A Plan

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Viox pulled away from Kaeya a few moments later, "We have to go about this carefully now. Even more so than before." She said as she crossed her arms. Kaeya made a small noise in agreement, "But how do we do that exactly? It's not like we can just use your Live Bait Idea that you said last night." he looked at her as Viox grinned. Kaeya shook his head, "No, I'm voting against this idea again. I now have you back, I can't risk you like this, it's like playing into her hands and I can't afford you to get caught." he said with crossed arms. "Odd because I heard from a few Knights that you like placing people in dangerous situations. Has that thrill died down?" She asked him as Kaeya cleared his throat, "Allies are different, they are not you." he said pointing at the woman. Viox rose a brow, "What's so different about me that we can't use the same tactics?" she asked as Kaeya sighed, "You are more important, have more value to me than that of a Knight." he said. Viox blinked, "Oh." she said. Kaeya shrugged, "It's only fitting, besides, what if something goes wrong, we have no back up, no Knights assigned, besides it's not even a mission or case to case a stir within the party Diluc is holding." he said listing those points with his fingers, as Viox held up a hand, "What if we made it a mission?" She said, "We can ask Jean." she commented as Kaeya looked at her with a serious gaze. "If I do this, you have to promise me that no matter what happens." he started as Viox shook her head, "I can't promise much Kaeya." she said gently as he looked down at the floor, "Just promise me that if she gets ahold of you, you fight it no matter what okay?" he said as Viox smiled at the man, "I can promise that." she said, as Kaeya smiled at her. "We need to call for Jean and Diluc. Any thoughts on what team you want for coverage?" he asked her as Viox chuckled, "I think you know already." she smirked as Kaeya looked at her with a raised brow of interest.


"So you want to use yourself as Live Bait?" Diluc questioned as he, Violet, Viox, Kaeya, and Master Jean, sat at the Dawn Winery's meeting table, in a back room. Viox nodded, "See if we use mine and Kaeya's courtship as a lure, Fruitia might come out of her hole. It'll be risky, but I think we might be able to pull enough Knights together to catch her." Viox explained as Diluc looked towards Kaeya, who sat emotionless to what Viox was saying. "Master Jean, your thoughts?" Diluc asked as Jean cleared her throat a little, "I could find a couple of teams, but we need one to stay close to Viox at all times." She said looking towards Kaeya and Violet, "You two on the case?" She asked as both Knights nodded, "I'll already be staying with Viox. So we just need a few more team members. Violet?" Kaeya looked at the other Hala twin, who smirked, "My team will cover the Viox and Kaeya's quarters, I'll position them where we need them." she said as Viox smiled at her sister. "Oh! What about Amoura?" Viox asked Kaeya as he smiled, "Amoura has been receiving special lessons from a friend of mine. He should be getting settled in our new quarters at Diluc's Manor." He said as Viox's eyes widened, "Diluc has a Manor?" she asked as her gaze landed on Diluc, who crossed his arms. "Yes but I rarely use the Manor unless it's for parties and such. Luckily the new Wine is being released, so the plan of also announcing the Courtship at the same time will draw the perfect attention." he said as he stood up, "We have the basics, let us all start going over to the Manor and settle there." he said as Kaeya stood up as well, along with Jean, Violet, and Viox in tow. "I agree, we have a lot of prep work to do before the Wine Party in a few days." Jean said as she bowed her head at Diluc before heading out, Violet followed after her, but waved and smiled at Viox. Viox waved and smiled back as Kaeya took up her hand. Diluc sighed a little out of his nose, "Any terms you would like to add on now that Master Jean and Violet are gone?" he asked, turning towards Kaeya. Kaeya smirked, "You think our friend The Darknight Hero will be showing up for the capture of Fruitia?" he asked back as Diluc rose an eyebrow. "I'll see what i can do." he said as he too left the room, leaving the courted to themselves.

"The Darknight Hero? I thought he was just a silly little rumor around Mondstadt." Viox said as Kaeya chuckled, "You really haven't been living here very long have you? If I remember right, Violet said only two years? Not much time to tell the difference between rumors and real life." Viox looked at him, "So he's real?" she asked as Kaeya nodded, "Exactly. Now come along, we have to get a few things ready." he said as Viox sighed.


Viox couldn't stop looking at the larger than life Diluc Manor. It was the same gray bricking of most of Mondstadt, but it was on par with the Cathedral! It was honestly amazing. "Are you done staring, Viox?" Kaeya teased, "If I recall, you are like a cat, so i guess this would be normal cat behavior no?" he asked as Viox glared playfully at him, "I am not a cat Kaeya. I am merely in awe of the Manor." she said with a pout, crossing her arms as Kaeya chuckled, "Alright alright. Well let us go and see if Amoura is here yet." he said as Viox followed, dropping her glare and pout.

As they approached the front door, a man with white hair opened the door. "Greeting guests of Master Diluc. We at the Diluc Manor welcome you in this fine time." he said with a bow and a hand on his chest as he dipped. Viox flushed with embarrassment, "Oh my goodness what do i say back?" she asked loudly as Kaeya blinked at her, "You really don't have a clue." he whispered, "We may all go down in flames in a few days." he said as he looked at the doorman, "Greetings Elzer. You seem cheerful as normal." Kaeya greeted as the now dubbed Elzer stopped in his bow as he smiled at Kaeya, "Greetings Master Kaeya, are you here for a long term stay?" he asked as he moved aside to let Viox and Kaeya enter the Manor. "Not too long of a stay, just a few days and leaving after the Wine party." Kaeya said as they walked. Elzer nodded, "I see, the Master will be pleased that Miss Violet is also. He seems in high spirits." he said as Kaeya smirked, "Of course he is, now where is mine and my courted's room?" he asked as Elzer pointed them up the stairs and told them that it was the 5th door on the right.

Viox entered the room first as she took in the beauty of it. It was much larger than the room in the Winery. A large king size bed sat on the left side of the room this time, with a blanket chest at the foot of the bed. Two nightstands on their sides with lamps and a book. On the right side, where they had entered, looked like a sitting room, two large couches sat facing each other with a large drinking table* between them, it had a couple candles on it for lighting at night. Behind the couches was a desk and chair. Viox looked as there was another door near the bed. Walking over to it, she opened it, realizing it was the bathroom, as it was very clean. A large bath that could easily sit three was carved out in the flooring as the toilet was closer to the door with the sink. She pulled away and shut the door. This was on the right side of the bed.

"Liking the quarters?" Kaeya asked as Viox nodded, "It should fit everyone on Violet's team comfortably." she said as Kaeya nodded, "I took note that Amoura is not yet here. So we have some time to go and overlook the Wine party set up. Maybe pull a few ideas and start up the fact that we are courting now." he said as Viox sighed through her nose a little, "Yeah that would be best." she said as she walked over to where Kaeya was standing. She hadn't really noticed the height difference between them all that well till now. She smiled as Kaeya looked down at her, "What is it?" he asked as Viox stood up on her tippy toes and gave him a small kiss on his nose, "I'm glad is all." she said softly as Kaeya smiled at her. "As am I." he said as he took up one of her hands and kissed the back of it. Viox flushed a little at the action, she was still getting used to being his official courted. Kaeya rubbed the back of her hand gently, "Shall we head down and see the Ballroom?" he asked her as she nodded, "Yes." she answered. 

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