Kaeya (Extra Chapter)

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Kaeya had dragged Violet to the Knights Guild hall as he swung open Jean's door, as acting head GrandMaster the woman's office was quite large as said woman was sitting at her desk, shuffling papers about as the resident Librarian, Lisa, the Purple Witch, sat on the edge with a book in hand, flipping through pages. The two appeared to be researching. Violet pushed Kaeya aside, "Master Jean!" She called out as the bright blonde haired woman looked up, Violet bowed a little, "Its an emergency Master Jean. My sister was taken earlier this evening." She said after she looked up at the Acting Grandmaster. Jean frowned and stood up, "This is a serious issue, can you recall anything that could possibly led to her capture?" She asked as she rounded the desk, as Violet shook her head. "I don't know why, she hasn't done anything." She said, trying to rake her memories of Viox.

Kaeya cleared his throat,"I have an idea." He said as Jean looked at him, "It could be our little stalker friend is back, they could have easily rattled off information about Viox, seeing since their last three attempts have failed, Slave Traders would make good money off of an intellectual that knows her way around Mondstadts biggest profits." Kaeya said, his face read emotionless, but his eye read a serious tone. He wanted his woman back. Jean took note of this, "I see. We need to start a search team immediately. Kaeya you will lead a small group of Vision users. Violet, take another and start looking around Mondstadt's local area. If you find a lead, follow it. There is no hesitation, especially if they sell her, take whatever cautions you need, be safe and let the Winds lead us to her safety." Jean barked the orders as Kaeya headed from the room, taking off towards the front doors.

"WAIT!" Violet called as Kaeya stopped, "Where are you heading first?" She asked as they headed out the doors, "I'm heading towards a few old friends to help out. I've been tracking Slave Traders for a while now, their most located place for trading is in Dragonspine. They take the slowest of routes." He stopped and covered his mouth, a pose to show that he was thinking things over. Violet looked at Kaeya, a small smile gracing her lips, "You...keep surprising me Kaeya." She said as Kaeya blinked and looked at the other, "What do you mean?" He asked. Violet chuckled a little, "Just the way you've changed since we were together." She said as she started walking to gather her Dragonspine team. Kaeya watched her leave in confusion, but made his way towards his friend's shop. Albedo, Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius, often worked in Dragonspine due to the Hilichurls that lived there. His assistant Sucrose, the man ran a fairly popular Alchemy shop. Kaeya sighed softly as he felt a small pain in his right eye. He winced as he touched his eye patch gently, his eye had never acted up before now. He pulled his hand away and continued to walk towards the Alchemy shop, which was in view. He could see Sucrose and Albedo shifting through the stock as he approached, "Interesting seeing you here in town Albedo." He greeted, as the young blond man turned towards him, "Sir Kaeya, a pleasure as always. What may we owe the visit?" He asked as Kaeya looked at him, "I need your help. Jean has assigned me a tracking mission. A woman by the name of Viox Hala was kidnapped from her home earlier this evening. Violet Hala, her sister, is leading her own team of Dragonspine Knights, while I'm leading the other. I can only think of two people perfect for this job." He said in a serious tone, as Albedo cupped his chin, "You mostly need a guide, correct?" Albedo asked as Kaeya nodded, "Alright, we can head out here soon, we need some proper supplies and you need winter clothes to keep you warmer. Dragonspine is not a place to wear our normal Mondstadt clothes, this place is dangerous and cold." He said as Kaeya looked at his outfit, "Alright. I can find something." Kaeya said as he started to walk off, "Meet back here Sir Kaeya." Albedo said as Kaeya raised a hand to say he heard the Alchemist.

Kaeya was overheating in his new winter clothes, he had taken his old jacket from Viox's closet and taken it to his local seamstress, who lengthened it and lined it with fur to keep out the cold, his sleeves were longer and the coat was snug, more form fitting. Not bad in Kaeya's mind, but the coat was hot with the Mondstadt warm weather. He also asked to have his boots lined with fur as well. So his feet were unbelievably hot as he walked behind Albedo and Sucrose. The two were talking up a storm about whether plants could feel pain like the average human being. Kaeya groaned in his mind as he had heard the strange things that Sucrose hid within her quarters, the female knights talked about it almost every time the Alchemist in training went by. Kaeya normally would have been more intrigued by this information, but he would never snoop around a lady's rooms.

"Sir Kaeya?" Albedo asked as Kaeya blinked and looked at him, "Yes?" He asked back as Albedo pointed towards the broken bridge, "We have to cross carefully." He said as Kaeya took a moment to breathe in the winter air that surrounded Dragonspine. He released his breath as it ghosted around his lips. His face was drawn up in awe, as this was the first time he had ever experienced a winter. Mondstadt was sunny with the occasional rain storm, but never snow. He took in the sharp fresh air as they stepped onto the broken bridge, their footsteps crunched the top layer of fresh powder type snow. He reached out and touched a small snowflake as his mind rushed to Viox. He smiled, Viox and Violet both lived in Dragonspine for a large amount of their childhood, so they would know the layout pretty well. He wondered if Viox wanted children like he did, of course he was scared about being a horrible father, but he knew Viox would reassure him. Kaeya slowly felt himself frown as his team carefully jumped across the two ends hardly connected by stone. The snow was slick but they made it over without a hitch.

Soon, after half a day had passed, they had reached the Knights main campgrounds. Violet was already there sitting with her team of four. "You made it." She greeted him as he nodded, "Yes, I had to grab my team." He said as Violet looked at Albedo and Sucrose, "I see, I've heard stories of the Chief Alchemist and his cat ear assistant." She said as she looked over at Kaeya, "Are you alright?" She asked him. Kaeya took a moment to realize he had been frowning this whole time, he was actually showing his emotions instead hiding them like he was used to. Kaeya looked at her, "I'll be okay when I can hold her again." He said as Violet nodded, "Come on, meet my team." She said as Kaeya followed her, "Meet the crew of Dragonspine, We have Jules, Alex, Viper, and Jasmine." She said pointing at each member respectfully. The woman with brown wavy hair tied up in a ponytail walked up to Kaeya, sizing the man up, "This is your ex?" She asked Violet, who shrugged, "He's so..." she paused, as Kaeya raised an eyebrow. "Playboy." Jules said as she winked, "If you ever need a woman, just call me sweetcheeks." She flirted as Kaeya crossed his arms, "Taken." He said as Violet groaned. "Jules, he's called Viox." She said as Jules pouted, "He...is?" The man Violet, introduced as Viper, asked as he stood up, his shaggy black hair pushed back behind his ear as he looked at Kaeya, "Don't know why she'd go for him, I heard about the Cavalry Captain, Sir Knight Kaeya. A playboy." He smirked as Kaeya glared. "Viper enough." Violet snapped as the green-haired man perked up, "Sir Knight Kaeya?" He asked as he went over to the man, "You're so cool! I've heard a lot about you!" He said his name was Alex, as Kaeya chuckled a little, it was weak but he nodded at Alex, "Thank you, but I'm here on business." He said as the group finally settled. "We've had some reports of activity up on the mountain but we aren't sure if it's the Slave Traders or not. Especially with this storm settling in." Violet reported as Kaeya went over to a large map, leaning over it, "The Traders wouldn't have gone up there, it's too dangerous and difficult without a guide in general." He said as Violet nodded, "We're still going to go up there and look at the activity. It's odd." She said as Kaeya nodded, "Let me know of anything." He said as he again winced at the sharp pain in his eye, he touched the patch once more. Why would it act out now? He looked up towards the mountain side as he sighed out his nose. He hoped that she was up there. He prayed to the Seven she was. 

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