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Viox's eyes fluttered open as there was a sharp ringing in her ears that dulled as she slowly sat up, she wasn't tied up like the time she was kidnapped by the Slave Traders, which to her was odd. Her eyes took in the scene around her as she noticed that the room she was within was dimly lit with an old oil lamp, but Viox could tell by the smell of seawater and mildew that she had to be underground somewhere near a body of water. Her eyes were drawn towards the thick rusted iron bars that locked her into this room. No. It wasn't a room. It was a cell. Viox shuddered lightly as she huddled against the closest wall. She needed to think about how she could get out. She could use the weakness in the iron bars as a way. Rust always made metals weaker due to the corrosion in it. She stood up and carefully walked over to the bars to see the state they were in. she didn't bother to run her hand against the metal, she could easily see some deep divots in the bars that had corroded away with time. She smiled weakly, but then what? She didn't know the way out of wherever she may have been located.
"Looks like Fruitia's toy has woken up." a Treasure Hoarder chuckled as Viox backed away from the cell bars. She would say nothing. A large man with a dirty gray mask around the bottom half of his face, walked up to the Cell bars, he was taller than Kaeya easily as he held a large hammer on his shoulder, before Viox realized that this was the same man that shattered Kaeya's ankle so many months ago, but how did he get out of the Cells? The Knights had brought this man into questioning, so how was he here now? The Treasure Hoarder smirked at her, "She'll be pleased, she's been waiting all night for you to wake up. I don't know why she's obsessed with you, but it must be good." he barked a laugh as Viox stared. "That reminds me, weren't you that woman with Captain Kaeya?" he asked as Viox swallowed thickly, not answering, as the Horder looked closer, "You are!" he exclaimed as his eyes took in Viox's form, like he wanted to eat her. Viox felt sick as she hated the staring. "Man i hope Fruitia lets me have a round or two with you before she off you. You look like a fun time if Captain Kaeya ruffles with you." he said, licking his lips as Viox went pale a little. "Go get Fruitia! Her pet is awake!" The man barked at what appeared to be a younger man next to him, who got up without a word and darted from the area. As the other that commanded him walked away towards a large table in the center of the basement of this place Viox was held in. The table glittered with objects, as Viox swallowed, this wasn't going to be good. As she went back to her spot against the far wall of her cell. What could she do?


It seemed like a few hours had passed by as Viox sat and stared into nothing. She was hugging her knees close to her chest to keep a little warm against the chill that was settling around her. Upon further inspection about her well being, Viox had noticed that her gown had been torn to be smaller, she wondered why but knew if she asked, she would most likely not receive a pleasant answer. A small cut was on her forehead, but had crusted over with dried blood, so it wasn't bleeding as badly as she thought it was. She did feel the dry blood on her face from her cut, down her brow, and down her cheek as well. A few scrapes but all were dried up and not bleeding as bad as they would have been. She didn't dare relax in case something would happen. Inside she ran over the fighting steps that Violet taught her when they were younger.

"Remember, the left foot first to lean a little, you want to allow their body weight to flow, you're just controlling how they move their weight. This will be the easiest form of blocking." Violet said gently as Viox followed her sister's movements slowly. "Alright Viox, remember when I come at you, you need to grab my arm and throw my weight over your back." Violet said as Viox nodded. Quickly, Violet rushed her sister with a stretched out arm. Viox quickly grabbed it, tucking in as she rolled her sister off her back and onto the ground. Viox took a breath as Violet smiled, "Good job, lets try that again." she said standing up and brushing off some dirt and grass. Viox beamed with happiness, because that was her 16th try, and she had finally got it right.

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