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Viox was nervous. Scratch that, she was a train wreck! She looked at Violet, who was pulling Viox's long hair into a low ponytail that had a few twists crowing her head, keeping her bangs out of her face, it was an odd look for someone who's had most of her face covered for her life. Seeing both of her eyes was weird, but Violet said it was for the best. "Violet?" she called out softly as her twin looked at her, "Yeah?" she asked back as Viox sighed, "Do you think she'll show tonight?" she asked as Violet nodded, "I think she will, after all, not only is this about Wine, but the Invites also stated that it was Kaeya's official Courting." said tying off Viox's ponytail. Viox bit her lip as she stood up slowly. "I guess it's time to get into our dresses and wait for the men." she said as she looked at the corner of the room. Two dresses of similar design hung on the back of two chairs. The design was of Diluc's choosing, the back of the dresses were cut out and flowy sleeves hung off the shoulders, the back of the dresses were a long train that brushed to floor but was enough to not be stepped on, the front covered the top of the chest as the skirt part was cut out to show the shins and feet. It was a combat style of dress according to Diluc. Kaeya had picked Viox's color which was a rich navy blue. He had also gifted her a navy blue choker that her Vision hung on. Violet's dress was a dark purple. Diluc had gifted her a thin lavender colored shawl that would cover her shoulders if Violet got cold. Viox was a bit nervous due to the back of the dress, showing all of her burn marks. Including the frost bite marks from when Kaeya had in-cased her within his ice to keep her safe. Those were grazed on top of her shoulders. Violet carefully took hers and went into the bathroom to change into it as Viox carefully stripped down and carefully pulled hers on. She had just gotten to start pulling the strings that tied it to her form as a pair of hands carefully cupped her small ones. She jumped a little as Kaeya chuckled, "Careful we don't want the fabric to tear." he said as Viox pulled her hands away to allow him to tie the dress tightly into place. turning , she looked at him as Kaeya smiled, "It looks lovely on you." he said softly as Viox flushed, looking down at her bare feet, "Ah, why must you look down?" he asked her as he cupped her chin, lifting it up, smiling warmly, "You look beautiful this evening, Miss Viox." he said as Viox chuckled a little, "And you as well, Sir Knight Kaeya." she said as Kaeya dropped his hand, "Oh you like? I figured we could match." he said as he stepped back, showing Viox his outfit for the night. It was Navy blue like her dress, but his button up shirt was white. His hair was loose and not in its normal side ponytail as it hung around his shoulders and down his back. Viox looked at his outfit and smiled, "No tie?" she asked as he smirked, "I've never worn one." he said as Viox reached over and unbuttoned the first couple of buttons, opening his shirt a little for a small peak at his bare chest, "There, that's more fitting." she said as she smoothed the fabric down, "You just wanted to see my collarbone." he said as Viox chuckled, shaking her head, "No, it's just more fitting for you, as your normal Knight wear is the same way." she said as Kaeya smiled at her, "I see."

The two perked up at the sound of the bathroom door opening and showing a dressed up Violet. Who looked at Kaeya, "Button your shirt up, nobody wants to see more of you." she said coldly as Kaeya blinked in surprise, "Your sister actually did this." he said pointing at Viox who nodded, "That I did." she said as she crossed her arms. Violet rolled her eyes, "I left my heels in Diluc's room, Kaeya I trust you can walk Viox down?" she asked as Kaeya nodded, watching the other Hala twin leave.

"Still so cold towards me." Kaeya said as Viox shrugged, "You can't win them all over." she said as she went and picked up her shoes. As she was bending down, Kaeya took a moment and looked at the others back. There was her mangled up skin, the bright pink wrinkled skin clashing against pale smooth skin. Then there were the spots of frostbite she had received as well on the tops of her shoulders. Kaeya watched as Viox slipped on her small boot-like heels, they gave her a little height, but enclosed her feet behind the leather. Kaeya looked at her, taking in the image. Viox blinked at him, "Are you alright?" she asked as Kaeya sent a smile at her, "Never been better, shall we go? The crowds shall be here soon." he said as Viox nodded, "We shall." she said softly as she gently took Kaeya's hand.


Viox swallowed thickly as she was introduced to quite a few people at this point. They all knew Diluc and Kaeya through business and The Dawn Winery. Viox had never been to one of these parties before, she had been to a few very down-scaled knees due to what were called Tasting Nights, and anyone could join in on those parties. This was incredibly different. Thousands of people were flooded into the large Ballroom, there were a few crowds around some tables as some were gathered by the food that was lined the very south wall. "Too much already?" Kaeya asked her in a low whisper as Viox gave him a weak smile, "Not at all." she said quietly, as Kaeya held out his hand, "May I have this dance?" he asked her as Viox blushed lightly, she bowed a little, "You may." she said as they linked together, just like the night of the festival. She smiled as his left hand rested on her lower back, his right hand held her left and her right hand was resting on his right shoulder. The heels helped in this case. Kaeya led them in a careful dance, as he twirled her outwards and back in. Viox smiled as he dipped her a little, she was joining the fact the two were spending this time together, she perked a little, "Where did Amoura go?" she asked, as Kaeya tilted his head towards the outside, "A few Knights took him out to patrol the border, there was a spotting of some suspicious activity, so Amoura will be with them for a while." he said as Viox nodded, "I see, and has anything been noticed inside?" she asked as Kaeya smirked, "A Couple entered the party and have been trailing you, we assume its Fruitia, but we aren't fully sure." he explained as Viox swallowed, "Well it's almost time for Diluc's speech isn't it? So I guess showtime will be soon." she said as Diluc made his way down a grand staircase. Kaeya made a noise of agreement. Their dance slowly calmed down as guests started clapping at the appearance of Diluc, who waved his hand, quieting the crowd, Viox was in a little awe that he had that ability. "Friends and Esteemed Guests, I welcome you to my humble Abode once more! You all have been a delight to have you all here. We, of the Dawn Winery, are more than pleased you've joined us for this occasion. We've officially placed the new wine called, Till Death Apart, on the shelves of every Tavern that the Winery has connections with, on their shelves! So let us toast to that one announcement, as we cheer, let us remember that we also are celebrating an even bigger event tonight! Cavalry Captain, Kaeya Alberich, has officially met his bride that he wishes to wed! So let us cheer and wish them many happy years in their marriage!" Diluc called out as he held a glass high, many guests did the same as Viox followed Kaeya's suit, making eye contact with her sister who's eyes widened as she made her way through the crowd. Viox turned her eyes as the surface of a blade headed towards Kaeya's back. Viox felt the world slow as she pushed Kaeya out of the way, feeling the blade nic her dress, but not enough to tear her skin underneath. As Kaeya fell the Ballroom descended into darkness. As Screams echoed out. People rushed about as glass shattered all around. People were racing past Viox as she was in the pathway. That's when her ears picked up the explosions. Fruitia planned on bombing them out. Viox was shoved down to the floor after someone crashed into her form. She let out a gasp of pain as she landed heavily on her shoulder and side. She could barely make out and shouts towards her as the clashing of blades reached her as she looked up to see treasure hoarders rushing from all sides of the Ballroom, attacking all the Knights, who were fighting back as hard as possible. A hand grabbed her by the arm and helped her to her feet, she turned and found Diluc that was wielding a large sword, "You alright?" he asked as Viox nodded, "Im fine! Fruitia is using explosions outside! We have to work carefully!" She screamed out over the fighting as Diluc nodded, before he tackled her to the ground once more, covering her body with his as the ballroom shook from inside, a whole side wall had came crashing down next to them as bits of brick and dust flew everywhere, coating the air in a thick layer of dust, Diluc pushed the two of them up and started running towards the doors, but he was quickly ripped from Viox as she felt herself being tackled backwards. Her body being thrown over the shoulder of someone as she was rushed out of the hole in the wall. Viox let out a scream as she stopped Diluc being thrown to the ground, hearing the sickening crack as the flooring gave out below Diluc's body. A spurt of blood left the man's mouth as Viox felt tears enter her eyes. "Shit! She has a Vision!" the man holding her called out as another swore, "Rip it off! She can't use it if it's gone!" the other called as the man's hand reached up and ripped off Viox's Vision, tossing it to the flooring of the wrecked Ballroom. Viox felt a harsh pull as her head screamed in pain, she clutched at it as her sight blurred to black. 

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