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A week had passed since the Hala's came to visit Kaeya's small home. He had never seen such, backward attitudes towards the Hala Twins.

"Viox, if you can't sit up straight how can you get a husband?!"

"Violet sweetie just be careful with that Diluc man, gosh he was such a sweetie last night!"

"Viox! You can't sleep in that man's bed! Have we taught you nothing!"

"Violet, do you mind going and getting some sweet flowers? The house needs some brighter colors."

Kaeya sighed through his nose as he sat in his living room. Viox was cozied up on the couch with a book in hand and a blanket wrapped around her hips. Amoura laid at her feet as Viox flipped a page, her hair was thrown into a very uncomfortable looking braided bun that sat at the base of her head. Kaeya smiled, even though he knew she was uncomfortable with her hair up, she wouldn't say anything. He noticed that she didn't say anything at all since her parents came. She hadn't even spoken to him, a light touch here and there, but not a word came out of her mouth. Kaeya moved from his seat to sit with Viox on the couch, she moved to allow him to sit as her knees pressed against his side as she curled herself around his body. He draped his arm into her folded lap as she rested her book against his bicep, he relaxed as he rubbed her thigh softly with his fingers, as he noticed Viox had a small smile on her face. He didn't bother to interrupt her reading as he leaned down and kissed the top of her head lightly. He was happy. He enjoyed the simple relaxing moments like this, with no work to do and no Hala parents to deal with. Just him, his woman, and his dog. Kaeya smiled more as he leaned back into the couch, his eyes closing as he let himself drift off for a short nap.

"I'm sorry for hardly speaking with you this week." Viox apologized, as Kaeya peaked at her with a half opened eye, "Nothing to apologize for Viox." He said gently as she smiled, "I still feel bad for it, my parents tend to snap more at me if I speak out. They weren't like this when I was home." She explained as Kaeya looked at her with confusion. Viox sighed, closing her book and looking at him fully. "See, when I became of age, Violet had done her dance the previous day, it's what us bards do as an invite for men to ask to court us. So that day I had started an early practice before that night. Things didn't go as planned and I fell through my stage. I had almost drowned but a Knight had saved me." She said softly as Kaeya watched her. "The fire that burned my house down...took a lot from me, but..." she looked over at the small pack that she had brought with her since leaving the hospital, Kaeya recalled that she went to visit her burned home while he was on shift, protecting some cargo. When he came home that night, she had the pack. He watched as Viox got up and walked over to the bag. She pulled a long black trench coat out. Dark grey in the front and in the back was black, golden embroidery that once was bright, was now a dirty brozen coloring. Kaeya sat up, he watched as Viox hugged the coat, "He never took his jacket back, so I've had it for a few years now. I tried to find the Knight, but nobody had a clue who I was trying to find, especially when you never saw them." She said smiling at the smoke burned coat, the once clean berry smell the coat once held, had burned away. She was saddened by this fact, as she looked at Kaeya, "I wish to find him one day, Mother said he would be the one she would approve of. Father owes the young man his approval as well." She walked back over to Kaeya, who had not shown any real emotion since she began talking about why her parents were harsher on her than Violet. She sat next to him, as she laid the jacket across her lap, "Though I don't really need a mystery hero anymore." She said, as Kaeya frowned, "Why is that?" He asked her, touching the top of her hand, "Because I have you." She said with a bright smile, looking up at Kaeya, who felt his heart give a loving squeeze, his chest hurt a little as her smile warmed his veins. He was falling so fast and he feared there were no brakes as he leaned down and kissed her. It was a gentle kiss, one that held a promise of keeping the other safe and sound, he felt her kiss back, though it was the tune was different, he couldn't read her emotions as well, as he pulled away. He touched their foreheads together as he smiled warmly as Viox's, very flushed face, "I promise." He said softly as she moved a hand to his chest, gripping the fabric that was right above his heart. He moved his hand to cover hers and cupped the back of her head, moving to kiss the crown of her forehead gently as he curled the woman into a hug. Holding her there for a moment before pulling away. He didn't have the guts to tell her that the jacket that belonged to her mystery Knight, was his.

He was there when the pink haired woman had practiced her dance, he remembered when the Abyss Mage appeared and attacked her. He was the one that dove into the water to save her as the other Knights fought the monsters. He pulled her from the icy waters and covered her in his jacket to keep her warm. It was years ago.

"Did you find out her information?" A voice asked as Fruitia chuckled, her hand flicked outwards as a folder with Viox's name was printed on it. "Everything a buyer would want, she's a bard, and excellent in mathematics and scheduling, well cultured in all types of wine and knows how to make them. Any buyer would love her." Fruitia handed it over to a group of slave traders. The leader opened it and took a look, "She'll make for a good chunk of Mora." They commented, closing the folder, "I do have a question although, why is it you want her sold off?" They asked as Fruitia grinned darkly, "If she's out of the picture I get Kaeya." She said as she turned her heel, walking away, "Also, don't be afraid to get rough, she's so soft spoken, I fear she won't put up much of a fight." She smirked as the Slave Traders chuckled and laughed loudly. Fruitia smiled more, 'Now Viox, how are you going to get out of this one?' She thought as she walked to her base.

Viox stretched a little as she walked around Mondstadts streets, it had been a few days since her talk with Kaeya, and she had been fully released for work once more, but with regulations that she was to take things easy from now on. Not that it mattered much, her back was almost fully healed thanks to the Cathedrals nurses, it wouldn't be opening up any wounds soon. She smiled as she went around the shops, she needed fresh foods to store at her finished home. Which was good news, her home had finished the last of the repairs last night and was safe to move in. She was sad that she would no longer be with Kaeya, but they weren't married. Viox flushed as she looked at apples, her face turning red as she thought about what it would be like to get married to the Knight. He was a very charming man after all. She bit her lip as she finished her shopping, what if Kaeya didn't want children? Or to marry at all? What if he would become bored of her? She was broken from her thoughts as the sounds of loud screams of laughter from her left echoed. She turned and practically melted at the sight. There stood Kaeya, with about 20 children gathered around him, hugging his legs as he carefully picked a small boy up as he leaned into the boys ear, whispering something as the boy squealed in joy, wiggling out of Kaeya's arms, "I have super powers!" The little boy exclaimed as he snapped his fingers, Viox watched as Kaeya snapped his own quietly, letting a few shards dig into the ground as the other kids gasped at the little boy, who stood proudly in the center of the small ice flooring. That's when Kaeya spotted her and told the Children he had to go. She chuckled hearing the groans of disappointment as he pointed at Viox, that's when a herd of children gathered in front of her. "MISS VIOX!" They all called as she smiled warmly, "Hello children." She greeted as the little girls squeaked, and the boys blushed, "Can we ask you something Miss Viox?" One little girl asked as Viox nodded, "Are you and Sir Knight Kaeya going to get married?" She asked as Viox flushed, "Well...if he asked nicely." She replied softly as the girls giggled. She saw Kaeya walk and stand behind the group of children, a smile on his face. Viox grinned as she leaned in, "Though I think he's a stubborn old man!" She said loud enough for Kaeya to hear her, as the group laughed, Kaeya chuckled nervously, "Now, now Viox." He said as the children prattled Kaeya with questions of marrying Viox. Kaeya kneeled down and smiled, "I day...see she is still learning about me and I to her. You wouldn't want to marry someone without getting to know them, would you?" He asked the children, who all shouted, 'No'

Kaeya smiled as he looked up at Viox, who was flushed, "See, she would first have to become my best friend." He said gently, standing up, "Then, she would have to accept my feelings for her." He walked closer as Viox blushed and looked down at the ground, "After that, we would spend time together. I would want to make her smile, because it always lights up the room. Make her feel warm, even when she is cold and covered in a blanket. I'd make her laugh because it's like music." He told the children, who watched with awe, as he walked in front of Viox, who held her bags of food, he smiled warmly as he took the bags from her hands, "I'd help carry the food from shopping because I don't want her arms or hands tired, because I want to hold them later." He said as Viox looked up at him, "After all of that, I'd ask her to marry me." He said as Viox felt her heartbeat quicken as the children had run off. "You...Kaeya." she started as Kaeya chuckled, "Come on, let's see your new home." He said as they headed off. Viox touched her chest where her heartbeat was beating like the tempo drums. 

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