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The next time Viox woke, was to the smell of a simple stew on the bedside table, it was fresh, and Viox's stomach grumbled loudly as she carefully pushed herself up, leaning on some pillows so her back wouldn't protest too much. Viox carefully pulled the bowl into her lap and ate slowly, being careful about how much she ate, due to the fact that she hardly ate anything the day before or today in general. After half the bowl was gone, and her stomach was comfortable, she set it on the table and relaxed in the soft bed. Viox noticed the house was very quiet, it was odd, but if Violet and Kaeya were playing nice, she didn't need to worry, right? Viox worried at her bottom as the silence continued. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to check? Viox started to try and leave the warm bed, as the door opened, "Viox?" Kaeya asked as he walked in with a small basket in one hand and the other held a bowl of what looked like hot water, due to the steam coming off of it. Viox smiled a little, "I was...the silence...I was worried." She tried explaining as Kaeya closed the door with his foot, walking over to the injured one. He moved her bowl of stew away and carefully set up the bowl of hot water and some fresh bandages as well as a few wraps. "I see, well it's time to clean your wounds and rewrap them." Kaeya said softly, as Viox nodded, carefully turning in the bed so her back was towards the man.

Cool fingertips touched her already warm skin, she bit her lip lightly as they skimmed her shoulder tops to push her loose button up shirt down. She felt his hands work on loosening the wraps, as they worked over her back, shoulders, and her left arm. If Viox hadn't been heavily injured and recovering, she would have tackled the man into the bed. She bit her lip more, feeling it start to bruise at her abuse as Kaeya moved her long hair over her right shoulder. "It'll hurt a little, but if it gets to be too much, let me know." Kaeya said quietly as he finished pulling off her wraps, her back had a rather large third degree burn mark, it was still bleeding a little in some spots. It was wrinkled and morphed, the skin was no longer smooth like it once was three weeks ago. Kaeya frowned a little as his eyes looked over her left shoulder and down her left arm, the burn marks stopped at her elbow, and they were still red and irritated at the moving Viox had been doing since she woke up yesterday. Kaeya reached for a clean rag and dipped it into the sterilized hot water, he squeezed out most of the water before placing it on Viox's burns. The woman flitched and leaned away from the sting, hissing under her breath as Kaeya carefully tapped at her mangled skin. The rag slowly turned pink as he washed the blood away carefully. For 30 minutes they sat in silence, as Kaeye cleaned Viox's back. Once he began to start wrapping, Viox spoke up, "How bad is it?" She asked him. Kaeya frowned more, "It'll be a large scar..." he said quietly. "I see." Her voice was quiet, that was worry some. "What are you thinking about Viox?" He asked her, taking his time wrapping her back and shoulders. "If...if I'll ever be able to marry now that I'm...damaged." she said softly as Kaeya stopped, "Damaged? As in your scars?" He asked her as the woman nodded, Kaeya blinked slowly, "You need not to worry...there's someone out there that will adore your scars." He admits, not daring to utter out that he was the one who wanted to adore them. The urge to mark Viox's pale neck made his heart beat speed up and his mouth ached, she already smelled of berries and sugar. He started up wrapping once more before more dirty thoughts flooded his mind.

"I'm not sure Kaeya." Viox said as she felt Kaeya finish with the wraps. Making a noise of relief as she was finally able to lay back down as Kaeya packed up. "You never know...they could be right under your nose." Kaeya said as he smiled at her. Viox smiled back, "Maybe..." she replied. Kaeya smiled a smile as he paused in his task, "Anyways, before I leave, your sister has headed into town, she got a letter about a meet up with Diluc. Seems he too didn't get much information about your status." He said as Viox chuckled, "That explains why it's so quiet." She said, Kaeya nodded, picking up the basket and water bowl, "I'll return in a bit. You're welcomed to the books on my shelf." He pointed at the small bookshelf next to the bed. Viox's eyes lit up as she carefully slid a book from the shelf, King of Dragons, she smiled warmly at Kaeya, holding the book in her arms, "Thank you." She said as Kaeya flushed lightly before making his way out.


Violet huffed at the tavern she was sent to, the smell of wine attacked her nose as she pushed the heavy door open. Her blues gazed over most of the drunks as her stare locked onto a man who was taller than her. His hair was fiery red, and his eyes were darker red. He was dressed in a white vest, dark button up, and black slacks. His long hair was tied up in a high ponytail. Violet raised an eyebrow, clearly this bartender was the one she was looking for.

She slid into a barstool, waiting for him to notice as a drunken arm slipped around her shoulders, "Arenf you a prettry younag thang!" The drunk man slurred out, Violet was disgusted at the man touching her, "Arent you a disgusting old man." She hissed yanking his arm off. The drunk seemed to hate that, as he gripped her arm, "Hay! I weznt done with yer!" He spat over his thick tongue as Violet started to worry, she had only came to talk with a person named Diluc who had been worried over her sister. "Thats enough." A rich voice sounded from the bar. Violet looked up at the red haired man glaring at the Drunk one, "Thas one mine Diluc!" The smell of alcohol wafted over Violet's nose as she tried not to gag in disgust. "You know the rules Markie, no more wine for you tonight, let the woman go." The now dubbed Diluc said with a firm tone, Violet ripped her arm from the drunk's grip as she moved away. Diluc continued to stare til the drunken man stumbled from the tavern. "Sorry about that, normally the drunks leave by now without problems." Diluc apologized as Violet shrugged, "A mild inconvenience, I'm Violet Hala. Viox's older twin sister by 3 minutes." She stuck out her hand for Diluc to shake, who merely brushes it off, "Master Diluc." He stated as his face turned cold, "How is she?" He asked Violet, who sighed, "Better. Third degree burns, some are healing, others require more medical care." She replied tightly, "Her back is littered with burns that will scar over...her left arm is pretty mangled up as well." She looked at Diluc, who's face didn't read much. "I see..." he said gently, Violet blinked, "Why do you care for my sister?" She asked bluntly, as Diluc slowly blinked, "She works for me, it is natural for a boss to be worried over their employees." He said, not giving away much information to Violet. "Interesting..." she said before getting up, "Well Master Diluc, if you want to visit her, come to Knight Kaeya's home, she is resting there." She said as she walked off. Shivering lightly as her thoughts clouded over with questions about who this Diluc character was. 

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