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(Adult Content - Warning) 

Viox yawned softly as she slowly moved to lay on her side, her eyes were a bit blurry from just waking up, as she felt something heavy wrapped around her waist. It was warm. She mewled happily at the warmth, moving closer towards the heat source. That's when it chuckled. She opened her eyes a little more and looked at the long dark blue hair in her vision, as well as a tan arm. "You awake?" Kaeya's voice sounded as Viox groaned loudly, "No...shut up." She said, grabbing her pillow from behind her head and shoving it into Kaeya's face. She wanted to sleep more. Kaeya chuckled loudly as the woman rolled over. She looked to be comfortable even though she tossed and turned all night, keeping Kaeya awake most of the night. He carefully moved off the couch and limped into the kitchen to start a hot meal for the two of them. He softly hummed a tune as he cooked a few eggs and a couple slices of meat.

Viox sat up carefully leaning on the fluffy pillows, they had stayed on the couch last night, she flushed, remembering that she had asked Kaeya to stay with her. She sighed, he seemed to be closer to her since the night of the Festival. Worried even to leave her side. Viox leaned on her hand as she thought about it, honestly she couldn't think anything of it besides worry, even if he was interested in her, would it be courting or just a quick roll in the hay? She puffed out one of her cheeks. She wanted to court him, but he probably didn't care for it. If she remembered correctly, Violet and Kaeya had a difficult time courting due to him just wasn't interested at all. A finger pointed her cheek as a player of hot food was set in front of her. "What are you thinking about?" Kaeya asked as he sat down at the empty space next to her feet. Viox shrugged, "Remembering that time I met you." She said as Kaeya smiled a little. "You looked tired that night, bored of everything. You always looked tired." He commented as Viox looked at him, "I remember the first glance of you, you had just ordered my favorite glass of wine. You smiled at a joke one of the guards that worked at the Winery said, as you all cheered over the newest wine being made. You have intrigued me since." He admits, as Viox looked down, her heart fluttered a little. "Then I got to talk to you almost three months ago, you were feisty and fresh. It was like being doused in cold water." Kaeya looked over at the pink haired woman, his mouth went dry, "Viox!-" he started as she locked eyes with him, "I want-" he started as he was cut off from the front door opening, and Violet walked in with a bundle of fresh cut roses. The two froze as Violet walked into the living room, "What's going on with you two?" She asked as Viox looked down with a hot blush on her cheeks, Kaeya cleared his throat, "Nothing, just talking about random things. Who are the roses from?" He asked as Violet flushed, "Diluc..." she said softly, "He sent them to my post this morning." She said as she set them down on the coffee table, "Where's Amorua?" She asked, as Kaeya pointed towards the door, "He's out doing his runs, helps get his energy out." He said, knowing his dog was running around Mondstadt, nobody would nab the dog, if anything they would give him treats. Kaeya looked at Viox, who was eating her food at a slow pace. "So you and Diluc?" He asked Violet. She blushed, "I'm not sure. He seems like a great guy, but he seems..." Violet paused, "Distant." Viox finished, "He always has been." She said gently, as Violet worried at her bottom lip, "So I shouldn't ask him to court?" She asked as her sister shook her head, "I say ask him, he seems interested in you enough to send you roses. Red roses to be exact. Diluc is a man of means, if it doesn't have purpose, he doesn't do it." Viox said, as she felt Kaeya move closer, touching the bottom of her feet as he leaned back against the couch. She smiled at him even though his eye was closed and his arms were crossed. "Red roses...meaning romantic interest." Viox said, turning back towards her sister, who sported a bright red blush. Violet swallowed as her throat was dry, "So he is interested in?-" she looked at Viox. Who sent a smile, "He is." She said gently, as Violet stood up, "I have to send him something in return!" She declared. "Send him a single red rose, with a black ribbon." Viox said as Violet started to pace the room, "Yeah! I'll send him that tomorrow!" She said, placing a hand on her hip, "Now let's talk about your love life!" As Kaeya turned red, he stood up and limped towards his room, shutting the door.

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