Back to Work

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It had been a few months since then. Viox sighed through her nose as she wrote up a document for the taxes for the Winery. She had busy herself into work as so did Kaeya. Especially since he needed to be present for the sentencing of Fruitia. She had many cases of murder, kidnapping, and attempted murder. Viox shivered lightly, and there was the fact that Fruitia murdered her sibling as well. Fruitia broke down during the first meeting. Admitting that she didn't mean to kill her sister. Viox had been at work that day when Diluc told her what he had heard at the Tavern that morning, when he had stopped by bringing in the night before tabs and such. Diluc had been released from the Cathedral a few weeks before Fruitia’s trials. The Treasure Hoarder that had injured him, had broken a few of Diluc’s ribs, but in turn was burned to death due to Diluc’s vision. Viox had thoroughly apologized for getting hurt because of her, but Diluc brushed it off with a smile. As Viox heard around the Tavern that Diluc had given Violet something she couldn't refuse. Viox wondered what it was, as her sister bought a home in Mondstadt, as her team had been fully relocated. They all shared Violet’s home, which was large enough for all 5 of them. 
Viox dipped her pen into the ink pot as she read over what she had so far. A gentle knock was sounded at her door, “Come in.” Viox answered as her door opened, she didn't bother looking up, as something was set on her desk. “You seem focused on that.” the person spoke, causing a smile to work its way to her lips. “I have to be, or I’ll get the Mora count wrong.” she replied softly as she looked up, her green eyes connecting with a milky blue one. Kaeya smiled at her, “How have you been?” he asked as Viox shrugged a little, “I’ve been less stressed now that Fruitia is officially gone.” she said as she stood up, walking around her desk to stand beside Kaeya’s form. He nodded, “She got the death penalty after all the trouble she did, including her own sister’s life.” he said as he reached over and placed a hand on Viox’s hip. He looked guilty about something, but Viox couldn't quite place why. 
''What's wrong?’ she asked as Kaeya shook his head, “Nothing at the moment, everything is calm. It’s an odd feeling is all.” he said as Viox made a noise of agreement. She still felt like at any moment Fruitia would appear out from behind her and try to finish what she started. “I couldn't agree more.” she said gently as her body was pulled into a hug. Kaeya held her softly against his chest. Viox relaxed at the touch, it had been a long minute since the two had seen each other face to face, let alone touch the other. Viox could barely recall the last kiss they fully shared. It had happened right after Kaeya had caught her from being pushed off the cliffside. it had started raining in a harsh downpour as everyone had met up at the front gates of Mondstadt. 


“Take Fruitia to the Cells!” Jean ordered as a group of Knights pulled a screaming Fruitia away. “I’ll kill Viox! I’ll kill you!” Fruitia screamed out as she thrashed against the strong men that dragged her away. Viox blinked against the rain that dripped down her face. She didn't know how to really react to Fruitia’s cries. Viox tugged Kaeya’s coat over her more, although the longer they stayed in the rain, the heavier the fur got on her shoulder. Kaeya had yet removed himself from her side as his arm was around her waist as she leaned onto his form. though she wouldn't be surprised if it looked odd seeing someone as small as herself next to Kaeya’s taller form. “Captain Kaeya, thanks to you, Miss Viox is safe and we finally caught Fruitia. Mondstadt gives its thanks.” Jean said as Kaeya nodded, “Now all that's left to do is the sentencing.” he said as Jean nodded, “For now, take Miss Viox home. Her sister is visiting Master Diluc at the Cathedral. Get dry and warm.” Jean said as she walked away, her heels clicking against the cobblestone streets as Kaeya took a deep breath. “I guess she has a point, we really should get out of the rain.” he said as Viox nodded. Kaeya carefully led them down the streets towards his home, where Amoura sat on the step that led up to the front door. Kaeya smiled at his dog as he opened the door, allowing them all inside the cool house. “I’ll run you a bath.” he said softly as he kissed Viox’s forehead gently, before walking down the hallway towards the bathroom. 
Viox lowered herself to the wood flooring as her feet hurt from walking and standing for so long. Amoura padded up to her as she slipped off Kaeya’s fur coat from her shoulders. opening her arms so the dog could curl up with her. Amoura does just so, to comfort the woman. Viox raked her fingers through the dog's warm fur as she relaxed slowly. It was all over. She was finally free of Fruitia. Viox couldn't help the tears of happiness that flowed from her eyes as she held Amoura closer. She was safe, Kaeya was safe, Violet, Diluc, Mondstadt, everyone would finally be safe from Fruitia. 
“Viox.” Kaeya called gently as Viox pulled herself from Amoura, the dog didn't seem too bothered by this, as she stood up and walked over to the bathroom, her small heeled shoes clicked as she went. Kaeya stood with a towel around his waist as the shower ran. His hair was still wet as he had pulled it out of the ponytail. the wet locks stuck to his tan skin as Viox blinked. Kaeya’s eye patch was missing from his face. Kaeya looked up at her, “Something wrong?” he asked as Viox walked over and moved his hair from his face. A long scar ran across his eyelid as she looked at it. pulling away to fully see his face. Kaeya flushed lightly as his face was being held by Viox. “What happened?” she asked as Kaeya chuckled weakly, “I’ll tell you another day, for now, get in the shower and I'll grab you a shirt and pants.” he said gently as he removed her hands from his face. Viox frowned, “You won't be joining me?” she asked as Kaeya looked surprised at the question, “Did you want me too?” he asked as Viox nodded, “I don't want to be alone.” she stated softly. Kaeya smiled at her as he kissed her cheek before removing his towel and getting in the steaming shower. Viox slowly removed her ball dress, her heels, and took down her hair. Carefully she removed her underwear and pulled the shower curtain back. Stepping inside, heat touched her chilled frame as  hands closed around her bare hips. Viox relaxed as her back was pressed against Kaeya’s chest. Hot water ran down their bodies as they stood under it. Better than the cold rain outside. 
Kaeya rested his head on top of Viox’s as she held his hands in hers. “What will happen now?” Viox asked softly as Kaeya lifted his head, “She’ll be sentenced, and then Jean will make the final call on Fruitia’s fate.” he said quietly. Viox bit her lip, “And of us?” she asked, she was worried, and anyone would be after what the two had been through. Kaeya kissed her shoulder, “We stay the same. If this has taught me anything, its how important you are to me.” he said as he sighed, “Viox.” he said as she turned her body slowly to look up at the man before her. They had gone through so much together, they had toed the edge of death so many times. “Viox, I love you.” Kaeya said quietly, as Viox smiled, “I love you too.” she said as she leaned into his chest. Her ear was pressed against the bare skin, hearing his heartbeat beat at a fast pace. As they held each other. Kaeya carefully tilted Viox’s face up as he leaned down to kiss the other. Letting their lips press firmly against each other. Viox pulled away as she sucked in a breath, before kissing Kaeya once more. 


“Viox?” Kaeya said as Viox pulled away from his cooled warmth. “Yes?” she replied as he chuckled lightly, “I was trying to get your attention, what were you thinking about?” he asked as Viox smiled, “Nothing important. So is there a secret reason you came to visit me at work, that it couldn't wait till we were home?” she asked. Kaeya rolled his eye, “You caught me.” he said as he sighed, “Ludi Harpastum is coming up and i was curious if you would be my date for it.” he said as Viox tilted her head, “Ludi Harpastum?” she asked as Kaeya nodded, “It’s a festival that's held for 15 days and 15 nights.” he said as Viox’s eyes widened, “That means that i have to prepare for it! I have to stock the Tavern and see if Master Diluc is putting out any stands, and then i have to hire extra workers, and then order the supplies.” she said as Kaeya watched his courted pace around, his face was blank as he watched her. Viox rushed around her office as she gathered documents, “And there’s the Mora payments and taxes for the stands, extra wines, glasses, workers.” she said as she looked at Kaeya, “Why was I never notified of this Festival?” she asked as Kaeya tilted his head a little, “Because Diluc wanted you to have it off. So you can fully experience the Festival without worry. He is taking the lead on everything. This happens to be your first Ludi Harpastum after all.” he said as Viox ran a hand through her hair, “He can't possibly do all that work by himself!” she said as Kaeya cleared his throat, “Viox you forgot that Diluc was doing this long before you started working for him. Trust me, he has this under control, afterall, he only opens the Tavern for the Festival since most of the towns people set up their own stands.” he explained as Viox sighed in relief, “I see.” she said as Kaeya chuckled a little. Viox rose a brow, “Yes?” she asked as she placed a hand on her hip, “You dare mock my pain as Head of Affairs?” she asked as Kaeya walked over to the shorter, “Never, but you didn't answer my question.” he said as Viox blinked, “Oh wanted me to go as your date.” she said as Kaeya nodded. Viox smiled, “I will.” she said as Kaeya smirked, “I was going to say if you weren't, we would need to talk.” he teased her lightly as Viox laughed. “Well lucky for you, I happen to be courting someone.” she said as Kaeya wrapped his arms around the other, “I would have never guessed, I'm assuming he doesn't like the fact you flirt with a Captain.” he mocked. Viox shrugged, “Probably not, but we don't have to tell him that.” she said as Kaeya chuckled at her, a warm grin on his face as he leaned down, Viox felt her heart quicken as her eyes fluttered shut, feeling their noses brush softly together as a flush rose to her cheeks, her lips parted a little as she could hardly breath as Kaeya’s winter scent flooded her senses. She could feel the ghosting of his breath as a loud clearing of the throat broke the two apart. Viox looked over at the doorway, as Diluc stood in it. “Knight Kaeya, I am sure you have better things to be doing than roping Miss Viox into a game of hookie while she’s at work.” he said as Kaeya smirked, “Of course Master Diluc.” he said as he pulled himself away from Viox. He carefully took her hand and kissed the back of it, “I shall see you later Miss Viox.” he said as Viox flushed more, “Good day to you Captain Kaeya.” she said as he winked at her, before leaving the office. Diluc sighed out his nose as Viox stifled her giggles. She couldn't wait for Ludi Harpastum now. 

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