Panic Attack

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Viox looked at the plain parchment, only one word was written on it and she was stuck. Her hand shook as she tried to convey her feelings and reasoning on why she was going into hiding. Was she scared of leaving? Surely Kaeya would understand, he was a knight after all, and Mondstadt came before his desires, right?

"Viox?" Violet called as the pink haired woman looked up at her twin, Violet smiled a little, "Still trying to word it?" She asked as Viox nodded, "I'm not sure what to say...'' she said softly as she turned back to the paper on her desk. Violet hummed, "You could tell him that you need time to yourself?" She suggested lightly as Viox frowned a little, "It's more than that though." She looked at Kaeya's name that was printed so neatly on the white paper. "I honestly don't know if I can go through with this at all. How do you just trust someone not to find you?" She asked, looking up at her sibling. Violet chuckled, "That's not something I've had to think about really." she says as she gives Viox a small squeeze on her shoulder, "Start at the beginning. Tell him what happened that day." she said softly. Viox took a deep breath. That day. The day she almost lost everything. She gripped the pen tightly remembering the pain as she touched the Electro Vision dangling from her neck. It happened so fast.

"Viox! Kaeya! Albedo!" Violet called, she had taken a group up to Albedo's camp as soon as she heard a day before that Kaeya and Albedo found a trail leading to Viox's location, not wanting to waste time on finding her sibling, she took her ground from the lower part of Dragonspine to the upper part. She paused in her walk over before noticing that Albedo was carrying Kaeya on his back, as her picked haired sister moved at a slower pace as if she was a doll or a broken horse with no will to move. Violet quickly rushed over to the group as Albedo looked at her, "Kaeya is hurt, move things aside so we can heal him." he said bluntly and out of character for the soft spoken man as Violet's eyes widened, the feelings of her sister being safe had washed away quickly as she shouted the orders to clear a table. The Knights moved fast to help the Captain. "Viox?" Sucrose called out as Viox looked at the green haired woman, "Viox you're in shock, please let me assist you, you're covered in blood." she said quietly as Viox stared more, blinking only when she needed to, but not a sound echoed from her mouth. Sucrose swallowed thickly. Viox shook her head. She had killed Kaeya. He was dead wasn't he? Why were people trying to help him? It was all her fault. There was shouts and running as Viox watched her sister shout orders as she held Kaeya's arms down, "Someone for the love of the Sevens get Viox!" her sister screamed as Kaeya let out a pained cough before it morphed into a pained scream when someone put pressure on his wound. Viox covered her mouth as her ears rang from his screams. Kaeya was hurt, he was hurt badly. She did it.

Violet helped Albedo hold Kaeya down more as her teammate used his fire abilities to close the wound from the back, as Viox stood quietly, as Violet shouted more orders as men and women rushed around the pink haired woman. His cries of pain as they rushed to heal him were like stabs to Viox's chest as she watched.

It may have been minutes as the snow fall stopped when Viox was snapped from her daze, watching as people rushed back and forth from the table that Kaeya laid on, his chest was moving up and down before she blinked and it was no longer moving.

That's when Viox heard the words, "We're losing too much blood! We're losing him!" She crumpled to the cold hard ground. Kaeya was gone. Tears flowed from her eyes as Viox stood still.

"VIOX!" Albedo shouted as she looked up, "We need your vision!" he said as she scrambled upwards rushing to Kaeya. She felt sick to her stomach at the blood that covered his form, his chest no longer moving as Albedo laid her hands on Kaeya's still chest, "He's there! Shock him!" He ordered the pink haired woman as Viox swallowed, looking at Kaeya's ashy pale face, instead of its normal tan. Albedo snapped his fingers in front of her face as Viox took a breath and sent a small shockwave into Kaeya's body, pulling away jerkily as his body moved at the pulse, "Again Viox!" Violet shouted at her sister as Viox felt the cool blood brush on her bare hands, Kaeya's blood. She shook as she pressed down onto Kaeya's chest, "Live...Please." she whispered as she sent another, more powerful shockwave into the dead man's body, which plused harshly with each wave before a harsh ragged gasp echoed from Kaeya's lips, Viox was quickly shoved out of the way as Alex, Violet's healer moved in to heal the man.

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