kidnapped pt2

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The icy winds nipped at Viox's already cold hands, her fingertips had already turned a hot red to fight off the freezing air as her wet cold clothes stuck to her shivering form as she walked next to the wagon, which was being pulled by two large stallions, and 3 men inside it's warm confinings. She was tied to the wagon's side as her legs sunk in the snow, she hardly felt her feet as they had already become raw to the snowy ground. They were set at a normal walking speed as they trudged through. Viox didn't allow herself to shiver as she walked, her body was staying warm as they kept moving, but her hands, feet, and face were nipped at. She looked up at the snow fall, it was so peaceful, she smiled as she thought about Kaeya, Violet, and Mondstadt in general. She looked forward once more as the air danced around her body, her pink hair whipped around as she looked towards the path, they had been at it for a day now, and she knew that the main gut needed her alive. So theoretically, he would be keeping tabs on her as they headed down, enough to make sure she wouldn't die. That was what she knew, she didn't know how alive she would be. She sucked in a lung full of freezing air as they continued.

After the sun rose, the men that kidnapped her set up a small camp as Viox was pulled into the Wagon, to warm and to check if she was getting frostbite. "Can't have you dying yet." The man said as he cleared her for more walking after this pit stop for the horses. She sat in the warm furs as her mind raked for different solutions, she could run, but with all the walking, she may not get far. She bit her lip lightly as the idea came to mind. She smiled a little and thanked the Gods for looking down on her. A few moments later, she was once more walking in the snow, but due to the white reflecting off the white snow, it was hard for Viox to see. She was warmed a little due to the heat, but she couldn't do her plan yet. It would have to be dark. She walked in pace with the wagon, "Think a Knight will come get her?" One of the men asked, "No. She's too hiddened for that. It'd be like a goose chase." Another said. Viox could feel tears burning in her eyes. She couldn't cry now, it would show that she was able to break. She glared at the snow covered path, as she blinked away the tears, she would prove that she was strong enough to make it through this.

"We'll reach the bottom by nightfall tonight." The leader told her as he climbed to the front seat of the Wagon, watching her. Viox nodded, "Alright." She said as her legs trembled a little, the walking was killing her legs. It had been two days, so they made it down quicker than expected. She could feel the excitement bubble in her chest as they got closer to the goal. The Dawn Winery. She relaxed herself as she was also putting her plan into action. The last two nights, she had been pulling out a few strands of her hair and dropping it on the dirt parts of the path, letting it stick in the wet earth as they walked. Her legs burned as the Wagon stopped. "Sweep the area!" The leader called as Viox felt her weakened legs give out, her knees hit the ground hard as her whole body slumped forward, she leaned into the Wagon as the men swept the area, it was an odd place to rest, especially so close to the path. Viox felt a harsh glare in her direction, as the leader grabbed her by her shirt, "You! There's 30 Knights at the bottom of the Mountain! You did something to lead them here!" He spat as he threw her back to the ground, kicking her in the gut. Viox let out a loud gasp as the air felt her, "I!-" she coughed as a shock of pain made its way through her body. "Shut it." The leader spat as he cut her rope off the wagon side. "We'll kill her in front of the Knights." He ordered as Viox's eyes widened, "N-n-no! P-p-please!" She begged as she was dragged down the path. The Leader tugged her as she tripped, landing harshly onto the frozen ground, "Don't Worry, I'll make it fast." He snarled as he dragged her to the side of the cliff, she yelped as he dipped her over the ledge, "KNIGHTS OF FAVONIUS!" he roared out as Viox looked down, noticing the group, that when she spotted him. Kaeya was within the group, his eyes connected with hers as she felt the air rush pass her ears, the leader loosened his grip causing her to fall, she screamed out of fear. "COME AND GET HER IF YOU CAN FIND HER!" The leader roared as Viox screamed, "KAEYA!" before she suddenly felt water enter her lungs. She was underwater? When did it happen? Her wrists were still tied, the leader finished tying the rope to a rock as she pulled herself upwards onto the muddy cold shore. She coughed, as her clothes felt as if they were glued to her frame.

"Finally awake?" The Leader smirked as Viox froze, all that...was a dream? She blinked as she remembered. It was still the first day of travel. They stopped to rest at the bank of a small creek, she was tied to the rock as everyone else took the time to get some rest. She was left to freeze out by the creek. Viox frowned a little. The dream had felt so real, like she had been there. She shivered as her wet clothes started to settle down against her skin, she watched with envy as the three man group gathered by the flames of the warm campfire. The only thing of warmth she would get is if the horses came to lay next to her. She pressed herself against the rock she was tied to, hoping it would take some of her cold away, but sadly it didn't. Viox took a moment to look up at the clear night sky, looking at each star that appeared so clearly, hoping that someone would come save her.

They still had about two more days and one more night before they'd reach the bottom, which the days weren't bad for Viox, her body seemed to take in the harsh sunlight, even though it snowed, the sunlight seeped into her cold limbs as she leached in the heat. Viox knew the nights would be the roughest, especially next to a body of water. That was a worry-some, because if she got sick, who knows how long she would have to be on the mountain! She bit her bottom lip as a large fur blanket was dumped on top of her lap. She looked up to see the leader, "Can't have you freezing on us, nights are a dangerous toy to play with, if we don't give you anything, you'd be dead by the morning." He spat out as the others started laying in their bigger and thicker fur lined cots. The leader headed into the wagon as Viox attempted to cover herself. Soon the campsite was settled and everything was quiet.

Viox snapped awake at the sound of a twig snapping, she sat fully up, noticing the fire had dulled to a few hot embers, enough to keep the men around it warm. Her head turned towards the snap as her eyes watered, Kaeya carefully crossed the stream, motioning Viox to stay quiet as he carefully walked towards her. Viox held her breath as she prayed it wasn't a dream that Kaeya was there. He carefully lowered himself next to her, as he cupped her face, "Viox...thank gods..." he whispered softly as he rubbed her cold-red cheeks, Viox bit her lip from sobbing too loudly. The smell of cool winter snow and rosemary entered her senses as she leaned into the cold warm palm. "I can't stay long, I have to make sure I get back with the team, but I had to make sure I was tracking you right." He whispered as Viox looked at him with worried, "Kaeya...please don't leave me here..." she whispered softly as Kaeya tucked some hair away from her face, "I can't take you back to vamp yet have to stay strong tomorrow or the mission fails, Viox listen to me okay?" He said as he kissed her forehead, he felt himself start to shake, but not of the cold, but because he couldn't take her. "Viox...we are coming to get you tomorrow, but you have to stay calm till then." He told her, his heart yearning to take her home now as she looked so cold, he didn't dare risk giving her his jacket as she stifled her sobs, he placed her cold hand against his chest, to let it warm, "Viox...I'll will return tomorrow, please...don't cry, I have to go now, dusk will be hitting soon." He whispered as Viox closed her eyes tightly, "Go...go now." She whimpered so quietly as Kaeya squeezed her hand, "I..." he stopped himself as he leaned down and kissed Viox gently, who kissed back, pulling away, he kissed her temple, "I will see you soon." He whispered before pulling away from the woman, who watched him leave.

Viox sat up from her sleep, blinking her eyes carefully, she realized the cold was finally reaching her mind, that she needed to be careful about what was a Dream and what wasn't a Dream. 

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