kidnapped pt3

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It had been hours since Viox saw Kaeya, or at least she thought she saw him and they talked in her dream. Her hand since then oddly felt warm as she was once again tied to the Wagon's side. The sun was high into the clouds as they headed out, walking at a slow pace, enough to keep the pink haired woman warm as the snow wasn't as harsh as the first day. The cold still nipped at Viox as they walked. She was thankful that she had taken this deal, or else she would have been sold off.

The wagon had stopped a few hours later, the group had placed Viox into the Wagon as they walked past a checkpoint with a few Knights of Favonius, the men chuckled as the Knights gave the Wagon the clear to make its way down to the second checkpoint. That checkpoint would be at the bottom of the Mountain, they still had a full day and night to complete. After they had made their way fully away from the Knights, Viox was let out and once again tied to the Wagon to walk. She shivered as it was now almost sunset. She looked around, she bit her lip as she felt the tears form in her eyes, she should have known it was a fever dream. It had only been a day since her capture. The Knights wouldn't be able to find her that easily. That's when she noticed it. They weren't going down the faster route. She looked at the area, noticing the ice formations, they were more clumped up in areas that shouldn't have been there, especially if they were going down the fastest way.

"Hold the Wagon!" The Leader called out as everyone stopped in a large clearing. Viox looked worried as he climbed out and unhooked the scared woman. "I've brought you here because I received a message from a buyer that offered me more than what I could make from selling wines. I'm taking the offer. So be a good girl and listen to these guys well. They aren't as nice as me." He grinned darkly as Viox swallowed thickly. She felt herself go pale as a group of Abyss Mages came through the thicket of ice pillars and trees. "So you're taking our offer. Perfect!" One of them chuckled out as if it was a joke, he held a small staff in one hand as he floated next to Viox, "She looks in excellent condition, she'll work well in the experiments!" The Abyss Mage cackled gleefully, his voice was raspy and high pitched. Viox shook with pure fear as the Leader handed one of the Mages her rope, "She behaves well!" He said as she felt her rope suddenly tug, causing her to fall to the ground, her clothes became muddy as she struggled to stand back up, "She doesn't seem to fight back much! Excellent, excellent!" The Abyss Mage danced a little as the Leader of the Kidnappers grinned, "She was already broken." He commented as Viox stood up, shivering more violently due to the thick mud on her form now.

"Now about that payment?" The Leader asked as the Abyss Mage cackled loudly, "Here's your payment!" He said as he shot a very powerful beam at the man's chest, Viox couldn't look away as she saw a large chunk of ice lodge itself into the man's chest, blood splattered as Viox choked on her scream of shock. She quickly looked as the other two men jumped out from the wagon, rushing to attack the Abyss Mages as more ice was lodged into their chests. Viox bit her lip as she watched the men fall, just like their Leader. She looked at the Mage who cackled gleefully as her rope was once again held onto, but this time by one of the Mages. This one adorned feathery robes of red, orange, and white. His beak shaped mask was black with glowing red eyes. He held her rope as they walked into the thicket of forest and ice. Viox let out a small sob as she walked, slipping here and there, as they walked down a slope that was incredibly steep. "Push her down." The high pitched Mage squealed as Viox felt a harsh kick to her back as she stumbled down the icy slope. She let out loud cries of pain as she hit a sharp rock that tore at her skin and clothes. She reached up to try and protect her head as she tumbled down harshly. She let out a scream as she felt her side hit an incredibly sharp shard of ice, it sliced her side clean open as she finally reached the bottom. Coughing and crying at the pain. She got onto her knees to cover her side as it stung, she would need medical treatment if she were to continue. Viox looked at the Abyss Mages floated down. She panted as the pain increased due to the cold. She shook heavily, cupping her side as she felt the warmth from her bleeding. She didn't dare move her hand incase. She stood up weakly, as the Mages took the lead once more, limping after them, there was nowhere to run. She bit her lip more as hot tears leaked from her green eyes. She wanted to be saved. "How close are we to the camps?" The Red Mage asked the Deep Blue one. "Yes...we must tread carefully. The Hilichurls are most difficult to predict. We can hold off many, but we must be careful." The Deep Blue one shrieked as they walked by a small cave entrance. Viox backed up as they tried to force her inside, "NO! NO NO LET ME GO!" she began screaming as she darted away from the group of Abyss Mages, who were hot on her trail. She darted towards the thinning forest as she smiled in relief before she realized it was a ledge. Her feet slipped on the rocks as she went down the mountain side. She let out screams of pain as she felt a sharp pain hit the side of her head. She felt the darkness closing in as she tumbled down the mountain. That's when she felt warmth. Viox knew that she was dying as she felt a pair of hands touch her body, rolling her over. "Come help me Sucrose." A man's voice said as Viox felt her body be moved. She slowly fell into a sleep, her body felt cold but she could feel heat. "Will she make it?" A woman's voice echoed out. "I'm sure she will." The same males voice said back. 

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