when they were just eighteen years old, old enough to start courting. Where Viox had stayed home, sheltered from large bodies of water. Violet was happy and go lucky, enjoying life to the fullest, til one day...

"I NEVER WANT TO SEE HIM AGAIN!" Violet shouted as she slammed Viox's room door shut. Viox perked with surprise, the sudden outburst wasn't out of the ordinary within the household of Hala. "What is wrong Sister?" Viox asked softly, closing the book she had within her small hands, placing it on a small reading table that held a tea cup. Viox's green eyes watched as her twin, even though they looked nothing alike, paced the room. "The man I was courting! He's so!-" Violet seemed to be at a loss for words as she ungracefully fell onto Viox's bed, "He claims one thing and does another!" Violet began to rant over the man she had courted, Viox tilted her head gently to the side, "Maybe he's just uninterested in courting?" She said softly after Violet had finished. "Why would the most wanted Man in Mondstadt be uninterested in courting?! He has women flocking him like crows to shiny Mora!" Violet sat up, her black and red hair fluttered around her as her sharp blue eyes gazed into Viox's green ones. "It just sounds like he's not interested in courting, maybe he's being forced to court? Instead of us being free to choose, maybe his mother or father gave him specific instruction?" Viox explained she felt bad for this, as Violet called him, Blue Rat Tailed Jerk, who just didn't seem interested in Violet.

"Maybe...but I like him so much...he's strong, kind, sweet, caring." Violet flushed, playing with the hem of her fluffy blouse. Viox smiled a little, "Yet you dumped him over a misunderstanding." She said, picking up her book once more, "Next time, with a guy you like, try to understand their situation." Viox remarked as Violet groaned loudly, once again, landing ungracefully onto Viox's bed.

It had taken months for Violet to get over the man. Viox sighed quietly as she tried very carefully to sit up. Her back protested loudly as she trembled a little. Swinging her feet onto the sunlight warmed floor boards, she didn't bother to pull on the robe the healers gave her, per release from their care. Her legs gave out on her almost immediately as she fell onto the couch once more. Viox heard more screaming from the kitchen area, though it was a few feet away, it felt like a mile or two. Viox carefully got to her feet once more, taking a few shaky steps to cross the threshold. She gripped the kitchen doorway as she trembled to stay upright. Her back was screaming at her, but she needed to stop her twin from attacking Kaeya.

Viox took in the scene, Kaeya was sitting calmly on one side of the table as Violet stood on the other side. Violet looked ready to lunge and attack Kaeya, who merely paid no mind at the threatening gaze. "Violet..." Viox said softly, gaining the attention of the two, Kaeya immediately went to Viox's side, pulling her from the door frame supporting her, to leaning on him for support instead, "Viox, you're supposed to be resting." He said gently, brushing some of Viox's hair from her shoulder, Viox smiled a little, "With all this racket? I'm surprised your neighbors haven't come knocking on your door." She looked up at Kaeya, his eye still was bloodshot, bags of exhaustion still were bruised under his eye. His body and face read that he needed to sleep. Viox frowned and touched his chest gently, "You didn't sleep last night?" She asked him, as he shook his head, "Not much." He replied tightly, "Your sister, Violet, wants to take you home to Dragonspine." He told her, even though she knew just as much. Viox sighed through her nose as she looked around Kaeya to see a fuming Violet staring at Kaeya's form. "Violet enough please." Viox asked her twin, as Violet turned her fiery gaze upon Viox, "You are coming home today Viox. Mother and Father ordered it." She said as Viox frowned. She didn't want to go home, she wanted to stay in Mondstadt.

"And if I refuse?" She asked, feeling Kaeya tense a little, his tired face reading fear of something, what it was, Viox didn't know. "Then I shall stay here with you, sending reports to Mother and Father." Violet left no room for saying no. Viox nodded, "If that is the way." She said, looking up at Kaeya, "Help me to your room, I wish to rest and the living room is too noisy." She said to him as he scooped her up carefully in his arms. "I shall see you later Sister." Viox said as she was carried off.

"You two have a lot in common." Kaeya said gently as he placed Viox on his bed, before straightening up, Viox looked up at him and nodded, "I would imagine so...she is my twin." She said casually as Kaeya froze for a moment, "Twin you say?" He said as Viox nodded. "I was born a few minutes before Viox, so technically that makes me the oldest." Violet hissed from behind Kaeya, who moved out of the way, "Now if you excuse us, Viox and I need to talk." Violet snapped as Kaeya looked at Viox, who smiled a little, before he left the room, shutting the door behind him. Violet immediately softened her harsh glare, looking at her injured sister, "Viox..." she cooed softly as she sat on the bed next to Viox. "What happened? How on earth did you get hurt so badly? A man named Master Diluc sent a letter by messager hawk and I was the one to receive it first and darted over here as fast as I could." Violet explained to her sibling, who sighed through her nose.

"A suitor of sorts, for Kaeya if you will, has decided I am a target and has tried twice to, well you get the picture. We still don't know if her actual name is Fruitia, but that's what she told me her name was." Viox explained gently, "The first time was after work, Kaeya normally spends time with me during and after work hours, but he had a meeting with someone named Jean, so I was alone, after work was done, a woman named Fruitia came up to me and asked if I wanted to walk home with her for the evening, which Father and Mother taught us not to be rude, so I accepted and we walked towards the bridge, that when she started talking oddly and pushed me into the lake." Viox could tell Violet was trying hard not to explode with anger, so Viox continued, "The second time was in my own home. A Knight came to watch me for the night, as I settled for bed, I had locked my bedroom door, I should have locked my window instead, but I didn't think about it. I had my candle on my bedside table so I could read, but I soon fell asleep. That's when I woke to my bedroom in flames and filled with smoke. Suddenly hands were around my neck and I was slowly blacking out as the person pushed my body into some of the hotter parts of the fire. I can't remember who pulled me from the flames or who carried me off. I woke yesterday afternoon after sleeping for two weeks." She explained to her twin, who was frozen in place. Viox looked at Violet carefully, "Violet?" She asked, touching her sister's hand gently. "I'm alright." Violet responded, "I'm just...shocked..." she looked at Viox. Crystal blue eyes bore into Green. "What happens now?" Violet asked, as Viox looked at the ceiling, Kaeya's scent was thicker now that she was in his bed, she took a deep breath as the scent calmed her nerves. "I'm not sure." Viox replied. Violet nodded, "I'll stay with you til you're healed, Mother and Father want to see you soon, but I'm assuming the Wind Festival is coming up here in about two weeks? So I think we'll visit home afterwards." Violet said standing up, and smiling at her sister, "For now, heal up, I'll be civil with Rat Tail Jerk." Viox chuckled a little, Violet was always a spit fire. "Alright." Viox said as a yawn took over her body, when though she slept all night, she was so tired. Violet smiled warmly and walked out the room, closing the door softly as Viox drifted off to sleep. 

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