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She pulled away from Kaeya's warmth after a while, "I have to get my things from my parents." She said softly as Kaeya nodded, "I figured as much." He said, as she pulled fully away, "This...this doesn't mean we're getting back together...we can' puts us at risk." She said firmly as Kaeya let out a pained noise, before agreeing, "I understand...but we can at least be friends." He said as Viox nodded, "Friends only." She agreed as Kaeya sighed through his nose, "After we catch Fruitia...I'm going to ask you an important question." He said looking up at the sky, as Viox flushed, her heart fluttered at what the question could be, "Well that'll have to wait." She said softly as she led Kaeya to her parents home.

"Explain something to me, Viox." He said casually as they walked, "What have you been doing these past three months?" He asked looking at the pink haired woman, who sighed out her nose. "The first couple of months were hard, I'll admit that." She said as she looked up at the darkened skyline, "We should probably sit down and talk about it. Once we're at my parents place, we can sit in my room and discuss it." She said lightly, smiling at Kaeya a little, who nodded, "Alright, but I expect all the details, friends don't keep secrets from each other." He teased her gently as a large house came into view.

It was of older brick, with a wrap-around porch, an old and pushed porch swing hung on the left side of the house, as the inside was lit. Kaeya was taken by surprise by how large the home was in general, but before he could ask about his growing curiosity, Viox walked up the steps and opened the large front door. Kaeya carefully kicked the slick snow off his boots as he too entered the home. The warm air hit his cold form, as he relaxed by the heat. He was never bothered by the cold anyways, due to his Cryo Vision that was attached to his hip. He blinked as Viox took off her coat and shoes, fluffing out her long pink locks. Kaeya flushed as he followed her lead, taking off his long coat and shoes. He didn't want to be rude, but he also didn't want to be caught staring at Viox.

"You coming?" She asked innocently as Kaeya nodded, "Yes. Just lead the way to your room." He said as Viox turned her heel and headed up an average sized staircase towards the right of the entryway of her home. Kaeya glanced around as he took note it was over all an average house, the floors were carpeted and the wood was all the same average brown. As he climbed the staircase after Viox. "Are your parents home?" He asked as Viox looked behind her, "No, their out for the night, something about the installation of newer music, which is code for, partying with the older Bards of the troop." She explained as they reached the top floor of the home. Kaeya took note of all the rooms, they were all spaced out and the hallways to them were large as well. As Viox led him to the very back of the hallway, a plain door with a painted sign that said Viox's name on it was covered in flowers that looked as if a child drew it. Kaeya stifled a small chuckle as Viox pushed his arm gently, "I was 6 when I made the sign okay?" She smiled as Kaeya coughed to clear his laughter, "Its adorable really." He said as she opened her room door. Kaeya stifled more laughter at the heavily pink and yellow painted room, large child-like flowers decorated the walls as there was even a toy bin. Viox walked inside and glared at him, "Laugh it up, but if you have children, their rooms might look like mine one day." She pouted as Kaeya chuckled, "I know, but I can't help but laugh a little, I didn't take your child self to be so..." he walked in as Viox shut the door, "Cute." He finished as he took a real look around, a large 4 poster white bed sat in a corner, tucked away as a white colored dresser on the other side. Tucked next to the bed was a small side table. The window was a reading nook as a bookshelf was built at the bottom, on top of it were comfortable pillows and a large blanket. A few bookshelves lined the walls, they were filled to the brim with books of every shape and size. A large pink toy box sat next to the window seat. Kaeya looked at Viox, who took a spot at the window, pulling the large blanket over herself as she motioned him to sit down. In which he complied.

"Now start from the fight. A friend of mine told me you had received The Sevens gift." He said as he looked at the pink haired woman, "I did...but I don't want it." She said as she moved a little, taking off her black choker, a bright and shining Electro Vision dangled from the velvet choker. Kaeya frowned, "Why do you not want it?" He asked as he took it from her grasp, feeling the warmth of the metal that incased the Vision. Viox sighed, "Because I'm 23 years old? Why do I receive one now?" She asked as she crossed her arms. Kaeya shrugged, "I was around that age when I received mine." He said as Viox blinked, surprised, "You never told me your age." She stated as Kaeya shrugged, "It never came up till now. I'm 26." He said as Viox blushed a little, "You're like an old man I guess." She said bluntly as Kaeya looked at her with hurt, "I am not that old." He blinked as Viox shrugged, mimicking him, "26 is pretty old." She stated calmly as Kaeya took offense to her statement, "I'm only 3 years older than you, Viox." He commented as Viox chuckled. "Anyways, I never wanted one, but now I have it...guess it means I have to keep it." She said softly as Kaeya looked at the Vision, "It's a great compliment to a Cryo Vision and Hydro as well." He said quietly, feeling somewhat flushed. Viox gently took it back and played with it in her hands. "I didn't know that." She said softly as Kaeya smiled warmly.

"So you received your Vision, and then what happened?" He asked as Viox looked outside. "You had died." She whispered as Kaeya reached up and touched his scarred chest. "You had stopped breathing when we had reached camp. Albedo tried to bring you back but he couldn't, and then..." she looked at her hands, the Electro sign inside the purple gemstone flashed at her, "I brought you back by shocking your heart." She whispered out as her fingers gripped the Vision. Kaeya paused, he didn't know this. Viox swallowed, "That's when I realized....that I was only a danger to you." She said tightly. "I realized that you wouldn't have gotten hurt...if I had just ignored you...I should have just ran away and left you alone...but because of me..." she took a breath, her eyes watered and burned with un-shedded tears, she could barely see her own hands due to the water in her eyes. "I realized that it's all my fault. Mondstadt's festival going up in flames, you getting hurt. Everything is my fault." She whispered out, her voice choked up as she tried to blink away the tears, but they dripped down her face instead. Kaeya watched as his heart stuttered painfully. Her letter didn't convey her emotions as they appeared on her face now. He reached over and cupped her face, wiping the tear droplets as he tilted her head up. Seeing her big green eyes clouded with water was heartbreaking to say the least. Kaeya stared quietly as Viox sniffled and sighed, "Sorry." She apologized as Kaeya frowned, "Nothing to apologize for. You've had a lot on your mind." He said gently as he pulled his hands away. "Nothing is your fault, in fact, if you were to pin a blame on someone, it should be Fruitia." He said as Viox lowered her head, "Due to jealousy." She mumbled out as Kaeya nodded, "Jealousy indeed, but who wouldn't be jealous? Mondstadt's most famous bachelor, nabbed up by a woman who nobody really knew about till two years ago when she graced the town with incredible knowledge." He looked out the window, "I worked as Acting Grand Master a few times while Jean took her leaves for important duties. Going through tax documents and the winery documents were of no use to me as I normally brushed them off. But as I recall now, your name was written on those documents." He said as Viox nodded, "I'm still Head of Affairs for the Winery. It's my job." She replied as Kaeya chuckled, "Enough getting off track. Tell me...what happened after you left the note." He said quietly as Viox took a breath, "After I-"

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